R-07-02 ~ESOI~UTION No. ~-07-02 RESOLLTTION TO APPROVE THE REQUEST OF CHICK-FIL-A INC, BY ]'\lL CATHERIN"E PUSKAR, ATTORNEY/AGENT, FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS TO CHAPTER 110 OF THE CITY CODE TO ALLOVV A J'VlODIFICATION OF THE REQUIRED TRANSITIONAL SCREENIN"G; TO ALLOVV REDLTCTION OF THE REQLTIRED BUILDIN"G AND PARKING SETBACKS ON THE PREJ'VlISES DESCRIBED AS TAX IVlAP PARCELS 48-3-((6))-15, 16,28. Section 110 258(a) '\.V"HEREAS". Chick-fil-A Inc.,. l""1as submitted Application No. SE-824-06-1 req"ucsting a Special Exception to the City Code listed bclovv: Section 110-803-(3) Section 110-155 In all ncV'\T developments and redevelopments" screening from adj acent property shall confom""1 to the follovving standards. The Board OT Architectural Rcvievv may authorize deviations rrom these stan.dards" provided t.hat equal or better screening from adjacent properties is provided and the zoning administrator has approved the proposal. a. Front". The rL""1inimum angle of bulk plane shall be 30 degrees,. and the Trant yard shall not be less than 25 feet. b. Side. TV\I"enty-five feet; except" .....vhere contiguous to residentially zoned property" the minimum angle or bulk plane sh.all be 45 degrees" and the side yard shall not be less than 25 feet. c. Rear. TV\I"cnty-five feet; except". ~here contig1..:lo"L1.S to residentially zon..cd property" the minimllrn angle or bulk plane shall be 45 degrees" aI"1d the rear yard shall not be less than 25 feet. (3)(0) Retail sales establishment oth..er than those listed heretorore: One space Tor every 200 square feet or gross floor area. (4)(b) V\Tholesale" V\l"arehousing" distribution and other industrial and related uses: One space for every 500 square feet of gross floor area" or tV\TO spaces for every three employees" V\Tl""1ichever is greater" plus one space for every 300 square feet of orfice and sales space" plus one space for each vehicle to be retained on the premises. V\THEREAS". City Council has carefully considered tl"1e application" the recommendation of the starr and testimony received at the public hearing; and VV"HEREAS". City Council has determined that the proposed Special Exception is appropriate bec~llse the proposal meets the requisites established by City of Fairtax Code Sections 110-263 and 110-158 for the folloV\l"ing reaSCH""1S: (1) V\Till not result in increased traffic congestion or othervvise negatively irnpact existing traffic floV\T or pedestrial""1 and vehicular sarety; (2) VV"ill not be contrary to the objectives specified in the comprehensive plan; (3) V\Till not result in inadequate on-site amenity; (4) Is necessary to permit the reasonable use of the subject property; and (5) Will not adversely impact adjacent property or the surrounding area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fairfax on this 23rd day of January 2007, that Application No. SE-824-06-1 be and hereby is APPROVED, as requested. The motion to adopt the resolution was approved January 23,2007. B~~ Mayor ATTEST: ~~ Votes: Councilmember Cross Aye Councilman Greenfield Aye Councilmember Lyon Aye Councilman Rasmussen Nay Councilman Silverthorne Aye Councilmember Winter Aye