19930112 1993-1 ORDINANCE NO. ORDINANC -_ INTO TH~ CITy CODE CERTAIN STATE CO- ERENCE MOTOR VEHICLE LAWs, DE PROVISIONS RELATiNG WHILE INTOXICATED, DRIVING MOTOR VEHICLEs JUVENILES. AND DISPOSITION OF SUCH CASEs FOR . .BE IT ORDAINE ~lr~lnia, Upon rA--~D by_the City C ..... · ~ ~ Chapter ~ ~e_~ o~ the ame~_~fcl~ of the Ci~.. _ article 9 ~_~u~ Title 18.~ 't~"~nus made to T'~ ~ o~ Fairfax inG th, ~k~P~er 11 o~ ~J' ~na Section ~ ~--e 46.z, Arti-~ - -- ~==z Sess/o" ~~e 16.1 o* ~- ~%-~-278 et =,- -'~ -' ~ une Vir~-~- - - ~= Code of ,-:- .-~'' or 13-1 of the Code of the City of Fairfax, Virginia, be and the same ='"~ ~eneral a~ ..... vzrglnia dur- is hereby amended to read as follows: =, ~a= ~ectlon Section 13-1. Ado t/on of state law. Pursuant to the authority of Section 46.2-13 Virginia, 1950, as amend , ~{ t~e laws of h~ _~_~ed_ all of the -~-..:-~ 13 of the Code o~ l~rg~nia, artic~'~ct, contained infO, Assorts a~ r~quirements vIrginia, and S ~+~-~- ~napter 7 of Titl~e~46'2 ~,f ~ne Code of Title 16 et seq., Artic J' Code of .1 of the Code of Virginia as in force and effect on July ~ ~napter 11 of 1, 1992, all of the provisions and requirements of such laws as in 1993, excemt ~--~:-~ ~ws as in force and ~,~_~prov~s~ons and _ . .m ~=~uzon 46.2-114 an~ ~ .... ~=u~ on January 1 requirements the violation of' wh~x~=~% ~n~se provisions an~ hereby ad?pted an ~ constitutes a felony are ~ incorporated in this chapter by referenc~ and made applicable within the cmty as fully as though set forth at length herein. It shall he unlawful for any person wmth to vxolate or fa~ ,~,~A_~ ...... ' in the city · '1, ..~=uu ur rezuse ~o comply with any of the incorporated provisions of Title 46.2 or Article 2 of Chapter 7 of Title 18.2 or Section 16.1-278 et seq., Article 9 of Chapter 11 of Title 16.1 of the Code of Virginia which are adopted by this section; provided, that in no event shall the penalty imposed for the violation of any provisions or requirements hereby adopted exceed the penalty imposed for the offense under Title 46-2 or under Article 2 of Chapter 7 of Title 18.2 or under Section 16.1- 278 et seq, Article 9 of Chapter 11 of Title 16.1 of the Code of Virginia. This ordinance shall become effective as provided by law. INTRODUCED: December 15, 1992 PUBLIC HEARING: January 12, 1993 ADOPTED: January 12, 1993 ATTEST: C~ty (~lerk