19980908 r-98-54 RESOLUTION NO. R-98-54
WHEREAS, rapidly changing technology has resulted in the increased mobility of
capital and labor, thus making tax competition between local governments ever greater;
WHEREAS, the General Assembly has established the Commission on the Condition
and the future of Virginia's Cities and local tax structure is of key importance to the condition
and future of Virginia's cities;
WHEREAS, the number of unfunded mandates on local governments is ever increasing,
yet the revenue-raising options of local governments in Virginia is simultaneously decreasing;
WHEREAS, Federal and State revenue sources are tied to income, resulting in rising
income with growth, while Virginia's local jurisdictions are tied largely to real and personal
property rates that do not necessarily expand with economic growth; and
WHEREAS, the City Council wishes the City of Fairfax to be a model jurisdiction of
fair and efficient local tax policy for the Commonwealth of Virginia,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council establishes a Taxation
Task Force to make recommendations to the City Council regarding the City's tax structure,
and to make recommendations to the City Council on tax policy issues to include in the City's
legislative packages; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Taxation Task Force shall be composed of two
members of the City Council (one of whom shall be appointed as chair by the Mayor), two
members from the Council of Civic Associations, the Commissioner of the Revenue, the
Treasurer, one member each from the School Board, the Planning Commission, the Economic
Development Authority, the Board of Equalization of Real Estate Assessments, the Central
Fairfax Chamber of Commerce, and the Fairfax City Auto Dealers Association. In addition,
there shall be two residents at large appointed by the chair and a representative of the city staff
appointed by the City Manager, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Taxation Task Force shall submit its final
report to the City Council before April 1, 1999. Interim reports or recommendations may be
submitted to City Council prior to submittal of the final report.
Adopted this 8m day of September, 1998.
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