19690520 r-69-09 R-69-9 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL 0F THE CITY OF FAIRFAX, 1. That in connection with the expansion of the City's ilwater storage facility in Loudoun County, Virginia, it is nec- essary to acquire certain land and interests from Norman Bernstein and Newlin R. Smith, et. al., as set out in the two attached certificates; ~ That the value of the said property and interests is estimated to be as follows: Newlin R. Smith, Trustee, et. al. $2,000.00 Norman Bernstein 5,800· 00; 3. That the Mayor and the City Treasurer are authorized to execute certificates in said amounts for recordation in the clerk's office of the Circuit Court of Loudoun County, pursuant to the City Charter and Title 33 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. Passed this ~Oth day of May, 1969. Th£s is to certify that $2,000.00 Is estimated by the City oouncil of the C~y o~ ~r~a~, Vl~a, ~o be the ~air ~lue o~ land he~er deso~, or ~nte~st therein, ~d ~es t~ r~tn~r, ~ff any, o~ed ~n ~le or ~r~ ~ ~wl~n ~. and ~iin R. S~th, ~tee, ~ioB ~he said City Council o~ the O~ of ~fax, Vlr~Xnia, ~s di~oted to be taken tn oon~o~i~ ~h t~ r~onst~ctton, alteration, and ~looation oF acute as ~r~ of the eni~ge~t o~ t~ e~eit~ o~ the ~ter st~e ~aeilitt~ ~ ~he Oi~y of ~rf~, Vt~inta, in ~udo~ Vl~lnta. ~e a~2 above specified or so ~eh ~he~of ~ directed by the co~, ~il ~ paid by ~he ~r~rer off the ~ o~ ~ud~ 0o~t2, ~tnia, as pro~_ded ~ Title ~pte~ 1, Artiele ~ off ~he 1~ 0erie off Vi~a, as a~ded. ~e ~nd er tn~e~s~ the~ln ~k~ is a ~ off the p~e~tY aequir~ ~ Newlin R. S~h ~ ~ed ~ted the ~ ~2 of ~~ , 1~, and ~rd~ a~ the land records in ~do~ CountY, Virginia, ~n ~ed B~ok ~2 at ~ge 57~ and acquired by Me~la R. S~h' ~ee ~der the te~ o~ the las~ ~11 and tee~nt of He~te~ta S. ~th, ~ed ~b~ 8, 1~1, and ~eoo~d in Will ~ok ~, ~ge 2~2 o~ the Will ~ok records ~ud~ Oo~, ~~a. ~e land or inte~ea~ the~ln taken ~e ~tteu~lY sho~ on the plat attached hereto and mde a CITY COU~CXL OP T~E CITY PAi~FAX, VX~GX~A -2- the county of Pairffax. Sta~e of Virginia. ~hose commission am such ~11 ~i~e on ~he ~Y o~ ....... ...... _~, 1~ ~, do he.by oe~ify ~t ~his ~ pe~so~lly appeared ~ffo~ ~ in ~ Oo~y and S~a~e afo~sald. O~E ~~ and ~~ COX. ~ose ~s are ~n~ ~o the ~or~oi~ and he~o ~exed certificate, b~ri~ ~he ~e of ~he ~~ of 19 , and ao~owle~ed ~he sa~ ~fore ~. Q~ ~der ~ ~ and ~o~arial Seal .................... . ..... , 19 · ~-~-li[otar~: PUbX{~ aS"af,ox,,eSaid ' .....