R-07-38 RESOLUTION R-07-38 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE TIIE REQUEST OF FAIRFAx: NURSING CENTER. BY SARAII E. IIALL. ATTORNEY/AGENT. FOR A SPECIAL E.x:CEPTION TO CITY CODE SECTION TO PER.JVIIT LESS TIIAN THE REQUIRED 40 PERCENT REDUCTION OF NUTRIENTS IN THE RPA. TO lVI:ODIFY SIDE Y AR.I> SET BACK/BULl<: PLANE. TO lVI:ODIFY TIIE SCREENING BET"VVEEN THE C-1 OFFICE COlVl:lVI:ERCIAL DISTRICT AND THE P-D PLANNED DEVELOPlVI:ENT DISTRICT. AND TO lVI:ODIFY TIIE FLOOR AREA RATIO ON THE PRElVI:ISES :K:NO"VVN AS TAx: lVI:AP PARCEL 57-1-((2))-122 ALSO :K:NO"VVN AS 10701. lVI:AIN STREET. "VV"HEREAS, Fairfax Nursing Center,. has submitted Application Special Exception No. SE-07040002 requesting to the City Code listed belo,^,: Special Except:ions: Section I 10-84 (d) To permit less than the required 40 percent reduction of nutrients in the RPA; Section 110-258 (a) To modi fy the scree-ning betV'Veen the C-l office commercial district: and the P-D planned development district:, Section 110-763 (3) a and b2 To modify the side yard setback and angle or bulk plane requirement; and Section 1 10 763 a To modify the floor area ratio requirement. V\THEREAS, City Council has carefully considered the application, the recommendatioI1 of the staff and testimony received at: the public hearing; and V\THEREAS, City Council has determined that the proposed Special Exception is appropriate because the proposal meets the requisites established by City or Fairfax Code Sections 110-89 (b) (d) and 110-763 (6) because the proposed development: (1) V\Till not result in increased trarfic congestion or otheI'V"ise negatively impact existing traffic flovv or pedestrian and vehicular safety; V\Till not be contrary to the objectives specified in the comprehensive plan; V\Till not result in inadequate on-site amenity; Is necessary to permit the reasonable use of the subject property; and V\Till not adversely impact adjacent property or the surrounding area. (2) (3) (4) (5) NOv.r. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VEn by the City Council of the City of Fairfax on this 11 'h day of September 2007, that Application No. SE-07040002 be and hereby is APPROVED", as requested. The motion to adopt the resolution vvas approved September 1 I", 2007.