19770111 r-77-2Resolution No. R-77-2 RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA, IN SUPPORT OF A BILL TO BE INTRODUCED IN THE STATE LEGISLATURE TO REMOVE THE BINDING ARBITRATION CLAUSE FROM THE WASHINGTON METRO- POLITAN AREA TRANSIT AUTHORITY COMPACT. WHEREAS, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, a public agency, operates the regional rapid transit system in the Washington Metropolitan area; and WHEREAS, according to the Regional Compact that estab- lished this public agency, WMATA is required to submit labor - management contract disputes to binding arbitration; and WHEREAS, WMATA requires public funding to continue its transit operations; and WHEREAS, the City of Fairfax Council does hereby deem it to be not in the public interest to continue this practice of binding arbitration because such deliberations result in higher operating costs than would be the case under a negotiated settle- men t, NOW, THEREFORE, the City of Fairfax Council hereby pledges its full support of legislation to be introduced before the 1977 Virginia General Assembly to remove the binding arbitra- tion clause from the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authorit~ Compact. Done this eleventh day of January, 1977. Attest: ~ C~y 'Clerk