2009-11 ORDINANCE NO. 2009-11 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A LICENSE AND EASEJVIENT TO, AND AUTFIORIZING TFIE CITY JVIANAGER TO EXECUTE A LICENSE AGREEJVIENT AND DEED OF EASEJVIENT ""'ITFI, RAJ K. KAPOOR, TO USE FOR A FIVE (5) YEAR TERJVI TFIE PUBLIC RIGFIT-OF-""'AY ON OLD LEE FIIGFI""'AY AT FAIRFAX CIRCLE IN TFIE CITY OF FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA FOR THE OPERATION, JVIAINTENANCE, REPAIR, INSPECTION, RELOCATION AND REJVIOV AL OF CERT AIN JVIONITORING ""'ELLS ASSOCIA TED ""'ITFI TFIE CIRCLE SFIELL. BE IT ORDAINED BY TFIE CITY COUNCIL OF TFIE CITY OF FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA that RAJ .K.._ I<..APOOR,. and his Sllccessors,. for a period OT five (5) years from tl"1C date or rull execution of a Licen.se Agreement and Deed of Easement: substan.tially o:r th.c forms attached to this ordinance" and subject to the conditions and restrictions cont:ained therein" is hereby authorized and empo"-Vcred on. a non-exclusive basis to maintain" repair" inspect" operate" remove and relocate certain monitoring vvells located vvithin the pl___lblic right:- of-vvay on. Old Lee High"VVay at Fairfax Circle" in. the City of- Fairfax" Virginia. The conditions or the License and Easemen.t shall be as contained in that certain License Agreement and that certain Deed of Easement attached to this Ordinnnce. BE IT FURTFIER ORDAINED by the City Councilor the City or Fairfax that the City :M:anager is authorized and directed to execute a License Agreement and Deed of- Easement containing the terms and conditions set forth herein and substantially of~ the forms at-tached -to this Ordinance", subject to such reasonable modifications as approved by th.e City Attomey. This ordinance shall become effective as provided by laV\T. I~TRODUCED: April 28, 2009 PUBLIC HEARING: 1VIay 12, 2009 ADOPTED: 1VIay 12,2009 ATTEST: ~~~~~~ City Clerk Vates Councilmember Cross Councilman Drummond Councilman Greenfield Councilman lV1eyer Councilman Rasmussen Councilman Stombres Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye