Curfew Ordinance CRIMINAL CODE OF THE CITY OF FAIRFAX, CHAPTER 3, ARTICLE VI . Section 8 - Loitering Ordinance. An ordinance regulating loitering of any person on public streets or other places between certain hours . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA: Section 8. 1 - Loiterinj Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to loiter, loaf or idle on foot or in a vehicle upon the public streets, highways, roads , alleys , parks , playgrounds, or other public grounds, public places and public buildings, places of amusement and entertainment, vacant lots or other unsupervised places, within the City of Fairfax, between the hours of 10:00 o'clock, P.M. and 6:00 o'clock, A.M. , official City time; provided, that no person shall be arrested for or charged with a violation of this section unless and until the arresting officer has first warned the offender of such violation and the offender has thereafter failed or refused to remove to a lawful destination. Section 8.2 - Penalties . Any personoottheaxxthanxxxxximax,x violating the provisions of Section 8 . 1 shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor a p nish d ' accordance with Article I, Section 2 Cod 3o 1 g e provisions of Section 8.1 shall be detained by the arresting officer until his/her parent or guardian can be notified, and, assume his/her custody, and, :further shall be dealt with in accordance with juvenile law and procedure . w...v � and HUs es� Phis ordinance shall be in full force and effect its - ! e, •approval ,a _. ADOPTED this day of , 196 . J.t A4411;0- tol oly..(x4a V14.‘' A 44i ■ (0ii" 61&11, /tA■0( I 4;4,fieif'44 I . woat4i 4Z �° '_ _ r-7 did 1 -a•ie -vk ,4- -26 ok,40 o‘dfrk- . ; �. `4,c‘ e a 'I a s 7(G !L : az— yF" ..-ade7 4- _ei. �� GI tw L44ti „?reiefr 14/0414,41 6 _22c 41:;4.5- ,_44,, If)-444 _ e444 ,f‘Z_ --cZwaj play ‘.4deca 4-/ -sieditu4A(_z4 imot lar v‘.e.-4.tre, tywoo",(44,ata-4- . ( . , /,4e . OQTIMI5 ti' Optimist ( tad of STairfax fRNATI� FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA A Reeclutivr. Concerning the iropobed CUMIN ORD ICL oliSHZA8, Ths Optimist Club of Fairfax, Inc. , an Affiliate of Optimist Iateraatlonal, is a group of *>on deriio* tea to studying and helping youth*■as ex;.reessd by our motto *Fri*$d or the Youth"; and, iB3R&A8, our collssties experiences with youa,i eeckls more tt.an demon- strate that the majesity of our youth are seer:tg their own 'cad o tzers' betterment: sod, 111148 A6, + e\ Usre that tilers *re Use young people who are "Oat apples" who must be controlled lest they spoil the greet majority; and. IKER. '3. our exrer once alao tescbe r us that it is not only the •o-called j uvenilss Wader lt:) . but frequently older per;aons lea Lin txie j uvenilsa astray. who need control Ruii Tli: . RL L. IT } $CLVi D tuat the Optimist Club of '91rfs.c, Inc. , gs on record as opposing a curfew ordnance airsotsd only at toss unuer 18; anu, as adVocOtipg, tt=.► t time hays: and Council of cis* City of .eaxrfux -aok4 In nti-Loitering eriManim moaelled. after Arotiters I through II of ,name c rdeeeee Restrieting Lai terin6 in the County of Fairfax, diiptsd Jai 4, 1960. with ,ne following additional provisions : 1. Thr t the Lours be cheap* ti: 1201s* to 6:00aa. 2, That loitering be speoifiially stated to include idling, wandering, et al, in nutearmwtbilss and Mis.1ila;r tor: s of sozive7 .;:cgs as well as on foot. L . That minors une er the age of its who are in violation or Lois crdnlnce DO detained until their parent or euardian (sail 118a4 Me their custody. or until the Juvenile court di$eorerr of their case. 4. That parents or guardians of violating minors aha11 assume financial responsibility for any damages caused by such minors during ♦ioleitions. AID 3: IT 3►` :"Na RgSOLVLD. that the wecre tsry be las roc ted to forward a sp; of this resolution to the ;i:war of t%e City of Fairfax, and that a designated res, rsser;tetiYS of tile club be Distrusted to n=4Ae en oral ires.i,t*Liun or ti.e for points of this resolution btfore tt e Mayor and ;aunail at time ,.ublrc rierlai on November 7, 1A461 . 1 . +:la0MO: 1 cyeaabar 1942 Donald E. rypu. ocret-ry I r C*1 1ssl. CO SE Of T4 CITY OP MI MS, C.b1APfi41 s, ARUM VI. kmti+ s • Furrow t r l s. tAat tt lest CO r+c e1*t1•s ship protianca of oloors owier the *so of it r rs IA petite st><sat0 and *tsms ta+ice* ssts•sa costal* h.iiirr. *Woes, 4 to the topoodla;t pep-elation nee pr+rraf lltttr ors &1* ctrlsltso! 4oiloos eat'P leas so lasts/mod la tbs City of ?sights as 10 040200 * *tome* to the, pr*$0* ttio* .# p<blls s, Welty. braithp good artier, comfort, *evils mit welfare; mss, ftl it[P* tit. to IT ON0A11180 tT Tnt COUSUL or TO2 CITY Of PAttPtl$ tscti•• 0.1 • i. 1tsrm •f $i�*0t* rrahis#t * it *boll he mnl ►mf tl for say al : •aslat the sso of 1$ rotors to loiter. idiot **odor, stroll, he at lams r* feet or to o rwaicls ar ploy to or woe the public stump* Ml s. reads, shots, pasts. Piap` :ramods, or ether public are . pohlic flscas sn4 Wills *siftings, lscetR of tt sod ,ntsrteis ent, Vseantt lofts or std s • suposrisa4 Lac+.3 bolus** the tars of 12t01 •'clsci, A.M. ste t WO o'clock* #.0,, official City tom• pacts/A. a tscsr, that the ptort$ls•s of this ; sties 4* ant *poly to a minor socoopested ty his es sex *Wont. *.ar41 o*.. or *that' *4r.l$ goon avtias t.hs tare or tostetil of the miner, or ..hero the oleos has sad discloses A tsvfti ssPa lsc* viotas*** .1 t prmrtstso* of this Srmttro shell ctictstltuta a► sa srata *Moose. , . Ut‘tloa 4.1 • t ,o• It •bail be sallwful (or tho Went, tuar4iia, or ether adult porso, hAvilkg tc car ate cuato0 of A other oa4.7 tte *to af 14 yaars to hoovta.40 Wait *loch sta., to lottor. 141o, wonder. stroll, be it large we feet •r in a vehicle, er play in or *pea the public streets, highways* read** alley** parks, playgreunds* or other ralqit grounds* pobiic places and public buildings, places el azumasaat sta4 estootatiosavt, vattalit tato Of At.h.r OUSWWViiiiitA 4.c * between the •hear) of 11101 •*elect* A.R. Axil SOO o'clock* A.W,.. official City tie*, ?rovidei„ however* that the pr0,114014 of tit* /tactics 4* at apply te a winor asempasied by his or her weet, gnardiso* 41* ether adult person having tke tele er custody of the nicker* er A4ATA tb* 41350t kAS Arat a1tit410$** A pe1#010e. each violet*** of the previsions of this 5action thall weastitute * separsta offense. Secties 4.1 - Aar sissy vielstlat the previaleas Of ** tie* 1.1 *hail 4a •it with in accerdence with Jevesike tau sad precede-To. Anip, ram**. guardian* et, ether edult r•ma litanies the care sad tuatedy of a airier vie/sties Section 4.1 shell be Used *et lent then $10.00 nor more Ikon $400.00* or confined is jail, set were than 41 days, or paaished by bleth egad 0400 esti loprlsofteent far aac h off's**. sestioo 1.4 • ii.,41141kWt, of 1"viskOV" 1* 1* the iateatten of the City Council that each separate prevision of this ordinance *hell be deesell Independent of oil ether prevision* berets, and it is farther the iotwatioo of the City Comatil that if *ay provistoos of *hl. ordissoco Wigs dooloro4 tovot24, all *Char prowisioos thotoof shall resod* valid asa enforce/Al*. This *rains*** 0011 4* L4 lot/ fore* sod effoct days fro* *44 sitar its poosagoo opprowsl •ad pvikalestioo• A4aptiod this day ar • Lula. CitOlt Of Tut CITY 0, CUAPM 10 A*Tliat U. stetioo 4 0, salmstlaittat. erilltotos* totoiotlog prompoto • *loot* ondor ot* • IS poor* to po011s strooto *14 other plod** Ootw000 cortoSo lopotos iso to sat* **poodtop -popolottoo sew provotlloto $omoollo drlolool dollOtoolocf too* ** tossed to tbs city or Ifolrfo* a* to O.40114 * OOOO4* tO Ut* prOtOro*t$O0 of po*lls voodoo •*lot', Oooltto good ordovo *Wort* moral* **4 ***tot.; tgOo, matrons tip if MOVIE, SY Y CgoallCiL P TUS Carr Of tAISPAlt Soctio* 4.1 • LOitort%, Of # *Or* Pr Lb olo It shall *0 uoiootoi filo( *my otoor *odor tko *4* of l# riot* to Mayor, d talo* oovilor• PlitY i* of opost tho voWlIc Omt*, olottoovos roods, -alloy** ruts* plovIromoioo or *IMO poUlic * 4$a polio vlotoo Sod pottte Wading*, vlotos sf cYg s000mmot mod owtortaisomoto **toot lots et otttor omtuf*rolsoi r-- pl**** boto*** tit* LOUT, et Xe0 0:2‘44 /9/ , v 12. / w-dhk Ctly tto*, providoio It****olfo Shot provlot*** of tklo &Hitt** A. mot applly to s otoOr occoovisio4 Of 1ts or two Wool. raoldl000 *10 otboir otolt pats*o luerto4 tU* d*** or tootelly of Om oloor* or wit*i* ttlo Moor km* ood 41**1**** a lowfol poops**, tottli *Wet*** of who torovlotoo* et ttlito !iootioo 0411 coostOoto o OW,Ofutte offonoo• * telellialarJit.t=tato It 11"14 s osi*Iffel for do wol. gworts , or othor spOsit. orno %arise In ciao *1141 notoity of a 'door wan! tbto ago of it roar* toi etLit .4t/L deltr-e,"/-c.c. a V, kooviogly porsitt soot aloof to loin,* idlo, **oast. *trial ow kloy is or 44 th alis •tint., hietnys, roo4o, slier*, part*, pisytrosads, *r otUor voalle grow:toe, vaatis plocos pahlic tratlilisgoo plates of agasoswat so4 onertstannt, racsot 1st* Or OW ossoporviso4 plow itootitipps aosr* of , *oat /"4- official Ctty 00,1404, aosovero that tao proviotoos *1 tat* r,Itegte* de egg •POOP to s *int aconpniodi %, %40 or !atm Wool* foar4iss. or othor a4sIt won battles W. 44f0 • coosodI of tho *inf. or otioro Om •Ivor he* 41*olosts s lavfol Wool*, tack otolatios of tao provioloso of tat* Usti** 0411 coastitatit **won Wow,* Soctioo 1.1 • tglai• • Soy *Inv violottag tht iprovision •f *actin 1:1 *hail ho dealt *Pith is actor4s4to *Ma Jovosito so4 proonoro* *ov Wool. goaroi*se Or otter *dolt 040400 00,I*# 00 sap ao4 costoaly of * **Dar ft010t100 Ueeti00 44 *WI 'Os f1n4 vet Iv** On ilio. 00 *or oovit that" $ 6OC. o o # or natinA la )81/ sot pore tilos ,10 nr*. or postiohot Or booth 1st4 fin *A14 topft*ovoluat for soch offoon. goctioft 1.4 • gluttattjittta. t is tort iatoatin of Om City tooacil Oat • ot* •*potato provioloo of tts •rdlonso •aalf n Anon to4opoa4ost of all otkor roriotoo* holto$14 411o4 it to forthor tax lotntios of In City C*sail that if soy provision of Ois ovilionco 41"041,04 iovslivi* *II tabor provisiev* tkoiroof obott roost* **114 ao0 **Nritiothlo, fl)* or41***c* b* to ton fort* alit *Moot 4*,* fru. sad *ft** tt* porno* Oppoo,*1 **4 roblicattoolk *Oop**4 Opt* 4•v Aiiheo-e-e it."41 ite ...eihe4, _zr a4idt.e4i 04$064/442 er,;,„,;‘,/ _,..4-xe4zzz ,_.g r°1046/Ahe-e) ,-/-45%-i2ricr#06.0.04- _.0t,v3v1 ",„/ /e#e; _216 # , /,741/14<.. _2; _2,4_4 -6t t71°A- "V j"jud h r 4i) '4°) V4eA c u %z/e. f- /4K / AV- 1-leh ( 6i6a#4 ititr ,47 ,„. d. , e0 „ ,,- .____.ee0,04.,f4ad „fr // ee„,/ 4,41.A$6 ./041i Seldi W44: r N 0*,eti‘ad7e r_ 12- -2‘44 es‘tilgir ( J44, crt.A-2 At4eA.eies6 cleeLtri ) dowee) 74y-A0"- e) els"-e4 00eAlZ'giotez-a) 01-14 44,11 IrS4 41/41;,2 "seek/ ioca440.7 .f.dL.z4-rkece,;00,a) z ��° #4"4, ,tiej atodti .)441 . ,z04-4 . 7A6,1A- ea4(zoiL VI—SZ441 _� �I µ GbL/d 40;4 fr_G; '1/,1:1 fle 4n1 _rAotZ /f/t01.1-‘¢41;X_ Gi-J-P404.14 .4/4//k La/ ,/ - .644,4411r- ,4,4440e-e wovaoc 1 g (7) 77. 3 r .Att OV' .1";kid a o- / YQ7,-D ..441411.A otaa, goo,/0,4 0-.L) G c7 °i, 0), _d.Lt Ate kt, to4,-1 --1/Lala ,e41 aWl°az (4, tai) /14 vx It„.4_ , 7 ,e,‘,V ar=4/4-91 oecki tv- axe e./-.,itor .1 6 cad te,j„45 —( 1i—hey tia4 du- „i.rsa,ot ix/ _ala4 „La/ Z w.d.deik16 ez,orx1,4 (;')-1-a" ktue- et4 iyail V 4,„,A - - 44"7 ,friere÷ 6?' 1/P/14 roi ,agdi _ 7/41 I 0(( /ow& _ //pfi c6 442- etej ate - gtisa, _ matt pi- pp/ h /1' z e Al /73 ..S i ��` --e'k 02610.a4- --414.tma--i-dadAtzte g de,p;t October 12, 1962 ! r. Raymond F. Lowery City Solicitor City of Wilkes-Barre Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania Dear Mr. Lowery: I am in receipt cf your letter of October 8th, enclosing photostatic copy of your curfew ordinance. I appreciate your courtesy in sending this ordinance to me and I have found the game very helpful. Sincerely yours, RUST & RUST, B y- JHR: c CITY OF WILKES- BARRE PEN► -Yl. NIA OFF E •M : tip OR Ra and F. Lower `x-10 `V CITY SOLICITOR 0 ctober 8, 1962 John H. Rust, Esquire Attorney for the City of Fairfax 100 South Payne Street Fairfax, Virginia Dear Mr. Rust: Concerning your recent request for a copy of our curfew ordinance, I am enclosing a photostatic copy of the same. This ordinance was adopted many years ago by the City and, at the present time, is not really being enforced. However, to my recollection, sporadically, in the past, it has been enforced. It may be of interest to you and for that reason, I am enclosing the same. Very truly yours, Azd-e>27 Cam' Raymond F. Lowery City Solicitor RFL:mtk En c. • t " Curfew" CO ratnance. Children under 14 years of age to be off streets Parente not to allow children under 14 year, at 9 p.m.,1. of age on streets after f p.m.,S. • ` Children not to be imprisoned until parents Penalty. a. ,- Iare notified and refuse to become re- Police to arrest parental,etc.for violation,S. S sponslble. 4. , t 1. it shall be unlawful for any person under 14 years ism i i o' of age to be or remain in or upon any of the public streets, ..1),"p.t». Q alleys or public commons in the City of Wilkes-Barre at night Personsun- after the hour of nine o'clock, unless such person is accompan- of ageynots ' rmitted on ' ' ied by a parent, guardian, or other person having the legal mtreets,etc. ` pe custody of said minor person; or said minor person is in the Pacectione. � n performance of an errand or duty directed by such parent, guardian or other person having the care or custody of said t minor person, or whose employment makes it necessary to 1 be upon said streets, alleys or public commons during the night-time after said specified hours; provided that this ex k ception shall not apply when the person under age shall be jt playing or unnecessarily loitering in or upon said streets, alleys or public commons, whether alone or accompanied 1 by a parent, guardian or any other person or persons whom- ° i soever (i) t, 2. It shall be unlawful for any parent, guardian, or other Id, t i 4 person having legal care or custody of any person under four-rarsat,.bow teen years of age to allow or permit any such child, ward or - a s other person under such age, while in such legal custody, to go tar tr�r or be in or upon any of the streets, alleys or public commons•p•m. . .' (1) By rem. Mar. 96, 190x, R. B. "(3," p. 400, int at the hour of 9 o'clock tot the purpose of the fire gongs, located at the Routh Wilke,- carrying this ordinance into.Qeet;said eom- i t Barre shaft and the Hollenback breaker, paniee having consented to the b4owtng of the owned by the L.I W.B. Coal Co..and at the fire gongs at their breakers,without imposes �4 Conyngham breaker, owned by the D.&H. to the city. Co.,were directed to be sounded every even- rt.• A Ai''''r 4 N • . ° - NW- ' a� s 4 f.— - ;a ` K ♦lip r' ' w iJ .x s t r k% 4 - Ot t .+ ► . . t d r y # ''e. _ A, i x• Ai j fi ;�, ,r ..,,� vr • , } . a`. a.,• �� lrir ;:,rr t ,.t,r^c ? ��... r,ti x s �lty �- ° '?„'{ 58 CURFEW ORI)I\A NCE—l)ANCF.S AND BALLS. in the City of Wilkes-Barre within the time prohibited in see- . tion one of this ordinance, unless reasonable necessity exists therefor. Id. t s. 3. The Police Department. of the ('ity of Wilkes-Barre Peetepace te-. are hereby authorized to arrest, without warrant, any person teion.tc.for viola- willfully violating section two of this ordinance and detain such person for a reasonable time in which a complaint can • • be made and a warrant served. Id. t:. 4. No child or minor person,arrested under the provisions Children not of this ordinance, shall be placed in confinement until the to be lm- v�l °eon parent or guardian of such person shall be notified of such arc notleretwie ed to 1 arrest and shall have refused to be held responsible for the and ecomete observance of the provision of section one of this ordinance by said minor person. Id. 8 s. 5. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance Penalty shall be punishable by a fine of not less than two dollars nor more than ten dollars and upon conviction, in default of pay- ment be imprisoned in the Luzerne Comity Jail for a period not exceeding ten days. fiances anb Valk. ' t CRIMINAL CQR)J-. OP THE CITY OP FAIRFAX, CHAPTRR X, ARTICLE VI. Section 8 • Curfew Ordinance. An ordinance regulating the prosaism, of Diners Mader the age of IS years is public streets and other places between certain hours. Whereas, due to the expending population now prevailing, juvenile criminal delinquency has so increased in the City of Fairfax as to bacoae a oensco to the preservation of public peace, safety, health, geed order, comfort, corals and welfare; NOW, 'THRAEPGRl , RR IT (MAIM AY T}IR COUNCIL OP TNl3 CITY OF FAIRFAX: Section 8.1 • Lo+ftsrl�tt of alnu�ss Preehthitit. It shall be r�r�r�+r�rr�u�+r� �rmr.r.na�rr�+�wr��r uniswfnl for any miser under lb. sae ei 1S years to loiter. idle, weedeer. stroll, be et large on feet or in a vehicle, or play le or upon the public streets, highways, reeds. alleys, parks, plays grounds, or other public grounds, public places and public buildings, places of amusement and entertainment, vacant lots or ether taus supervised places between the hours of 12101 o'clock, A.M. and 1i3 o'clock, A.M., official City tine, provided, however, that the provisions of this Section do net apply to a seiner accompanied by his or her parent, guardian, or other adult person having the care or custody of the minor, or where the minor has and dtseLrns a lawful purpose. Rick violation, of the provisions of this Section shall c•aatitute a separate offense. Unties $.1 Responsibility of rarssts• it *bell be uuleerfu-1 for the parent, guardian, or other adult parson bailer the care and custody of a miner under the ale of is roars to knowingly permit such minor to loiter, 141e, wander, stroll, be at large on feet or in a vehicle, or play in or upon the public streets, highways, roads, alleys, parks, piaygreunds, or ether pote11c grounds, vublie places and public buildings, places of auuseaent and entertainment, vacant lots or other u.uaupeTrised places between the hour, of 12*01 a'cleck, A.M. sad SOO o'clock, A.M., official City ties, provided, however, that the provisoes of this Section do sot apply to a minor accompanied by his or her parent, guardian, or other adult person having the east or custody of the sinor, Or vhsr* tho wino? has and discloses a lawful purpose. Bach vt*lstien of the provisions of this Section shall nosstitut• a separate Oft's*. Section 6.3 - Penalties: Any ninon violating the provisions of Section 5.1 shall be dealt with in accord*z ce with Amodio law end procedure. Any patent, tua?diea, er other adult pore** bevies the care sad custody of a wines violative$ Section s.2 shall be nand sot less than $10.00 nor M@T4! than $500.00, or confined to jail not avers than 30 days, or punished by both said fine and iapris©naent for each offense. Section 5.4 . Separability of ?r+wisioar, It is the iateation of the City Council that each separate provision of this ordinance s1e011 be doomed independent of all other psevisloss herein, sod it is farther the intention of the City Countii that if any prert*ions pi this e<rdissaes b. declared invalid, all ether previsions tbergt shall remain valid and enforceable. Teti, ordinance shall be to full force and effect days free and after its passage, approval and .publication. Adopted this day of , 1962. 2139VNVW A1I3 '21f ` NVW110Z 'W WVI11IM 'lI3Nl03 ONV 110AVW 3H1 01 SIHl 3O S3 I d03 1N3S 3AVH I 'NO 11VW2iOJN I I f10A 2103 S I ` N019N I X31 JO NM01 3H1 A9 0313VN3 A11N33323 33NYNI0210 M3321(13 03S013N3 3H1 BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Lexington , Virginia THAT ; Section 21 - 18 . 1 of the Town Code be as follows : SECTION 21- 18 . 1 Curfew for Minors Under 18 Years of Age . It shall be unlawful for any parent , guardian or other adult person having the care , custody and control of any minor child under the age of eighteen years , to permit or allow such minor child to loiter or remain in or upon any street , alley, park or other public place with- in the Town of Lexington , or to loiter or remain in or about any motor vehicle in and upon any street or alley within the said Town , whether the same shall be parked or in motion , between the hours of 11 : 00 P .M. and daylight of the following day unless such minor child shall be ac- companied by said parent , guardian or other adult person having the care , custody and control of such child , or unless such child shall be accom- panied by any other adult person with the permission of such parent , guardian or other adult person having such care , custody and control of such child . It shall be unlawful for any adult person to encourage any minor child under the age of eighteen years to loiter or remain in or upon any street , alley , park , or other public place within the Town of Lexington , or to loiter or remain in or about any motor vehicle in and upon any street or alley within the said Town , whether the same shall be parked or in motion between the hours of 11 : 00 P . M. and daylight of the following day , unless such minor child shall be accompanied by a parent , guardian or other adult person in the manner hereinbefore described . It shall be unlawful for the owner , manager or other person having control of any public place , or any business or private motor vehicle , to permit , allow or encourage any minor child under the age of eighteen years , to loiter or remain in or about such public place , or motor vehicle , between the hours of 11 : 00 P . M . and daylight of the following day , unless such child he accompanied by a parent , guardian or other adult person in the manner hereinbefore described . This ordinance shall not be construed as to prohibit said minor children from attending places of religious worship or meetings held by or under the auspices of the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts , or other like organizations , not accompanied by the parent , guardian or other adult person . Any person convicted of violating this ordinance shall be fined not more than TWENTY- FIVE DOLLARS ($25 . 00) for the first offense and not more than ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($ 100 . 00) for succeeding conviction . S/ P . A . Holstein MAYOR S/ John V. Berberich .CLERK ENACTED : September 6 , 1962 This will certify that I have published the above Ordinance by posting six copies thereof at six public places within the Town of Lexington , including one copy posted at the front door of the Rockbridge County Court (louse , Lexington, Virginia . 5/ A. , Rhodeniser A . E . Rhodeniser Chief of Police $ Town Sergeant September 8 , 1962 OFFICERS ROBERT D.MORRISON,President City Manager,Lynchburg E.LEWIS KNOWLES,First Vice-President Vice-Mayor,Staunton R.WILL" M ARTHUR,Second Vice-President Town Attorney,Wytheville J.H.FLIPPEN,Third Mayor, Virginia Municipal League Mayor,Crewe C.V.JACKSON,Fourth Vice-President Mayor,Pulaski HORACE H.EDWARDS,Executive Committeeman 905 TRAVELERS BUILDING, RICHMOND 19, VIRGINIA City Manager,Richmond GEORGE C. BENTLEY, Executive Committeeman Mayor,Hampton AREA CODE 703-TELEPHONE MILTON 8-4979 ROY L WEBBER,Executive Committeeman Councilman,Roanoke STAFF HAROLD L. BAUMES, Executive Secretary 00."I$°4 STUART W.CONNOCK,Field Consultant 2P m .4 ,,f V.C.ADAMSON,General Counsel 6 L.A v GLADYS A.FIORILLO,Administrative Assistant lid m ANNE deBUTTS,Research Assistant J1 BESSIE H.WHEELER,Chief Stag Secretary x 1-, MARY S.PACE,Staff Assistant ,, -��,,,®oy YIRGINIA MU CIPAI REVIEW --irtTeo N° October 15, 1962. Official Publication Ralph L.Dombrower,Managing Editor MUNICIPAL MEMBERSHIP Abingdon Lawrenceville Accomac Lebanon Alberta Leesburg Alexandria Lexington Altavista Louisa Appomattox Lynchburg Mr. John H. Rust, Arlington McKenney Ashland Madison City Attorney, Bedford Manassas Berryville Manassas Park City Hall,Stone Gap Marion , Blacksburg Martinsville Blackstone Middleburg Fairfax, Virginia. Bloxom Middleboro Bluefield Mineral Boone Mill Monterey Bawling Green Montrose Dear Mr. Rust: Boyce Mt Crawford Baydton Mt.Jackson Boykin Narrows Bridgewater New Castle Bristol New Market I have your letter of October 12 and wish to advise that in Broadway Newport News Bradnax Newsome accordance with your request, we shall be glad, of course, Buchanan Norfolk Buena Vista North Tazewell to extend the loan of the material on curfew ordinances Burkeville Norton Cambria Occoquan Cape Charles Onancock until after your meeting November 7. Cedar Bluff Onley Charlotte C.H. Orange Charlottesville Painter Chase City Parksley With best wishes, I am Chatham Pearsburg Cheriton Pembroke Chilhowie Pennington Gap Chincoteague Petersburg Christiansburg Phenix Very sincerely yours, Claremont Pocahontas Clarksville Pequosen ii.... Cleveland Portsmouth ^ / J Clover Forge Pound /n �` L�-)Ja;Clintwood Pulaski ��i, '��Clover PurceUrille Coeburn Qualities Colonial Beach Radford Colonial Heights Remington rold I. Baumes, Courtland Rich Creek Covington Richlands Executive Secretary. Craigsvitle Richmond Crewe Ridgeway Culpeper Roanoke Damascus Rocky Mount Danville Round Hill HIB:w Dayton Rural Retreat Dendron St.Paul Dillwyn Salem Drakes Branch Saltville Dublin Sale Eastville Scottsville Edinburg Shenandoah Elkton Smithfield Emporia South Boston Exmore South Hill Fairfax South Nerfelk Falls Church Stanardsville Farmville Stanley Franklin Staunton Fredericksburg Stephens City Fries Stony Creek Front Royal Strasburg Gains Stuart Gate City Suffolk • Glade Spring Surry Glasgow Tangier - Glen Lyn Tappahannock Gordonsville Tazewell Grottoes The Plains Grundy Timberville Halifax Troutville Hamilton Urbana Hampton Victoria Harrisonburg Vienna Haymarket Vinton Henries Virginia Beach Herndon Wachapreague Hillsville Wakefield Holland Warrenton Honaker Warsaw Hopewell Waverly Independence Waynesboro Iron Gate Weber City Irvington West Point Ivor Whaleyville Jonesville Williamsburg 57th ANNUAL CONVENTION, THE JOHN MARSHALL,RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Keller Winchester Kenbr idge Windsor SEPTEMBER 23, 24, 25, 1962 br Keysville Wise Kilmarnock Woodstock LaCrosse Wytheville October 12, 1962 Er. harold I. Buumes Executive Secretary Virginia Municipal League 905 Travelers Bldg., Richmond 19, V _•ginia. Dear i,r. Baunes: I am in receipt of your letter of October 5, 1962, in which you bent me copies of several cur- few ordinances of Virginia municipalities. In your letter you requested that these copies be returned to you before October 20, 1962, but since we are having a meeting on the subject on November 7th, I would appreciate your permitting me to keep these copies a little longer. Thanking you fcr your help in this connec- tion, I am, Sincerely yours, City Attorney OFFICERS ROBERT D.MORRISON,President City Manager,Lynchburg ____E—!ieS KNOWLES,First Vice.President iiiee.M.,or,Staunton R.WILLIAM ARTHUR:Second Vice-President Town Attorney,Wytheville J.H.FLIP Third Vice-President May or,Crewe Virginia Municipal League May C.V.JACKSON,Fourth Vice-President Mayor,Pulaski HORACE H.EDWARDS,Executive Committeeman 905 TRAVELERS BUILDING, RICHMOND 19, VIRGINIA City Manager,Richmond GEORGE C. BENTLEY, Executive Committeeman Mayor,Hampton AREA CODE 7O3—TELEPHONE MILTON 8.4979 ROY L WEBBER,Executive Committeeman Councilman,Roanoke STAFF HAROLD L BAUMES, Executive Secretary Mw!c o STUART W.CONNOCK,Field Consultant rP 1 a V.C.ADAMSON,General Counsel i GLADYS A.FIORILLO,Administrative Assistant Y __` ANNE deBUTTS,Research Assistant ' . BESSIE H.WHEELER,Chief Staff Secretary s`" MARY S.PACE,Staff Assistant a ti'"I'w. o" slrrlireo October 5, 1962. VIRGINIA MUNICIPAL REVIEW Official Publication Ralph L.Dombrower,Managing Editor MUNICIPAL MEMBERSHIP Abingdee Lawrencevilta Accomac Lebanon Alberta Leesburg Alexandria Lexington Altavista Louisa Amherst Luray Appomattox Lynchburg Arhagten McKenaey Ashland Madison Bedford Manassas Mr. John H. Rust, Berryville Manassas Park City Attorney, Stone Gap Marion y y, Blacksburg Martinsville Blackstone Middleburg City Hall, Bloom Middletown Bluefield Minim Fairfax, Virginia. Boone:Min Monterey Bowling Green Noniron s Boyce Mt.Crawford Boydton Mt.Jacksao Boykins Narrows Dear Mr. Rust: Bridgewater New Castle Bristol New Market Broadway Newport News Brodnax Newsems Buchanan Norfolk I have your letter of October 4 and in accordance with your request, Buena Vista North Tazewell Burkeville Norton am glad to lend you copies of several curfew ordinances of Virginia Cambria Occaquan Cape Charles Onancock municipalities which I hope will be useful to you for study. Cedar Bluff Onley Charlotte C.H. Orange Charlottesville Painter Chase m Pearisburg Parksley Chatham Please return this loan material to us after it has served your Cheriton Pembroke Chilhowie Pennington Gap purpose and, in the meantime, if we can be of further service Chincoteague Petersburg Christiansburg Phenix in any way, please let me know. Claremont Pocahontas Clarksville Poqueson Cleveland Portsmouth Clifton Forge Pound With best wishes, I am Clintwood Pulaski s Clover Purceltville Coeburn Quarto Colonial Beach Radford Colonial Heights Remington Very sincerely yours, Courtland Rich Creek Covington Richlands Craigsville Richmond Crewe Ridgeway _ Danville Roanoke ,.z i�t`��// /8, ��' Damascus Rocky Mount l(/ Q� Danville Round Hill "'�jL_. Dayton Rural Retreat Dendron St.Paul rold I. B aume s, Dillwyn Salem Drakes Branch Saltville Dublin Saris Executive Secretary. Eostville Scottsville Edinburg Shenandoah Elkton Smithfield Emporia South Boston HIB:w Exmore South Hill Fairfax South Norfolk Falls Church StanardsviUe Frai Stanley Enclosures Franklnklin n Staunton Fredericksburg Stephens City Fries Stony Creek Front Royal Strasburg Galax Stuart Gate City Suffolk Glade Spring Sorry Glasgow Tangier Glen Lyn Tappahannock Gordonsville Tazewell Grottoes The Plains Grundy Timbervilla Halifax Troatvilte Hamilton Urbanna Hampton Victoria Harrisonburg Vienna Haymarket Vinton Henrico Virginia Beach Herndon Wachaprague Hillsville Wakefield Holland Warrenton { Honker Warsaw Hopewell Waverly Independence Waynesboro Iron Gate Weber City Irvington West Point Fear Whaleyville Jarrett White Stone Jonesville Williamsburg 57th ANNUAL CONVENTION, THE JOHN MARSHALL,RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Keller Winchester SEPTEMBER 23,24,25, 1962 Kenhridge Windsor Keysville Wise Kilmarnock Woodstock LaCrosse Wytheville November 8, 1962 Mr. Harold I. Baumes Executive Secretary Virginia Municipal League 905 Travelers Bldg. , Richmond 19, Virginia Dear Mr. Baumes: I return herewith the material which you sent me with reference to curfew ordinances and I appreciate your help in this connection. If at any time I can be of service to you, please let me know. Sincerely yours, City Attorney JHR: c Encls. Pffrt.,:t OiiD AN= PAIOSIMI 12-311-13 00pI_: 6411411 QM. SIM A MANN, MEM .. • MM. It shall be unlaerftiul for maw chi d:oder the age of fifteen years is be upss the streets er in ether public places of the city, after the hour ef 11:00 P. M., unless aseempasied by the parents, guardian or sear adult person larftlly in sharp of such child. It shall be unlawful for may parent, guardian or other person hewing the custody of such ehild, under the age of fifteen years, to allow such child to be epos the streets or in other public places in the city after 11:00 P. M., unless ases.panied by the parents, guardian er sous adult person in charge of such child. This ssstion shall not be so construed as to prohibit children under fifteen years of age free attending places of religious worship or meetings held by or under the asspices of the public schools or Bey scouts and Oirl scouts, or other as►s like orgasisati , not accompanied by the parents, guardian or other adult person. 1:y person violating any of the provisions of this section shall, upon cam- evictim, be fined not to exceed five dollars for the first effuses, but for each !� succeeding offense thereafter shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than twentyufive dollars. { 9$ This material is a LOAN from the xR VIRGINIA MUNICIPAL LEAGUE 905 Travelers Bldg. Richmond 19, Va. Please Return Before n-rv-r---�t1 Y#-'. ya CHAR TESVILLE CITY CODE 1')39 Sec. 19-20. Curfew It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of fifteen years to be in or upon the streets or public parks of the city after 9: 15 P. M. , unless accompanied by and in the care of his parent or guardlan, or unless actually executing an emergency errand upon which he has been sent by his parent or guardian, or unless such person be employed in beslness and his employ- ment makes It necessary for him to be upon the streets of the city during the nighttime after the specified hoer. Any person violating the ,provisions et this section shall be fined not lese than one .totter nor more than five dollars for each offense. It shall be the duty et the chief et the fire deperttr.ent each day in the ,rear, fifteen minutes before the time Q;. tcified in this section. to -_ause to be rung the belt ef the fire ieeartment f ,r ten successive str kes. It is hereby made enlawfui for any parent r guardian having the legal custody :f any child under fifteen years -•f age to al'ow or eerrntt any such child or war :tn '.er 3t ch age to g or be in er upon an , street )r public park in vielatien of the ors visions 4.4 this section. Any persnn violating the provisions of this section Malt, .p et conviction, be fined not less than one dollar nor more than five d liars for each ' ffense. (Code 1945, ch. 19, * 13; 5-7-4c. ) 4 This material is a LOAN from the VIRGINIA MUNICIPAL LEAGUE 905 Travelers Bldg. Richmond 19, Va. Please Return Before r--/-1-Z4 •e---t2 a ? /q e r. October 12, 1962 Ivr. J. E . Drinard City Attorney City of Richmond. Richmond, Virginia Dear Er. Drinard: I arr: in receipt of copies of Sections 24-4 thrcugh 24-7, of the Richmond City Code of 1957, in regard to curfew ordinance. I appreciate your courtesy in sending this material to me and am finding the same very helpful. .incerely yours, City Attorney JHR: c . 4 0,t Rirkii, ti ��- J 2 Y JOHN P. MCGUIRE,JR. CO NA R D B. MATTOX,J R. J. ELLIOTT DRINARD -ry.•A/-.-" JAMES A. EICHNER OT4MILTDa OD O. CONRAD THACKER,JR. CITY ATTORNEY l7e2 ASSISTANTS DEPARTMENT OF LAW RICHMOND, VIRGINIA October 5, 1962 . Mr. John H. Rust, City Attorney, 100 South Payne St. , Fairfax, Virginia. Dear Sir: Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of October 4, 1962, regarding the curfew ordinance. As requested by Mr. Drinard, I am enclosing copies of Sections 24-4 through 24-7 of the Richmond City Code of 1957 . Yours very truly, y lE. Drinard & ity Attorney JED.CJ. Encl. , OFFENSES-MISCELLANEOUS § 24-5 § 24-2 . 24-2- Assault. If a person shall fight or assault another • any place s ass in the cit , .e shall, upon conviction thereof'37,l t 48, § 2 a provided in sec 'on 1-6 of this Code. (Cod: ess construction or repair-- Entering or in Sec. 24-3. Buildings in 'noc . once with. It shall be unlawful any per- • , other than the owner, such owner, ' out the consent of agent or contracto to enter. y house in the such owner, a = or contractor,or to remove, face, injure process of c. -truction or repair, or displ: -• any material used or intended to be us in such cons ction or repair, located on the l§ot6o0rj n the streei ad7a- • t to such lot. (Code 1937, ch. 48, Sec. 24-4. Curfew—Unlawful for minors under sixteen to loter, etc., in public places between exception!. It shall be unlawful for any minor sixteen years of age street, road, avenue, and under to loiter or remain on n the city between the hours alley, park or other public p lace day, unless the of 11:00 P. M. and daylight orllotherg adult person accompanied by the parent, guardian 10-23-50, having the care, custody or control of such minor. § 4.) Sec. 24-5. Same—Same—Responsibility of parent, guardian, etc. parent, guardian or other adult It shall be unlawful for any p or control of any minor person having the care, custody years of age and under to permit, allow or encourage sixteen Y street, road, such minor to become a loiterer or remain on any brought into , age of twelve years being a a As seen§ 8-21 of this Code. cemetery, 551 § 24-6 RICHMOND CITY CODE § 24-7 avenue, alley, park or other public place in the city between the hours of 11 :00 P. M. and daylight of the following day, unless accompanied by such parent, guardian or person. (10-23-50, § 1.) Sec. 24-6. Same-Some—Responsibility of manager, etc., of public places. It shall be unlawful for the proprietor, manager or other person having charge or control of any public or other place, except a theatre, opera house or motion picture show, pro- vided there is conspicuously posted at all times at the box office or place for the purchase of tickets of admission and at the place of entrance thereto a notice containing substantially the provisions of section 24-4 of this Code, to permit, allow or encourage any minor sixteen years of age and under to become a loiterer or remain in or around such place between the hours of 11 :00 P. M. and daylight of the following day, unless accompanied by the parent, guardian or other adult person having the care, custody or control of such minor. (10-23-60, § 2.) Sec. 24-7. Some—Enforcement procedure. Whenever any police or other officer charged with the duty of enforcing the laws of the state or ordinances of the city shall discover or has his attention called to the fact that any minor of the age of sixteen years or under is on any street, road, avenue, alley, park or other public place in the city or is in any vehicle parked thereon between the hours of 11 :00 P. M. and daylight of the following day, and that such minor is not accompanied by his parent, guardian or other adult person having the care, custody or control of such minor, such officer shall make an immediate investigation for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not the presence of such minor on such street, road, avenue, alley, park or other public place or in any vehicle parked thereon is in violation of the pro- visions of this Code. If such investigation reveals that the 552 A . • 24-8 OFFENSES—MISCELLANEOUS § 24-8 presence of such minor on such street, road, avenue, alley, park or other public place or in such vehicle is in violation of the provisions of this Code, then the officer shall cause the minor to be taken to his home or place of residence, and the minor and his parent, guardian or other adult person having the care, custody or control of such minor may be summoned to appear before the judge of the juvenile and domestic rela- tions court to be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of this Code. If the officer deems that it will be for the best interest of the minor, he may be taken to the juvenile division of the bureau of police for further investigation, and if from such investigation the officer shall have cause to believe that the actions of the minor are such as to bring the minor within the purview of the juvenile and domestic relations court law, and if the minor cannot contact a relative bearing a good repu- tation or other person of good repute to exercise legal author- ity over the child within the corporate limits of the city, through his or the efforts of the officers of the juvenile bureau, who will assume responsibility of the minor, then he shall be held at the detention home of the juvenile and domestic rela- tions court and dealt with by the judge of the juvenile and domestic relations court in the manner provided by law. Should the investigation, however, show that the minor is probably not within the purview of the juvenile and domestic relations court law, and has not violated this or any other provision of law or ordinance, the minor shall be immediately released from custody and returned to his home, or to the cus- tody of his parent, guardian or person having the care, custody or control of the minor. (10-23-50, § 5.) 4-8. Disorderly conduct') - It shall be .wful for : .- . • •• ave in a riotous or disorderl street, highway, public building, • - • public amusement o : • other public place, or to For state law in connection with this section, -• Code of 1950, § 18431. As to disorderly conduct in cemeteries, see § 24-8 of this Code.1 <_ 553 {{ CRIMINAL CODE OF Tot CTTT OF FAIR! , CHAPTER 3, ARTICLE IV, Se it ordsis•d by the Council of the City of Fairfax, as folleras Doha* Section 2 in its entirety and substitute new diet 2. motion 2 • Treseass. If any person shall without authority of law to urea or rowel's upon the lands, buildings or premises of another, or any part, portion or area thereef in the City of Fairfax, Virginia, after daring been forbidden is do so, either orally or in writing, by tho owner, lessees, custodian or ether parson lawfully in charge thereof, or after having boon forbidden to do so by a sign or signs posted on such lands, buildings, preeises or pert, portion or area thereof at a plaza or plate* where it or they may be reasonably seen, he shall be doomed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than use thousand dollars or by tonfinoeeent in jail not 'erode* twelve months, or by Bath such fiefs and i#pens onment. This ordinance shall become effective ianedistoiy upon adoption, Adopted this day of , l,,2. ALVIN B. LEWIS. JR. OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY DISTRICT ATTORNEY JOHN F. LENKER COUNTY DETECTIVE JOHN A. ERICKSON 1 Pbani�ri Lnunt ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY SANDRA M. F ICK ROOM 202 - MUNICIPAL BUILDING SECRETARY GEORGE E. CHRISTIANSON ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY LEBANON. PENNSYLVANIA October 9 , 1 o2 Dictated October 8, 1962 John H. Rust, 'squire City Attorney City of Fairfax 100 South Payne Street Fairfax, Virginia Dear Sir: '''e have forwarded your letter of October 4 , 1962 regarding the curfew ordinance , to the City Solicitor, A. Harry rhrgood , Tsquire , Farmers Trust Building, Lebanon, Pennsylvania , who is the proper person to check this . I am certain he will be in touch with you. Very truly yours, Alvin P. Lewis, Jr. District Attorney ABA.,JR: smf 446- ..4 �W'`OClwuccE 4 CITY OF FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA Council Meeting Agenda October 3, 1962 Invocation Approval of A'inutes 1 . Consideration of memorandum of agreement between City of Fairfax and the Northern Virginia Regional Planning and Economic Development Commission . 2. Consideration of bids and approval of purchase of one pickup truck for the Street Division. 3. Reports from City Manager 4. Reports from City Council October 4, 1962 JOHN H. RUST, City Atty. , 100 South Payne Street, Fairfax, Virginia. Virginia Municipal League, Travelers Building, Richmond , Virginia . Gentlemen: The City of Fairfax is considering the adoption of a curfew ordinance which is in the process of being advertised at the present time. If you have any information regarding curfew ordinances in the State of Virginia, it would be appreciated if you would furnish me with any proposed ordinances or pertinent data concerning the same. Thanking you for your attention to this matter, I am, Very truly yours, Attorney for the City of Fairfax JHR/dhl October 4 , 1962 JOHN H. RUST, City Atty. , 100 South Payne Street, Fairfax, Virginia . The City Attorney, Richmond, Virginia. Dear Sir: The City of Fairfax is considering the adoption of a curfew ordinance which is in the process of being advertised at the present time. I have received information from interested parties that your City has adopted such an ordinance and I would appreciate your furnishing me with a copy of the same, if this is the case. Thanking you for your attention to this matter, I am, Very truly yours, Attorney for the City of Fairfax JHR/dh i October 4, 1962 JOHN H. RUST, City Atty. , 100 South Payne Street , Fairfax, Virginia. The Town Attorney, Harrisonburg, Virginia. Dear Sir: The City of Fairfax is considering the adoption of a curfew ordinance which is in the process of being advertised at the present time. I have received information from interested parties that your town has adopted such an ordinance and I would appreciate your furnishing me with a copy of the same, if this is the case. Thanking you for your attention to this matter, I am, Very truly yours, Attorney for the City of Fairfax JHR/dhl October 4, 1962 • JOHN H. RUST, City Atty. , 100 South Payne Street, Fairfax, Virginia. The City Attorney, Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Dear Sir : The City of Fairfax is considering the adoption of a curfew ordinance which is in the process of being advertised at the present time. I have received information from interested parties that your city has adopted such an ordinance and I would appreciate your furnishing me with a copy of the same, if this is the case. Thanking you for your attention to this matter, I am, Very truly yours, Attorney for the City of Fairfax JHR/dh 1 October 4, 1962 JOHN H. RUST, City Atty. , 100 South Payne Street, Fairfax, Virginia. The City Attorney, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania . Dear Sir: The City of Fairfax is considering the adoption of a curfew ordinance which is in the process of being advertised at the present time. I have received information from interested parties that your city has adopted such an ordinance and I would appreciate your furnishing me with a copy of the same, if this is the case . Thanking you for your attention to this matter, I am, Very truly yours, Attorney for the City of Fairfax JHR/dhl JOHN H. RUST, City Atty. 100 South Payne Street, Fairfax, Virginia. A03 Pii ap 1.e St. Fnirfax, Va. 9 1962 City Council Fairfax, Va. Dear Sirs: The West tore Citizen' s Association of Fairfax is in favor of a curfew ordinance. At the October meeting of the Association a draft of such an ordinance, then available, was considered and apprc' ed. draft available at that time contained a few blanks. It is recommended that these blanks be filled as follows: 1) Section 3.1. The loitering of minors should he prohibited between the hours of 12:01 and 5:00 A.!!!% official city time. 2) Section 3.3. Any parent, guardian shall be fined not ? esG than $10.00 nor more than °$.'300.00, or confined more than 30 days, ------ . It is the opinion of the Wostmore Citizen' s Association that the curfe v ordinance he adopted by the city council. Respectfully, Eta _ne E. Lunn President, Westmore Citizen ' s Afisocieton Fil2 <<:t/ M22., / Scott Robinson Vice President, Public Relations Fairfax Toastmasters Club ?0 October 1962 Phone: Office Ja 7 4800, eat 370 POR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Je 4 2135 A curfew for Fairfax City was opposed by a majority of the Fairfax Toastmasters Tuesday night at a mock City-Council meeting. Dick Heaven, psuedo-Mayor for the meeting, together with other Toast- master members, assumed a City-Council's air to hear arguments for and against the proposed curfew. Statements, limited to four minutes, were given by Toastmasters who donned citizen hats during that period. "This is no time for fuzzy thinking", commented veteran Toastmaster Will Carroll, "We're discussing the rights of individuals, mass punishment for individual crimes and an ordinance that will be very costly if not im- possible to enforce. " Pointed questions were raised by other acting citizens . . "lho is to determine a legitimate reason for being out after curfew?" . . "What about a youth passing through Fairfax City?" . . "What will be the reaction of the teenager who is one day older than the restricted age?" Howard Dunning, President of the Fairfax club, succinctly concluded a very persuasive argument with, "I'm dead set against it." The subject of the Toastmasters meeting was a response to the request (-/zy/..k ., from Majord that all organizations and clubs in the area discuss the proposed curfew ordinance for Fairfax City. The Toastmasters enthusiastically �i ly Mpregf, endorsed this move by the 3' as a vital democratic process in preparing citizens for public hearings. �T /). �/a 5:�,�j m �o1zo� P�i7,6,4ac,-Jer, fay o.y�. -,..a- \\\ the ai onalfan,k of Jalr�fax' Fairfax, Virginia October 10 , 1962 CRESCENT 3-2200 P.O.BOX 158 Mr. William M. Zollman, Jr. , City Manager City Hall Fairfax, Virginia Dear Mr. Zollman: Thank you very much for your letter of September 24, enclosing draft copy of a proposed Curfew Ordinance. This proposed ordinance was discussed at our meeting on Thursday, October 4, and our members were very much in accord in feeling that it is a desirable and necessary amendment to the present regulations gov- erning the City of Fairfax. We would like to go on record as being in favor of this ordinance. Aiincerely, -4,1- `/,‘ 4 (Mrs.) Jean S. Lyle, President The Pilot Club of Fairfax BOYS' CLUB OF FAIRFAX Fairfax, Va. 215 Woodhaven Drive Fairfax, Virginia November 3, 1962 Mr. William M. Zollman, Jr. City Manager City Hall Fairfax, Virginia Dear Mr. Zollman: It is requested that I, James H. Reynolds, Chairman of the Boys' Club of Fairfax, be placed on the agenda for the Council Meeting to be held on Wednesday, November 7, 1962. We may have some information which may be of help to the City in regard to the curfew law being discussed by the City. Sincerely yours, ames H. e olds Chairman TOWN OF LEXINGTON OFFICE OF THE TOWN MANAGER JOHN V. BERBERICH, III 300 EAST WASHINGTON ST. DIAL HOBART 3-4010 TOWN MANAGER LEXINGTON.VIRGINIA u ctobar 4, l9cz Mr. William Zollman, Jr. City Manager City of Fairfax Fairfax, Virginia Dear Bill : I have attached a copy of the Curfew Ordinance we recently adopted. We got favorable local publicity on the ordinance prior to its enactuent and since its enactment the problem has , at least for the present , ceased to exist . As far as I know, no summonses have been issued and just having the ordinance has appar- ently taken care of the problem. I hope to see you at the Highway Conference . Sincerely yours , in V. Berberich, III JVB,III/ls Town T=anager Attch. : CURFEW ORDINANCES Y HUNK/pq '!����� 7 '`' ,'i's y7�¢^∎ Oy I"rUTED ' Virginia Municipal League 905 Travelers Building Richmond 19, Virginia REPORT NO. 449 January, 1963 Price: $1.00 Distribution Free to Virginia Municipal Officials FOREWORD In recent months, there has been increased interest on the part of the munici- palities in curfew regulations, particularly regulations controlling juvenile vandalism at Halloween. This report summarizes the provisions of the curfew and Halloween curfew ordinances of representative localities having such ordinances. The information in this report was taken from questionnaires mailed on November 13, 1962 to Virginia cities, urban counties, towns above 5, 000 population, and selected smaller towns. Of the fifty-nine questionnaires mailed out, fifty-two were completed and returned. Twenty-five places returning the questionnaire reported that they have curfew ordinances. The localities were asked to comment on the effectiveness of their curfew ordinances in curbing juvenile delinquency. Generally the ordinance is found to be valuable, but is used selectively only. In some cases, publicizing the ordinance has helped to decrease the problem of minors being on the streets at night. The curfew and Halloween curfew ordinances of several localities are contained in the report. Copies of ordinances from other places are available from the League office upon request. This report was prepared by Miss Anne deButts, Research Assistant of the Virginia Municipal League. Harold I. Baumes Executive Secretary Conditions under which a child is exempt from curfew.:ordinance regulations All localities that have curfew ordinances exempt a child from regulation when he is accompanied by a parent, guardian, and/or other adult to whose care he has been committed. Covington, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and South Norfolk require that the child carry written permission from his parents if he is to be on the public streets or in a public place alone after the curfew hour. Big Stone Gap, Charlottesville, Clifton Forge, Manassas Park, Staunton, and Winchester exempt the child from the curfew hour if his employment requires that he be out past the hour. A number of cities and towns have provisions in their ordinances whereby the child may be on the streets or in public places after curfew hour if he is on business or an emergency errand, sent by his parents. Lexington, Manassas Park, Richmond, and Roanoke exempt any minor who is attending places of religious worship, meetings of Boy and Girl Scouts, or similar organizations, and/or school functions. Parental Responsibility The curfew ordinances of all localities except Abingdon, Bedford, Bristol (except in special cases), and Covington, have provisions making the parent respon- sible for the child' s violation of the regulation. The information was not reported for Buena Vista. Christiansburg, Colonial Heights, Henrico, Lexington, Richmond, and Winchester also have provisions in their ordinances making it unlawful for the proprietor, manager, or other person in charge of a public place to allow or encourage a minor to remain in the public place after the curfew hour. Following is an excerpt from the Lexington • ordinance concerning this subject: "It shall be unlawful for the owner, manager or other person having control of any public place, or any business or private motor vehicle, to permit, allow or encourage any minor child under the age of eighteen years, to loiter or remain in or about such public place , or motor vehicle, between the hours of 11:00 P. M. and daylight of the following day, unless such child be accompanied by a parent, guardian or other adult person in the manner hereinbefore described. " Effectiveness of ordinance Only two ocalities having a curfew ordinance report that it is strictly enforced. Other localities feel that it is a valuable Law to have on the books to be used selectively as needed. Following are comments from the Localities concerning the effectiveness of the curfew in curbing juvenile delinquency: Abingdon "When adopted, we had a problem. Using publicity and selective enforcement it has reduced our problem considerably. " Bedford "Ordinance is very effective in curbing juvenile delinquency. Without it, we feel that there would very definitely be much more. " Buena Vista "Provides a fair instrument mostly in the direction of preventive action and tends to make juveniles realize they are under surveillance. Best use is for investigation of prowling children. The name taking is a deterrent. " Charlottesville "Useful tool for police to quell trouble before it can get started and is only used for this purpose. " Chr i stiansburg "Ordinance is very effective in that it allows Police to prevent juvenile 'gangs' from forming on streets. " Clifton Forge "The present ordinance is out of date but it has helped somewhat in gaining respect for the Police Department. " Covington "Several times in past 5 years we have enforced the ordinance strictly when there have been outbreaks of juvenile vandalism. This policy appears to have corrected the problem. " 2 Henrico County "This ordinance can be helpful to the police in certain circumstances, but has been seldom used as there have been other means of handling most of the juvenile problems. " Lexington "The ordinance was given favorably publicity and since its enactment there has been no problem and no arrests have been made. " Manassas Park "Loitering and vandalism have been minimized since this ordinance has been in effect." Norfolk "It is of some assistance. In dealing with areas which are consistently hangouts for those covered by the ordinance, advice to them of the existing ordinance is of some benefit." Norton "Discourages minors from lingering and loitering on the streets after 11:00 P. M." Petersburg "A valuable instrument to have in the city code to be used when needed. " Pulaski "This is excellent to have on the books, to use in specific problem areas or times. " Richmond "This ordinance was passed during the war to keep minors off the street, but lately we have not been enforcing it so strongly. The courts have not been so harsh with violators Lately. We do not have too much of this at the present time." Staunton "It is felt that although the problem has never been great, that getting the children off the streets results in Less juvenile delinquency. " Wytheville • "It is effective in that it gives our police a valid reason for questioning juveniles and investigating their activities after 11:00 p. m. " 3 Year ordinance Age under which Hours between which was adopted ordinance applies ordinance applies Abingdon 1958 16 After 10 p. m. Bedford Original: 1911 18 October 1 to March 31 - Present: 1957 10 p.m. to 5 a. m. ; April 1 to September 30 - 11p. m. to5a. m. ; Big Stone Gap 1951 16 10 p. m. to 6 a. m. Bristol - - - 16 and under After 9:30 p. m. ' Buena Vista 1944 and 1954 16 11 p. m. to daylight Charlottesville 1909 15 After 9: 15 p.m. Christiansburg 1942 (approximately) 15 10 p. m. to daylight Clifton Forge 1907 16 October 1 to March 31 - 8 p. m. to 6 a. m. ; April 1 to September 30 - 9 p. m. to 5 a. m. Colonial Heights - - - 16 and under 11 p. m. to daylight ' Covington 1923 16 10 p. m. to 5 a. m. Henrico County 1955 16 and under 11 TY. m. to daylight Lexington 1962 18 11 p. m. to daylight Manassas Park 1960 21 10 p. m. to 6 a. m. Norfolk - e - 16 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. Norton 1959 (approximately) 18 and under 11 p. m. to 6 a.m. Petersburg - - - 15 After 11 p. m. Portsmouth 1944; amended 1961 18 Midnight to 5 a.m. Pulaski 1955 16 10 p. m. to 5:30 a.m. Richmond 1943 16 and under 11 p. m. to daylight Roanoke 1946 18 10 p. m. to 5 a.m. South Norfolk - - - 18 Midnight to daylight 4 Year ordinance Age under which Hours between which was adopted ordinance applies ordinance applies Staunton 1943 15 After 10 p. m. Winchester 1945 16 10 p. m. to 6 a. m. Woodstock 1944 16 and under After 11 p. m. Wytheville 1954 18 11 p. m. to 4 a. m. The following places reported that they do not have a curfew ordinance: Alexandria Amherst - has a curfew applying only to Halloween night Arlington Blacksburg Crewe Culpeper - has a curfew applying to Halloween night and night before Emporia Fairfax Fairfax County Falls Church Franklin Fredericksburg Front Royal Harrisonburg - has a curfew applying only to Halloween night Lynchburg Marion Martinsville Newport News Orange Radford Salem South Boston Suffolk Vienna Virginia Beach Warrenton William sburg 5 Enforcement procedure Penalty for violation Abingdon - - - Treated as a misdemeanor Bedford Subjects are warned minimum Fine not to exceed $500 or con- of 2 times, after which they are finement in jail, not exceeding picked up and taken to Juvenile 12 months, or both Court. Only officers, child and judge are present in court. Big Stone Gap Check by Police Department Fine of not less than $1 nor more than $5 for each offense. Bristol The ordinance is enforced on As provided by Code of Virginia, juveniles who have been in 1950, Title 16, Chapter 7. trouble and have been before the Juvenile Judge. Buena Vista Obtain name, etc. , and obtain Left to juvenile judge proper juvenile papers. Charlottesville Police surveillance of city after $1. 00 to $5. 00 curfew hour. Christiansburg Minor is taken home and parents Fine parents not Less than $5. 00 may be summoned. . nor more than $50. 00 Clifton Forge Police advise child and then Not Less than $1 nor more than $5. check and advise parents. Covington Chilli is taken home, summons Fine not exceeding $500; jail for issued to both child and parents not more than 6 months, or both. to appear in police court. Henrico County On a selective basis only as Certain provisions -fine of not !ess needed than $10 nor more than $50. Lexington One waz zing, then parents come First offense - $25 maximum to Police station to pick up child Second offense - $100 maximum and warrant is issued. Manassas Park Normal procedure - upon viola- Up to $300 fine tion a warning is given, and if unheeded, Police action is taken. Norton. Parents are given notice to Minimum fine $2. 50; maximum appear in court, fine $5. 00 Pulaski Notice to parent on first viola- Treated as misdemeanor Lion; second occurrence is viola- tion on part of parent. 6 Enforcement procedure Penalty for violation Richmond It is left up to the juvenile officer - - - South Norfolk Brought to station and parents Generally probation called to come for children - written up to appear in Juvenile Court Staunton The child is taken home and the Not Less than $1 nor more than parent warned. Generally no $25. further action is taken. Winchester Police Department First offense: $2 to $10 Second offense: $5 to $25 Third offense: child is adjudged delinquent and judge makes dis- position of custody as may to the court seem proper. Woodstock Child is taken in custody by Maximum $10 and minimum $1 Police and delivered to parent. fine after second offense. Wytheville Usually an inquiry as to purpose Parent, guardian, or adult person of juvenile' s being out and advice having custody subject to fine of as to ordinance requirement is not less than $5 nor more than sufficient. If not, then summons $500 or by confinement in jail for is issued. not more than 10 days, or by both fine and jail confinement. 7 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 17-24. 1 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA, 1951, AS AMENDED, TO PROVIDE A CURFEW FOR MINORS UNDER EIGHTEEN YEARS OF AGE BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 12:00 MIDNIGHT AND 5:00 A.M. , AND TO PROVIDE PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF SAME. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, that Section 17-24. 1 of the Code of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, 1951, as amended, be amended and reordained to read as follows: Section 17-24. 1 Minors - Curfew (1) It shall be unlawful for any parent, guardian or other adult person having the care and custody of any minor under eighteen years of age to knowingly permit, allow or encourage such minor to be and remain in and upon any street, avenue, road, • alley, park, vacant lot, playground, wharf, dock, place of amusement, or in and upon any other public place, whether of Like kind or not, in the city between the hours of 12:00 Midnight and 5:00 A. M. , of the following day unless such minor is accompanied by such parent, guardian or other adult person having the care and custody of such minor, or is on an emergency errand or legitimate business and has a written statement to that effect signed by such parent, guardian or other adult person having the care and custody- of such minor. (2) It shall be urlawful for any minor under the age of eighteen years to be and remain in and upon any street, avenue, road, alley, park, vacant lot, playground, wharf, dock, place of amusement, or in and upon any other public place. whether of like kind or not, in the city between the hours of 12:00 Midnight and 5:00 A. M. , of the following day unless such minor is accompanied by his parent, guardian or other adult person having • the care and custody of such minor, or is on an emergency errand or legitimate business and has a written statement to that effect signed by his parent, guardian or other adult person having the care and custody of such minor. (3) Whenever any police or other officer charged with the duty of enforcing the Laws of this state or the ordinances of this city shall discover or have his attention called to the fact that any minor under the age of eighteen years is in or on any street, avenue, road, alley, park, vacant lot, playground, wharf, dock, place of amusement, or is in or upon any other public place, whether of like kind or not, between the hours of 1200 Mid- night and 5:00 A, M. , of the following day, the officer shall make an immediate investi- gation for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not the presence of such minor is in violation of any of the provisions of this section. If such investigation reveals that such presence of such minor is in violation of any of the provisions of this section, then the officer shall take the name and address of such minor and the name and address of the parent, guardian or other person having the care and custody of such minor, and shall issue a summons or otherwise notify such minor and such parent, guardian or other person having the care and custody of such minor, in writing, to appear before the judge of the juvenile and domestic relations court of the city at a time to be specified in such summons or notice, to be there dealt with according to the provisions of this section and the laws of the state applicable thereto. The officer shall also order such minor to forth- with proceed to his home or place of abode; and should such minor refuse or fail so to do, the officer shall take such minor to his home or place of abode should he deem such advisable. 8 (4) Should any such minor refuse to give such officer his name and address or the name and address of his parent, guardian or other adult person having the care and custody of such minor, such officer shall take such minor to police headquarters and there detain him until such time as he can be turned over to the officers of the juvenile and domestic relations court of the city to be dealt with in the manner required by law. (5) Every person who violates any of the provisions of this section, or who shall fail to proceed forthwith to his home or place of abode when so ordered by such officer, or who shall knowingly give a false name or false address to such officer shalt, upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and each such violation shall constitute a separate offense. This ordinance being necessary for the preservation of the public health, morals, and safety, an emergency is declared to exist and it shall take effect from its passage. Adopted at a meeting of the City Council of Portsmouth held on June 27, 1961. BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Lexington, Virginia THAT: Section 21 -18. 1 of the Town Code be as follows: SECTION 21-18. 1. Curfew for Minors Under 18 Years of Age. It shall be unlawful for any parent, guardian or other adult person having the care, custody and control of any minor child under the age of eighteen years, to permit or allow such minor child to loiter or remain in or upon any street, alley, park or other public place within the Town of Lexington, or to loiter or remain in or about any motor vehicle in and upon any street or alley within the said Town, whether the same shall be parked or in motion, between the hours of 11:00 P. M. and daylight of the follow- ing day unless such minor child shall be accompanied by said parent, guardian or other adult person having the care, custody and control of such child, or unless such child shall be accompanied by any other adult person with the permission of such parent, guardian or other adult person having such care, custody and control of such child. It shall be unlawful for any adult person to encourage any minor child under the age of eighteen years to loiter or remain in or upon any street, alley, park, or other public place within the Town of Lexington, or to Loiter or remain in or about any motor vehicle in and upon any street or alley within the said Town, whether the same shall be parked or in motion between the hours of 11:00 P. M. and daylight of the following day, unless such minor child shall be accompanied by a parent, guardian or other adult person in the manner hereinbefore described. It shalt be unlawful for the owner, manager or other person having control of any public place, or any business or private motor vehicle, to permit, allow or en- courage any minor child under the age of eighteen years, to loiter or remain in or about such public place, or motor vehicle, between the hours of 11:00 P. M. and day- light of the following day, unless such child be accompanied by a parent, guardian or other adult person in the manner hereinbefore described. 9 This ordinance shall not be construed as to prohibit said minor children from attending places of religious worship or meetings held by or under the auspices of the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts, or other Like organizations, not accompanied by the parent, guardian or other adult person. Any person convicted of violating this ordinance shall be fined not more than TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS ($25. 00) for the first offense and not more than ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100. 00) for succeeding convictions. Halloween Curfew Ordinances Amherst, Charlottesville, and Culpeper have passed ordinances regulating the celebration of Halloween in public places. Harrisonburg' s city council passed a resolution on the same subject. The Harrisonburg resolution sets a special curfew hour of 11:00 p. m. on Halloween, applying to aLL persons, regardless of age, who are cele- brating Halloween. The Amherst and Culpeper ordinances set curfew at 11:00 p. m. and Limit trick-or-treat visitations to children under twelve years of age. The Charlottesville ordinance sets curfew at 10:00 p. m. and limits trick-or-treat activities to children under twelve. The Amherst Town Council passed its special Halloween curfew ordinance in October of 1961. A copy of the ordinance was published in the local newspaper on two different days. The mayor and council stressed the fact that the purpose of the ordinance was not to put a stop to Halloween fun, but to eliminate vandalism and trick-or-treat by adults. The town had experienced considerable vandalism in previous years, but the Halloween of 1961 was reported to be the quietest in the town' s history. In this case, citizen kciowledge of the ordinance was believed to be a definite factor in eliminating vandalism and disturbance of the peace. On the following page are the resolution and ordinance of Harrisonburg and Culpeper. 10 BE IT RESOLVED, that a curfew is hereby declared, to be effective and enforced at and after the hour of 11:00 p. m. on the night of October 31, 1962 (Halloween), after which curfew hour it shall be unlawful for any person to be on the streets or public places of the City of Harrisonburg for the purpose of cele- brating Halloween. The provisions of this resolution are designed to curb and limit the celebration of Halloween to appropriate hours, and shall not extend or apply to the use of the City streets or other public places for any other proper purpose. ADOPTED BY COUNCIL ON OCTOBER 23, 1962. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE ASSEMBLAGE, ROAMING AND TRAVELING OF PERSONS OVER 12 YEARS OF AGE ON THE STREETS , ALLEYS, HIGHWAYS OR PUBLIC PLACES IN THE TOWN OF CULPEPER, AND TRICK OR TREAT VISITATIONS WITHIN THE TOWN TO BE LIMITED TO CHILDREN 12 YEARS OF AGE AND UNDER, AND PROVIDING A SPECIAL CURFEW HOUR OF 11:00P. M. ON HALLOWEEN EVE AND HALLOWEEN EVENING OF ANY YEAR, SAID ORDI- NANCE BEING ADOPTED FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROMOTING THE PEACE, SAFETY AND GENERAL WELFARE OF THE SAID TOWN AND ITS CITIZENS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF CULPEPER: Section 1: It shall be unlawful for any person over twelve years of age to appear in or upon any of the streets, highways, alleys and public square and other public places of the Town of Culpeper in any mask or disguise whereby the identity of such person is concealed, without permission of the Town Manager or Chief of Police. Section 2: It shall be unlawful for any person above the age of twelve years to appear on the streets, highways, public homes, private homes, or public places in the Town of Culpeper on Halloween Eve and Halloween night for trick or treat visitations. Section 3: A special curfew hour of 11:00 P. M. on Halloween Eve and Halloween evening of any year, including October 31, 1962, is hereby established for trick or treat visitation. Section 4: Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shalt be guilty of a misdemeanor, and subject to arrest, arid upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than One Dollar (1. 00) nor more than Ten Dollars (10. 00), in the discretion of the Court trying the case. It being deemed an emergency this ordinance shall become effective upon passage. (Approved October 16, 1962) 11 VIRGINIA MUNICIPAL LEAGUE 905 TRAVELERS BUILDING RICHMOND 19, VIRGINIA OFFICERS E. LEWIS KNOWLES, Mayor, Staunton, President R. WILLIAM ARTHUR, Town Attorney, Wytheville, First Vice-President C. V. JACKSON, Mayor, Pulaski, Second Vice--President GEORGE C. BENTLEY, Mayor, Hampton, Third Vice-President HORACE H. EDWARDS, City Manager, Richmond, Fourth Vice-President JAMES M. DUNCAN, JR. , Councilman, Alexandria, Executive Committeeman GEORGE B. ANDERSON, Vice-Mayor, Danville, Executive Committeeman ROBERT D. MORRISON, City Manager, Lynchburg, Executive Committeeman STAFF Harold I. Baumes, Executive Secretary Gladys A . Fiorillo,' Administrative As istan_t Stuart W. Connock, Field Consultant Anne deButts, Research Assistant V. C. Adamson, General Counsel Bessie H. Wheeler, Chief Staff Secretary Mary S. Pace, Staff Assistant ACTIVE MEMBERS Abingdon Cheriton Fredericksburg LaCrosse Parksley Stephens City Accomac Chilhowie Fries Lawrenceville Pearisburg Stony Creek Alberta Chincoteague Front Royal Lebanon Pembroke Strasburg Alexandria Christiansburg Galax Leesburg Pennington Gap Stuart Altavista Claremont Gate City Lexington Petersburg Suffolk Amherst Clarksville Glade Spring Louisa Phenix Surry Appomattox Cleveland Glasgow Lovettsville Pocahontas Tangier Ar],ington Clifton Forge Glen Lyn Luray Poquoson Tappahannock Ashland Clintwood Gordonsville Lynchburg Portsmouth Tazewell Bedford Clover Gretna McKenney Pulaski The Plains Berryville Coeburn Grottoes Madison Purcellville Timberville Big Stone Gap Colonial Beach Grundy Manassas Quantico Toms Brook Blacksburg Colonial Heights Halifax Manassas Park Radford Troutville Blackstone Courtland Hallwood Marion Remington Urbanna Bloxom Covington Hamilton Martinsville Rich Creek Victoria Bluefield Craigsville Hampton Middleburg Richlands Vienna Boones Mill Crewe Harrisonburg Middletown Richmond Vinton Bowling Green Culpeper Haymarket Mineral Ridgeway Virgilina. Boyce Damascus Haysi Monterey Roanoke Virginia Beach Boy-dton Danville Henrico Montross Rocky Mount Wachapreague Boykins Dayton Herndon Mt. Crawford Round Hill Wakefield Bridgewater Dendron Hillsville Mt. Jackson Rural Retreat Warrenton Bristol Dillwyn Holland Narrows St. Paul Warsaw Broadway Drakes Branch Honaker New Castle Salem Waverly Brodnax Dublin Hopewell New Market Saltville Waynesboro Buchanan Dumfries Independence Newport News Saxis Weber City Buena Vista Eastville Iron Gate Newsoms Scottsville West Point Burkeville Edinburg Irvington Norfolk Shenandoah Whaleyville Cambria Elkton Ivor North Tazewell Smithfield White Stone Cape Charles Emporia Jarratt Norton South Boston Williamsburg Cedar Bluff Exmore Jonesville Occoquan South Hill Winchester. Charlotte C. H. Fairfax Keller Onancock South Norfolk Windsor Charlottesville Falls Church Kenbridge Onley Standardsville Wise Chase City Farmville Keysville Orange Stanley Woodstock Chatham Franklin Kilmarnock Painter Staunton Wytheville s BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED by the Mayor and Lounci : of the Town of Lexington , Virginia THAT ; Section 21 - 18 . 1 of the rrwn Code be as follows : SECTION 21 - 18 . 1 Curfew for Minors Under 18 Years of Age . It shall be unlawful for any parent , guardian or other adult person having the care , custody and control of any minor child under the age of eighteen years , to permit or allow such minor child to loiter or remain in or upon any street , alley , park or other public place with- in the Town of Lexington , or to loiter or remain in or about any motor vehicle in and upon any street or alley within the said Town , whether the same shall be parked or in motion , between the hours of 11 : 00 P . M. and daylight of the following day unless such minor child shall be ac- companied by said Parent , guardian or other adult person having the care , custody and control of such child , or unless such child shall he accom- panied by any other adult person with the permission of such parent , guardian or other adult person having such care , custody and control of such child . It shall be unlawful for any adult person to encourage any minor child under the age of eighteen years to loiter or remain in or upon any street , alley , park , or other public place within the Town of Lexington , or to loiter or remain in or about any motor vehicle in and upon any street or alley within the said Town , whether the same shall be parked or in motion between the hours of 11 : 00 P . M . and daylight of the following day , unless such minor child shall be accompanied by a parent , guardian or other adult person in the manner hereinbefore described . It shall be unlawful for the owner , manager or other person having control of any public place , or any business or private motor vehicle , to permit , allow or encourage any minor child under the age of eighteen years , to loiter or remain in or about such public place , or motor vehicle , between the hours of 11 : 00 P . M . and daylight of the following day , unless such child he accompanied by a parent , guardian or other adult person in the manner hereinhefore described . This ordinance shall not he construed as to prohibit said minor children from attending places of religious worship or meetings held by or under the auspices of the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts , or other like organizations , not accompanied by the parent , guardian or other adult person . Any person convicted of violating this he and not more than TWENTY - FIVE DOLLARS ($25 . 00) for not more than ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ( $ 100 . 00) for succeeding conviction . S/ P . A . Holstein MAYOR S/ John V. Berberich CLERK ENACTED : September 6 , 1962 This will certify that I have published the above Ordinance by posting six copies thereof at six public places within the Town of Lexington , including one copy posted at the front door of the Rockbridge County Court !louse , Lexington , Virginia . S/ Ay Rhodeniser A . E . Rhodeniser Chief of Police & Town Sergeant September 8 , 1962 BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Lexington, Virginia THAT ; Section 21-18 . 1 of the Town Code be as follows : SECTION 21- 18 . 1 Curfew for Minors Under 18 Years of Age . It shall be unlawful for any parent , guardian or other adult person having the care , custody and control of any minor child under the age of eighteen years , to permit or allow such minor child to loiter or remain in or upon any street , alley, park or other public place with- in the Town of Lexington , or to loiter or remain in or about any motor vehicle in and upon any street or alley within the said Town , whether the same shall be parked or in motion , between the hours of 11 : 00 P .M. and daylight of the following day unless such minor child shall be ac- companied by said parent , guardian or other adult person having the care , custody and control of such child , or unless such child shall be accom- panied by any other adult person with the permission of such parent , guardian or other adult person having such care , custody and control of such child . It shall be unlawful for any adult person to encourage any minor child under the age of eighteen years to loiter or remain in or upon any street , alley, park , or other public place within the Town of Lexington , or to loiter or remain in or about any motor vehicle in and upon any street or alley within the said Town, whether the same shall be parked or in motion between the hours of 11 : 00 P .M. and daylight of the following day , unless such minor child shall be accompanied by a parent , guardian or other adult person in the manner hereinbefore described . It shall be unlawful for the owner , manager or other person having control of any public place , or any business or private motor vehicle , to permit , allow or encourage any minor child under the age of eighteen years , to loiter or remain in or about such public place , or motor vehicle , between the hours of 11 : 00 P .M. and daylight of the following day , unless such child be accompanied by a parent , guardian or other adult person in the manner hereinbefore described . This ordinance shall not be construed as to prohibit said minor children from attending places of religious worship or meetings held by or under the auspices of the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts , or other like organizations , not accompanied by the parent , guardian or other adult person . Any person convicted of violating this ordinance shall he fined not more than TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS ($25 . 00) for the first offense and not more than ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($ 100 . 00) for succeeding conviction . S/ P . A . Holstein MAYOR S/ John V. Berberich' CLERK ENACTED : September 6 , 1962 This will certify that I have published the above Ordinance by posting six copies thereof at six public places within the Town of Lexington, including one copy posted at the front door of the Rockbridge County Court House , Lexington , Virginia . S/ A. E . Rhodeniser A. E . Rhodeniser Chief of Police $ Town Sergeant September 8 , 1962