19690204 r-69-3 R-69-3 A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE NORTHERN VIRGINIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fairfax, Virginia is deeply interested and concerned in the education of its citizens; and WHEREAS, the approval of the master plan of the North- ern Virginia Community College provides for the expansion and development of a central campus and the establishment of satel- lite campuses by 1969 or 1970; and WHEREAS, all Northern Virginia jurisdictions support- ing the Northern Virginia Community College have contributed sub- stantial sums of money to Northern Virginia Community College either from general fund money or bond referendums; and WHEREAS, all available local jurisdictional money has been spent or committed; and WHEREAS, the $81,000,000 State bond referendum included construction money for only new community colleges, and the 1968-70 biennium budget includes construction money for only addi- tional community colleges; and WHEREAS, Commonwealth allocations to community college construction in the Northern Virginia area have not been in pro- portion to the population rate of growth or economic contribution of the area; and WHEREAS, the State Board of Community Colleges has re- quested and been granted an extension of time to April 5, 1969, before letting a construction contract for proposed satellite campuses and furthermore, may continue to ask for additional ex- tensions of time; and WHEREAS, the approval of the master plan by the local Community College Advisory Board and the State Community College Board established a commitment for the continued development of the Northern Virginia Community College as based on the pro- jected educational needs of Northern Virginia residents: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Fairfax, Virginia reaffirms its support of the adopted master plan for the Northern Virginia Community College and further compliments both the local and State Community College Boards for their analysis of the educational needs of Northern Virginia, and requests that the local political subdi- visions establish a cooperative effort in support of the continued development and expansion of Community Colleges in Virginia; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Governor and members of the General Assembly are hereby requested to fulfill the ob- ligations encompassed in the Northern Virginia Community College Master Plan, and toward that end, requests that additional funds be included in the 1970-72 biennial budget of the Commonwealth of Virginia; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution is to be forwarded to the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, all legislators in the Northern Virginia area, members of the Northern Virginia Community College Board of Directors, and members of the State Community College Board. of Directors. ADOPTED: February 4, 1969. Attest: cit~ Clerk