R-07-03 RESOLUTION R-07-03 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE REQUEST OF JDC FAIRFAX. LLC. BY JOHN H. DONEGAN AGENT. FOR A SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO CHAPTER 110 OF THE CITY CODE TO ALLOVV 92 PARKING SPACES VVHERE 94 SPACES ARE REQUIRED FOR THE PROPOSED SPECIALTY RETAIL CENTER AND ONE LOADING SPACE VVHERE THREE ARE REQUIRED. AND SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO lVIODIFY OR ELllVIINATE THE REQUIRED SEPARATION BETVVEEN BUILDING AND DRIVE AISLE ON THE PRElVIISES DESCRIBED AS TAX lV1AP PARCELS 57-02-044. Section 110-153 VYHEREAS. JDC Fairfax LLC. has subn:>itted Application No. SE-833-06-l requesting a Special Exception to the City Code listed belovv: Sections 110-155 Section 110-156 Driving lanes located immediately adjacent to structures shall be separated from such structl..1TC by a sidevvalk, landscaped strip,. or combination thereof not less than fcn.1T feet in vvidth. Retail sales establishment other than those listed heretofore: One space for every 200 square feet of gross floor area. OfT-street loading spaces shall be provided for each use in not less than th.e amounts set forth belavv: one space for the first 10,.000 square feet of floor area, plus one space for each additional 15,000 square feet or major fraction thereof. VVHEREAS,. City Council has carefully considered the application,. the recommendation of the staff and testimony received at the public hearing; and VVHEREAS,. City Council has determined that the proposed Special Exception is appropriate because the proposal meets the reql..-tisites established by City or Fairrax Code Sections I 10-263 and I 10-1 58 for the follo'-V"ing reasons: (1) VV'i 11 not result in increased traffic congestion or othervvisc negatively impact existing trafTIc flov..r or pedestrian and vehicular safety; (2) VV'ill not be contrary to the objectives specified in the comprehensive plan; (3) Is necessary to permit the reasonable use OT the subject property; and (4) V\Till not adversely impact adjacent property or the surrounding area. NOVY, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fairfax on this 27th day of February 2007,. that Application No. SE-833-06-1 be and hereby is APPROVED,. as requested. The ITlotion to adopt the resolution '-V"as approved February 27_,. 2007. ~~~~~~~ J\...1:ayor ATTES~~_~~~ ~~~ity Clerk Votes: Councilmember Cross Councilman Greenfield Councilmember Lyon Councilman Rasmussen Councilman Silverthome Councilmember VVinter Aye Aye Aye Nay Aye Aye