R-06-49 RESOL UTION NO. R-06-49 DESIGNATION OF DEPART~ENT OF UTILITIES AS RESPONSIBLE AGENT FOR VVATER SUPPLY PLAN DEVELOP~ENT "VVHEREAS, subsequent to the severe droughts of 1999 to 2002, the Virginia General Assembly passed SB 1221" a lavv that requires all localities to develop and adopt a vvater supply plan; and VVHEREA, the purpose of the vvater supply plan are: to: (i) ensure that adequate and safe drinking vvater is available to all citizens of the Commonvvealth; (ii) encourage,. promote, and protect all other beneficial uses of the Commonvvealth's '-Vater resources; and (iii) encourage, promote, and develop incentives for altemative vvater sources; and VVHEREAS, althou.gh the s1:ate lavv- stipu.lates that the localities are responsible for developing the vvater supply plan, there needs to be considerable input and involvement rrom City or Fairrax" Department or Utilities in this initiative; ar1d ~HER.EAS" the state laV\.'" stipulates that ""hile the localities are responsible ror developing the VV"ater supply plan" "Counties" Cities" and to"V\Tns are encouraged to develop regional programs;"" and ~HEREAS" the source or drinking ""ater delivered to the residents or City oT Fairrax originates beyond the boundaries or City or Fairfax; and VVHERAS, the Northem Virginia Regional Commission is in the position to coordinate the development of a regional './\Tater Supply PlaJ:1 and has been requested to do so by the Northem Virginia Chier Administration Officers. NOVV,THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that City of Fairfax Department of Utilities shall be the design..ated agent or the City or Fairrax responsible ror the development orthe VVater Supply Plan in-accordaJ:1ce V\.Tith 9 V AC25-780-10, and the Director or Utilities is directed to appoint a V\.Torkgroup composed or appropriate starr to assist "V\Tith development or the Plan. BE IT FUR-THER RESOLpvED that the City of Fairfax Department of Utilities is authorized to participate in the development or a Regional "VVater Supply Plan; and the Northem Virginia Regional Commission hereby is designated as the Lead Agency ror the City or Fairfax to develop a Regional ~ater Supply PlaJ:1 subject to City of Fairfax"s approval or a :rv1:emorandum orUnderstanding and a project budget. Adopted: December 12, 2006 ~~~~ l\t1:ayor --......... ~~~~ The vote on the motion to approve V\.Tas recorded as rolloV\.Ts: VOTE: Council,-""omar1 Cross Councilman. Greenfield CouncilV\.Toman. Lyon Councilman Rasmussen Councilman Silverthome Councilmember "VVinter Aye Absent Aye Aye Aye Aye