19861014 r-86-39CESOLU~ION NO. R-86-39
WHEREAS, the City of l=airfax City Council has decided to establish certain
obiectives for its tenure; and
~!/HEREAS, the City Council has decided that these objectives should be form-
alized and established as City policy;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following are goals for the
1986-1988 term of the Fairfax City Council:
There shall be developed a plan to alleviate maior traffic problems in the
City. After appropriate public hearings, Council will identify sources of
There shall be established a mechanism for producing a long-range plan,
extending beyond the normal Comprehensive Plan considerations into the
21st century.
There shall be developed policies and procedures to control commercial
development in areas where it may not be desirable and to encourage
development and redevelopment, particularly residential, in areas where it
is needed.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council affirms its dedication
to the continuation of programs oriented toward the upgrading and refurbishing of
the City's educational facilities, toward improvement of recreational facilities and
opportunities for all citizens, toward revitalization of the Old and Historic District,
and toward the maintenance of our City as a residential community.
Adopted this l~th day of October, 1986.