2011-01 ORDINANCE NO. 2011-01 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 110, SECTIONS 110 -4, 110 -155, 110 -374, 110 -512, 110 -631, 110 -701, 110 -762, 110 -782 AND 110 -822 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA, PERTAINING TO SOCIAL SERVICE DELIVERY ESTABLISHMENTS. BE IT ORDAINED, by the City Council of the City of Fairfax, Virginia, that Chapter 110, Sections 110 -4, 110 -155, 110 -374, 110 -512, 110 -631, 110 -701, 110 -762, 110 -782 and 110- 822, of the Code of the City of Fairfax, Virginia, pertaining to social service delivery establishments are hereby amended as follows: Sec. 110 -4 - Definitions: Chapter 110, Section 110 -4 shall be amended to add the following language in the correct alphabetical location and to delete the following definition: Social Service Deliver Establishment means an establishment where the •rincisal function of the establishment is .rovidin• on -site food distribution, free or reduced cost meal service, free or reduced cost clothin. distribution counselin' 'ob trainin• or other related services primarily to .ersons with limited abilit for self -care those .ersons in need of em loyment, or those persons with personal or behavioral disabilities. This term shall not include uses o.erated b overnmental agencies or facilities .rimaril for the care or treatment of •ersons who are currently illegally using or are addicted to a controlled substance as defined in Code of Vir•inia, & 54.1 -3401 as the same ma be amended). An office where the principal function is the administration of a service asenc deliver establishment and not •rinciBall intended for the delivery of a service directly to the client shall not be construed to be a social service delivery establishment. exclusively for charitable or benevolent purposes. Sec. 110- 155(b)(2)(n) - Reauired off - street parkin area. Social service deliver establishment: Based on a review b the zonin! administrator of each proposal so as to be in compliance with all applicable city laws and regulations, including such factors as the occu.anc load of all .ro.osed facilities _•roposed em•lo ee /client ratios the .roiected number of employees, and the projected public transportation use by clients and employees. Sec. 110 -374 - Additional Standards and Conditions for Social Service Delivery Establishments. The cit council ma a• prove a special use permit for the establishment of a social service deliver establishment onl in accordance with the followin• conditions which are in addition to those requirements contained in section 110 -366: 1. Distribution or consumption of alcoholic bevera!es on the •remises shall not be permited; 2. Loiterin• (as described in section 54 -302) on the premises shall not be permitted. 3. Overnight accommodations shall not be permitted; 4. Hours of operation shall be limited to the hours between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. unless further restricted by the city council; 5. Facilities providing meals for consumption on the premises must serve such meals and provide specified areas for consumin• such meals within buildin!s• 6. In addition to the submission requirements contained within Division 13 of this chapter an a. •licant shall submit the followin• materials at the time a special use permit application is filed: a. A communications /community outreach plan that describes how the applicant will communicate with the local community, neighborhood, and business or • anizations, and with adjacent nei • hbors on a re • ular basis and how community issues or concerns will be addressed b. A plan to prevent loitering in the vicinity of he facility c. A litter control elan to erovide for the removal of litter in the vicinit of the facility on a re • ular basis, if ap e licable• d. A business o.eration .ro!ram that addresses not less than the followin• elements. If a •articular element listed below is not a• •licable to a s.ecific type of use because of the characteristics of that use, the mana , ement pro shall include a statement of wh the element is not a• •licable: i. Detailed description of the services •rovided and number and t ee of clients to be served includin_ an outline of •ro_ram ob'ectives and eli • ibility criteria ii. Details on the ratio of service providers to clients; and iii. O.erational details for on -site .ro•rams including: hours of o eration number and t_.e of staff staff ualifications and t .ical hours worked b staff method of client supervision o.eratin 7 .rocedures includin •rocedures for orientin• a new client to the facilit 's .ro rams ex •ectations for clients_•rere.uisites for continued client enrollment such as a re uirement that the client participate in pro ,rams; rules of behavior for clients• the location and nature of any security features and arran • ements; and names and telephone numbers of persons to contact in emergencies and any emer ency procedures; e. A elan detailin • methods for on- • oin • monitorin • and maintenance of site and operating conditions. f. A detailed floor elan showin• the interior la out of the use g. A narrative statement addressing the standards and conditions listed in this Section; and h. An other information re.uested b the zonin• administrator or the cit council. In addition to the foregoing, the_ city_ council may approve a special use permit for the establishment of a social service delivery establishment only in accordance with the followg in conditions an or all of which ma be waived or modified b the Cit Council: 7. social service deliver establishment shall be compatible with and shall not have an adverse impact on, the surrounding uses. 8. The social service deliver establishment shall not be located within 1 000 feet of an use that sells alcoholic beverages; 9. The social service deliver establishment shall be located within reasonable proximit to public transportation considering the nature of the .ro.osed use 10. To the extent as .licable to the ero.osed use the social service deliver establishment shall •rovide a reasonable amount of usable outdoor seace in enclosed court ands or patio area s which shall be •rovided for the clients of the social service deliver use. Screenin . of an such re. uired usable outdoor s pace shall be as re •uired b a •.licable city laws and regulations. Sec. 110 -512. - Same —With special use permit. The following uses are permitted in the R -3 residential district with a special use permit issued by the city council in accordance with the provisions of section 110 -366: (1) Churches; (2) Governmental uses; (3) Golf courses; (4) Plant nurseries; (5) Hospitals for treatment of human beings; (6) Nursing homes; (7) Electric transformers and substations; (8) Telephone repeater stations; (9) Clubhouses and grounds not conducted for gain, including swimming pools; (10) Schools of general instruction and nursery schools complying with the provisions of article II, division 9 of this chapter; (11) Lodge halls; (12) Major home occupations; (13) Private tennis courts; (14) Rooming houses; b. [Encroachment.] No encroachment into front, side and rear yard setbacks with any parking or structures; shall be screened in such a manner as to be unobtrusive to adjacent (156) Bed and breakfast, provided the following standards are met: a. Locational criteria. The use shall be permitted only on streets designated in the comprehensive plan as arterial or collector or streets that are located within the highway corridor overlay district. b. Use criteria. 1. No restaurant shall be permitted. Food service shall be limited to breakfast and light fare for room guests and their immediate family, friends or business associates only. 2. The bed and breakfast shall be owner - occupied and - managed. 3. A log recording the arrival and departure times of all guests shall be maintained by the owner for inspection by the city upon request. c. Site development criteria. 1. Off- street parking. i. One parking space shall be provided for each guest room. ii. The guest parking area shall not be located within the minimum required yards. iii. The parking area shall be screened from residential properties adjacent to the parcel or parcels upon which the bed and breakfast is located by an opaque, wooden, stone, brick or vegetative screen that meets or exceeds the requirements contained in screen A, section 110 -258 and approved by the zoning administrator. iv. The parking area shall be surfaced and maintained with a dust -free, porous material. A pre - existing paved surface shall be permitted if approved by the director of public works as being in good condition. (167) Telecommunications facilities that, together with the structures on which they are mounted, exceed 65 feet in height, subject to meeting the policy guidance, criteria and standards set forth in subsection 110- 35(c). (17g) Child care, centers complying with section 110 -240; (189) Child care, home facilities (six to 12 children) complying with section 110- 240; (1920) Child care, occasional complying with section 110 -240; (201) Day camps, complying with section 110 -240. Sec. 110 -631. - Permitted uses —By right. The following uses are permitted by right in the P -D planned development district: (1) Residential. a. Single - family detached dwellings and their accessory buildings; b. Semi - detached dwellings; c. Townhouses; d. Minor home occupations; e. Rental or leasing of single- family dwellings for occupancy by persons who are not the owners, provided that the property owner shall have obtained a certificate of occupancy for rental use from the zoning administrator pursuant to section 110 -367; f Home telecommuting. g. Child care, home facilities (up to five children). (2) Commercial. a. Office buildings. b. Banks, savings and loan associations, and other financial institutions. c. Retail establishments for the sale of works of art, art supplies, electrical goods and supplies, food and food products, furniture, decorator supplies, hardware, luggage and leather goods, optical goods, pets and pet supplies, garden supplies, electronics and phonograph equipment, books, tobacco, confections, drugs, jewelry, music, stationery, toys, newspapers and magazines, office supplies and equipment, medical supplies, clothing and dry goods, flowers and similar goods and products. d. Establishments for the sale or repair or both of household appliances, musical instruments and sporting goods, not including sale or repair of major motorized equipment. e. Barbershops and beauty parlors, shoe repair and polishing shops, tailor shops, Laundromats and establishments for receiving and distributing articles for laundering or cleaning. f. Cleaning and pressing establishments having not more than four pressing machines and one dry cleaning unit, with a capacity not exceeding 50 pounds using nonflammable synthetic cleaning fluid and one shirt pressing unit. g. Restaurants. h. Schools of special instruction not including public dance halls and riding schools. i. Private clubs and eleemosynary institutions. J. Schools of general instruction. k. Movie theaters and bowling alleys. 1. Hotels. m. Electric transformers and substations. n. Telephone repeater stations. o. Satellite telecommuting. P. Specialty food establishments. q. Child care, centers complying with section 110 -240. (3) Other. a. Churches; b. Governmental uses, excluding property yards and repair facilities. Sec. 110 -701. - Permitted uses —By right. The following uses are permitted by right in the CPD commercial planned development district: (1) Residential. a. Single- family dwellings; b. Semidetached dwellings; c. Apartments and apartment houses; d. Townhouses; e. Rental or leasing of single - family dwellings for occupancy by persons who are not the owners, provided that the property owner shall have obtained a certificate of occupancy for rental use from the zoning administrator pursuant to section 110 -367; f. Home telecommuting; g. Minor home occupations. h. Child care, home facilities (up to five children). (2) Commercial. a. Office buildings; b. Banks savings and loan associations, and other financial institutions; c. Retail establishments for the sale of works of art, art supplies, electrical goods and supplies, food and food products, furniture, decorator supplies, hardware, luggage and leather goods, optical goods, pets and pet supplies, garden supplies, electronics and phonograph equipment, books, tobacco, confections, drugs, jewelry, music, stationery, toys, newspapers and magazines, office supplies and equipment, medical supplies, clothing and dry goods, flowers and similar goods and products; d. Establishments for the sale or repair or both of household appliances, musical instruments and sporting goods, not including sale or repair of major motorized equipment; e. Barbershops and beauty parlors, shoe repair and polishing shops, tailor shops, laundromats and establishments for receiving and distributing articles for laundering or cleaning; f. Cleaning and pressing establishments having not more than four pressing machines and one dry cleaning unit, with a capacity not exceeding 50 pounds using noninflammable synthetic cleaning fluid and one shirt pressing unit; g. Restaurants; fast -food restaurants meeting the criteria established in subsection 110 - 781(8); h. Schools of special instruction not including public dance halls and riding schools; i. Private clubs and eleemosynary institutions; j. Schools of general instruction complying with the provisions of article II, division 9; k. Movie theaters and bowling alleys; 1. Hotels; in. Electric transformers and substations; n. Telephone repeater stations; o. Hospitals for the treatment of human beings, nursing homes and funeral homes; P. Inns; q. Satellite telecommuting center; r. Specialty food establishments. s. Child care, centers complying with section 110 -240. (3) Other. a. Churches; b. Governmental use, excluding property yards and repair facilities. Sec. 110 -762. - Same —With special use permit. (a) The following uses are permitted in the C -1 office commercial district with a special use permit issued by city council in accordance with the provisions of section 110 -366: (1) Dancing area within a restaurant, provided that: a. The dancing area, together with any entertainment area, does not exceed 25 percent of the gross floor area of the restaurant; b. The lot on which the restaurant is located is no closer than 200 feet from residentially zoned property measured from nearest property lines, unless waived by city council; and c. Dancing shall be restricted to a dancing area which shall be clearly demarcated and of a size proportionate to the seating capacity of the restaurant. (2) Entertainment area within a restaurant, provided that: a. The entertainment area, together with any dancing area, does not exceed 25 percent of the gross floor area of the restaurant; and b. The lot on which the entertainment area is located is no closer than 200 feet from residentially zoned property measured from nearest property lines, unless waived by city council. (3) Financial institutions with drive -in facilities. (4) Drive - through facilities for accessory pharmacies that meet the criteria contained in subsection 110 - 761(11). (5) Telecommunications facilities that, together with the structures on which they are mounted, exceed 65 feet in height, subject to meeting the policy guidance, criteria and standards set forth in subsection 110 - 35(c). (b) The following uses are permitted in the C -1 office commercial district with a special use permit issued by the board of zoning appeals in accordance with the provisions of section 110 -366: (1) Public utility facilities, excluding property yards. (2) Lodge halls, private clubs, :.: • - - .. • . . (3) Commercial tennis courts. (4) Television and radio stations without towers. (5) Schools of general instruction complying with the provisions of article II, division 9; (6) Nursery schools complying with the provisions of article II, division 9; (7) Child care, home facilities (six to 12 children) complying with section 110 -240. (8) Child care, occasional (six to 12 children) complying with section 110- 240. Sec. 110 -782 - Same — With special use permit. (a) The following uses are permitted in the C -2 retail commercial district with a special use permit issued by the city council in accordance with the provisions of section 110- 366: (1) Uses permitted by special use permit issued by the city council in the C -1 office commercial district. (2) Commercial parking facilities. (3) Theaters other than movie theaters. (4) Amusement arcades. (5) Establishments that meet the definition of specialty food establishments except that delivery service may be provided. (6) The enlargement, extension, reconstruction or structural alteration of nonconforming uses, buildings, lots, and /or locations in the C -2 district may be authorized by special use permit; provided, however, that any new construction or extension of existing improvements shall conform with the requirements of section 110 -783, except to the extent that those requirements may be modified by special exception. The application for a special use permit shall be accompanied by a conceptual development plan containing the information specified in subsection 110- 802(a)(4)i. (7) Drive - through facilities for pharmacies. (8) Leased off -site parking of new vehicles offered for sale by automobile dealerships, subject to the following standards in addition to the criteria established in subsection 110 - 366(3): a. The associated automobile dealership leasing such off -site spaces for new vehicle parking shall be located in the city. b. Leased off -site parking shall not be located in Old Town Fairfax (historic and transition districts). c. Leased off -site parking must be on a lot that is conforming (including landscaping, lighting, and signage) with respect to the requirements of the C -2 district and all applicable requirements of this Code and that is consistent with the policies established in the community appearance plan and comprehensive plan. d. Leased parking spaces must be excess parking currently existing on the lot, based on calculation of required parking for existing uses or assuming all general retail uses, whichever is greater. If there is no existing building on the site, the parking calculation shall be based on site development at maximum permitted floor area ratio. e. The applicant shall submit a parking study, conducted by an independent consultant with appropriate expertise, that analyzes the current and proposed parking demand on the subject lot, circulation patterns, site access and site layout. f. Unless waived by city council, leased parking spaces shall not be located within 300 feet of a residential district. g. Each vehicle must be parked in a conforming parking space and on a lot conforming to city standards. All parking must be in accordance with the city's parking regulations in accordance with article II, division 6 of this chapter pertaining to off - street parking and loading. Removal of any vehicle from the lot shall not require moving any other parked vehicles. h. No vehicle storage or preparation shall occur on the leased lot. i. No dealership personnel may show automobiles to prospective customers on the off -site leased parking lot. j. No fencing or physical separation of any kind shall be permitted to isolate or distinguish leased parking areas from required parking areas on the site. k. No lighting other than standard parking lot light fixtures at customary intervals and with reasonable intensity shall be permitted. Lighting of leased areas must be similar to and indistinguishable from lighting on the remainder of the parking lot in spacing, height, style and intensity. 1. There may be no ground or building- mounted signage identifying the use or associated dealership. Other than display of any invoices required by federal or state law, no signs may be displayed on the vehicles parked on the off -site leased parking area. m. These provisions apply only to new vehicles offered for sale, 20 feet or less in length, and do not apply to the sales of other vehicles, nor to vehicles for rent or lease. n. The provisions in subsection (a)(8) of this section to allow, by special use permit, leased off -site parking of new vehicles offered for sale by automobile dealerships in the C -2 district shall sunset on October 1, 2004. (9) Ancillary uses within an existing nonconforming automobile service station, including convenience stores, fast food restaurants, drycleaning establishments, and car wash services. (10) Big -box retail uses. (11) Motels. (12) Seafood markets. (13) Mini - malls. (14) Grocery stores with floor areas greater than 5,000 square feet. (15) Extended -stay hotels. 16) Social Service Deliver Establishments subject to the standards and criteria established in subsection 110 -374. (b) The following uses are permitted with a special use permit issued by the board of zoning appeals in accordance with the provisions of section 110 -366: (1) Uses permitted by special use permit issued by the board of zoning appeals in the C -1 office commercial district. (2) Carnivals, circuses and fairs limited to not more than two weeks duration. (3) Veterinarian offices, animal hospitals. (4) Commercial recreational uses. (5) Convenience stores. (6) Minor repair of motor vehicles, provided that such business is accessory to the principal use. Sec. 110 -822. - Same —With special use permit. The following uses are permitted in the I -1 industrial district subject to securing a special use permit as provided in article II, division 13 of this chapter: (1) Governmental uses. (2) Plant nurseries. (3) Electric transformers and substations. (4) Telephone repeater stations. (5) Schools of special instruction. (6) Telecommunications facilities that, together with the structures on which they are mounted, exceed 65 feet in height, subject to meeting the policy guidance, criteria and standards set forth in subsection 110- 35(c). (7) Social Service Deliver Establishments subject to the standards and criteria established in subsection 110 -374. This ordinance shall become effective as provided by law. INTIATED: November 9, 2010 PUBLIC HEARING: January 11, 2011 ENACTED: January 11, 2011 • ATTEST: ayor / City Clerk The vote on the motion to approve was recorded as follows: Votes Councilwoman Cross Aye Councilman Drummond Aye Councilman Greenfield Aye Councilman Meyer Nay Councilman Schmidt e Aye Councilman Stombres Aye