1980 indexNUMBER R-g0-1 R-80-2 R-g0-3 R-g0-4 R-g0-5 R-80-6 R-80-7 R-80-8 R-80-9 R-g0-10 R-g0-11 R-g0-12 R-80-13 R-80-1~ R-g0-15 R-g0-16 R-80-17 R-80-18 R-80-19 ADOPTED 01115/80 01/22/80 01/22/g0 01/22/80 02/o5/80 02/05/80 o2/12/8o 02/12/80 03/0 /80 o /o1/8o 05113180 o5/2o/8o 05/20180 05/20/80 05/2o/8o o611718o 06/17/80 11111180 11/23/80 RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED IN 1980 TITLE Resolution (motion) authorizing City Manager to execute amendments to Cooperation Agreement with Fairfax County Red~yelopment and Housing Authority. Resolution in support of NVTC proposed one percent regional sale___~s tax for financing Metro. Resolution making supplemental appropriation of $75,000 for purchase of fire truck. Resolution endorsing efforts of Fairfax County to promote a better construction safety program. Resolution for street improvements on a portion Of S~h901 Street from Route 123 to the west end of School Street. Resolution supporting continuance of General Revenue Sharing P rogra m. Resolution to approve the location and major design features of Pickett Road improvement. Resolution to request the state Department o! Highways & Transportation Commissioner to acquire the necessary rights-of-way for the Pickett Road improvement proiect. Resolution pertaining to Brault Amendment to HB 631 (gasoline sales tax). Resolution requesting the Fairfax City Park and Recreation Advisory Board to prepare a new bicycle and pedestrian system re0ort. Resolution authorizing the City Attorney to institute condemnation proceedings to acquire certain properties in connection with School Street improvement project. Resolution authorizing appropriations of the General Fund for 12-month period 3uly 1,1980 - 3une 30, 1981. Resolution authorizing appropriations of the General Revenue Sharine Fund for period 3uly 1,1980 - 3une 30, 1981. Resolution authorizing appropriations for the Water Fund for period 3uly l, 1980 - 3une 30, 1981. Resolution authorizing appropriations of the Sewer Fund for period 3uly 1, 1980 - 3une 30, 1981. Resolution authorizing City Manager to execute and file application to VDH&T for a grant of transportation revenues. Resolution on actual assessment for public improvements on Chestnut Street. Resolution authorizing the City Manager to apply for litter control grant funds~ Resolution authorizing supplemental revenue estimates and appropriations in connection with bouqdarv straightening.