R-08-41 R-ESOLUTION R--08-41 R-ESOLUTION TO APP~OVE THE R-EQUES'r BY DOR-IS VV. BA~E, AGENT, FOR- ODVV, LIlVIITED PA~TNE~SHIP, FO~ A SPECIAL EXCEPTION PU~SUANT TO CITY CODE SECTION 110-158 TO R-EDUCE THE AlVIOUNT OF OFF-STR-EET PARJ<ING ON THE P~OPE~TY KNOVVN AS TAX lVIAP PA~CEL 57-1-02-042 AND ALSO KNOVVN AS 10960-10966 FAIR-FAX HOULEVA~_ VlTHEREAS. ODVIT. Limited Partnership. has subrnitted Application No. SE-07080005 requesting a Special Exception to reduce the req"L1.irements of Section 110-158" "VV"hich defines required ofT-street parking. V\THEREAS,. City Council has care.rully considered the application" the recommendation of staff, and testimony received at t:he public hearing; and V\THEREAS, City Council has determined that the proposed Special Exception is appropriate because the proposal meets the requisites established by City of Fairfax Code Section 110-366 for the follo-vv-ing reasons: 1) The request vvill not resl...1.1t in increased traffic congestion or othervv-ise negatively impact existing traffic flo'-V or pedestrian and vehicular safety; 2) The request '-ViII not be contrary to the objectives specified in the comprehensive pl~; 3) The request is necessary to permit the reasonable use of the subject property; 4) The request '-ViII not adversely impact adjacent property or the surrounding area; 5) The request is the minimum necessary to afford relief; 6) The request '-ViII not adversely impact the safety and '-Vel fare of residents living in the area; a.:r1d 7) The request is in harmony V\Tith the general purpose and intent of the applicable article of Chapter 110 of the City Code_ NOVIT. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fairfax on this 23 day of September. 2008. that Application No. SE-07080005 be and hereby is APPROVED, as requested '-Vith the follovving conditions: 1_ Prior to the issuance of any non-residential use permits to occupy the building located at 10960-10966 Fairfax Boulevard: The applicant shall make all modifications rH:::cessary to make the site conform to the revised plans dated August 20, 2008 and August 22, 2008, subject to approval by the Board of Architectural Revievv-; b. Excess pavement in the northV\Test comer of the front parking lot shall be removed, curbing shall be installed, and this area along V\Tith the entire front landscape strip a.n.d tvvo parking lot la.n.dscape islands shall be planted vvith shrubbery a.n.d a minimum of one 3.5-inch DBH shade tree per landscape island, and any existing trees located in those areas shall remain; The pylon sign located at 10960-1 0966 Fairfax BOl..1-1evard shall be removed; d. TV\TO acom lights shall be provided in the landscaped strip fronting Fairfax Boulevard, per City standards; and 2_ Access to the basement shall be restricted to the property o'-Vner and to the City of Fairfax, a.:n..d all use ofbasement for business purposes shall be prohibited; 3. There shall be no exterior display, storage, or sale of merchandise; 4_ The applicaIlt shall ensure that no maintenance or repair is performed on vehicles in the parking lot at any time; 5. The building located at 10950 Fairfax Boulevard shall be refaced to match the quality of the proposed improvements to be made to the building located at 10960-10966 Fairfax Boulevard prior to any neV\l'" tenant occupying the building. All modifications shall be subject to revievv and approval by the Board of Architectl..1-ral Revievv; and 6. The site plan shall incorporate modifications discussed at the public hearing on September 23, 2008 to achieve additional landscaping adjacent to the frontage road. The motion to adopt the resolution was approved September 23, 2008. Attest: ~ City Clerk Votes Councilmember Cross Aye Councilman Drummond Aye Councilman Greenfield Aye Councilman Meyer Aye Councilman Rasmussen Aye Councilman Stombres Aye ~