1976 indexRES OL CH'IONS A DOP TED IN 1976 NUMBER R-76-1 R-76-2 R-76-3 R-76-4 R-76-5 R-76-6 R-76-7 R-76-8 R-76-9 R-76-10 R-76-11 R-76-12 R-76-13 R-76-1~ R-76-15 R-76-16 R-76-17 R-76-18 R-76-19 R-76-20 R-76-21 R-76-22 R-76=23 R-76-2~ R-76-25 ADOPTED Ol/O6/76 01/06/76 02/03/76. 02/10/76 0 /01/76 03/16/76 /7 6 0~/06/76 o5/18/76 o5/18/76 o5/18/76 o5/18/76 o5/18/76 o6/ol/76 06/15/76 06/15/76 07 0/76 08/0 /76 09/o7/76 10/05/76 10/19/76 11/16/76 11/16/76 12/07/'/6 1211~/76 Resolution _Univers, irE. Resolution Commission. TITLE pertaining to open Chess Championship~ G~_~.y. ge Mason restructuring the City,s Community Bicentennial Resolution pertaining to community block Rrant filing. Resolution designating an alternate City representative on the COG Board of Directors. Resolution pertaining to Senate Bill 950 (transportation tax_). Resolution redesignating Maole Street as Hallman Street between Routes 29-211-50 and 236. Resolution pertaining to acquisition o! right-of-way for iml~rovement proiect~ Route 29-211-50. Resolution approving location and design for ~ proposed to Route 29-211-50. Resolution pertaining to c~ondemnation for parking loT. Resolution to supPOrt the closing of Fairfax Elementary School. Resolution for appropriations to General Fund_~ FY 1976-1977. Resolution for ~al~oropriations to Sewer Fund~ FY 1976-1977. Resolution for al~ropriations to Water Fund~ FY 1976-1977. Resolution pertaining to redemption provisions and sale of $6 million ,,Water Revenue bond. Resolution accepting ..~6 million Water Revenue bond, Resolution for al~oropriations of Revenue Sharing Fund, FY 1976-1977. Resolution referring ~Chapters 13 and lg~ Zoning Ordinance,, to Planning Commission for recommendation. Resolution on deoositories for City. Resolution on relocation of utilities at Routes 29-211-50 and 2 bridge imorovements. Resolution concerning the City of Fairfax Historical Society. Resolution concerning dedication and easement of land for public use. Resolution ratifying NYTG bus Service agreement. Resolution adopting interim capital contribution agreement by WMATA. Resolution for street improvements on Oakwood Drive_. Resolution pertaining to construction~ repair~ alteration~ buildings constructed before 1900 and _h_avin~ historical value.. etc.~ to