2019-10ORDINANCE NO. 2019-10 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE III, DIVISION 3, SECTION 2- 96 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA PERTAINING TO THE APPOINTMENT OR DESIGNATION OF AN ACTING CITY MANAGER. BE IT ORDAINED, by the City Council of the City of Fairfax, Virginia, that Chapter 2, Article III, Division 3, Section 2-96, of the Code of the City of Fairfax, Virginia, be and the same is amended as follows: "Sec. 2-96. — Acting City Manager. (a) In the case of the temporM absence of the city manager from the citv_and_the determination bv_the citLma Mer that such absence will not permit the city manager to adequately discharge the city manager's duties while absent, the city manager may. as part of the notice required pur cant to section 2-97 of this division, appoint an individual then currently in the full time employ of the city to serve as_acting_city manager until the return to duty of the city manager. If the city mana er fails t Appoint prior to commencing an absence from the cit then the assistant city manager shall without the need for further action, serve as acting city mana eruntil the return to duty f the city manager. If the assistant city manager is unable to serve for whatever reason, then the city council may agpQint an individual to serve as actin ci manager until the return -to duty of the city manager. In the ^Ace ^:C tha-a4sen assistant to the eity manager- shall sen,e as aeting city manager- until the Fetum__ te dutir (b) In the case of the incapacity, death,_ resignation or other vacancy in the position of city mana er other than for an absence as set forth in subsecti n a of this section),the a sistant city manager shall serve as acting city manager until the return to duty or replacement of the city manager. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the city council may. at any time during such incapacity, death, _resignation or other vacancy, appoint an individual other than the assistant city manager to-so_serve, in !he event the assistant. , r ��opruvcnzcir e eitymana'g8r. In the event the ehief of-pirivG -is, unable te Se n the ease of the . bsenee inempasity,_ This Ordinance shall become effective as provided by law. INTRODUCED: September 10, 2019 PUBLIC HEARING: September 24, 2019 ADOPTED: September 24, 2019 ATTEST: City Clerk VOTE: Councilmember DeMarco Aye Councilmember Lim Aye Councilmember Miller Aye Councilmember Passey Aye Councilmember Stehle Aye Councilmember Yi Aye _ yn. Pµ -L AAC.-I 4- Mayor ate