R-08-17 R.ESOLUTION NO R.-OS-17 CABLE FUND APPR.OPR.IA TIONS BE IT R.ESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fairfax. Virginia. that the follovving appropriations of the Cable Fund are made for the tvvelve (12) month period beginning July 1,. 2008 and ending June 30. 2009. Account: Number 417201 Accoun.t: Name Cable Amount: $115.000 Introduced: ~ay 13. 2008 Adopted: ~ay 27. 2008 ~~-&r~ :rv1:ayor ---- ATTEST: ~~~-~~~ The vote on the motion to approve ,-,,"as recorded as folloVV"s: Votes Councilmember Cross Councilman Greenfield Councilmember Lyon Councilman Rasmussen Councilman Silverthome Councilmember "VVillter Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye