1982 indexNUMBER R-g2-1 R-82-2 R-82-3 R-82-4 R-g2-5 R-82-6 R-82-7 R-.g2-g R-82-9 R-82-10 R-82-11 R-82-12 R-82-13 R-g2-1O R-82-15 R-82-16 R-82-17 R-82-1 g R-82-19 R-82-20 R-82-21 R-82-22 R-82-23 R-82-28 R-82-25 R-82-26 R-82-27 R-82-28 R-82-29 ADOPTED Ol/3O/82 Ol/3o/~2 02/02/82 02/02/82 02/02/82 02/16/82 0~/06/82 o~/13/82 0~/13/82 0~/18/82 06/01/82 06/o1/82 06/01/82 o6/Ol 06/01/82 06/22/82 06/29/82 06/29/82 07/06/82 07/06/82 07/06/82 07/06/82 07/06/82 08/10/82 08/10/82 08/2~/82 08/10/82 08/2~/82 09 /1~ /82 RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED IN 1982 Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution TITLE appointing City Treasurer. designating depositories. establishing "Fairfax City Young Citizen Award." authorizing supplemental appropriations for CUE bus. authorizing supplemental appropriations for CUE bus. concerning the Potomac Embayment Standards. concerning past due Treasurer's reports. Resolution authorizing supplemental appropriation for Sidney Lanier Intermediate School. Resolution concerning parties contracting with the City. Resolution regarding 1-66 sound barrier. Resolution authorizing appropriations to the General Fund for the 12-month period 3uly 1, 1982 - 3une 30, 1983. Resolution authorizing appropriations to the General Revenue Sharing Fund for the 12-month period 3uly 1, 1982 - 3une 30, 1983. Resolution authorizing 12-month period :luly 1, Resolution authorizing 12-month period 3uly 1, appropriations to the Water Fund for the 1982 - 3une 30, 1983. appropriations to the Sewer Fund for the 1982 - 3une 30, 1983. Resolution authorizing appropriations to the Transportation Fund for the 12-month period 3uly 1, I982 - 3une 30, 1983. Resolution authorizing City Manager to sign agreement with VDH~cT for Pickett Road improvements. Resolution approving and adopting "Revised Comprehensive Plarl" for the City. Resolution on Litter Control,. Resolution designating two meetings per month for the new Council. Resolution requiring a quarterly report for Counqil. Resolution promoting cooperative efforts of Council and business and informal dinner meeting with Chamber of Commerce. Resolution tasking the City Attorney. Resolution tasking the Fairfax City staff. Resolution establishing the CUB Committee as permanent. Resolution to establish a City Charter Commission. Resolution accepting Old Town Hall. Resolution concerning t. he case of Long vs. City Council. Resolution for street improvements for Fairfax Street and improvements of storm drainage. Resolution indemnifying former Mayor and Council members who are parties in Long vs. City Council. -1- NU~ER ^DQPTED R-82-30 10/12/82 R-g2-3l 10/12/82 R-82-~2 I0/12/82 R-82-3~ 11/2~/82 RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED IN 1982 TITLE Resolu'cion creating a Public Information Advisory Committee. Resolution concerning expiration of liens for taxes delinquent for 20 years or more, Resolution opposing elimination or limitation of the _meals an_dd transient occupancy taxes.. Resolution concerning condemnation of property of the former Warren Construction Co. R-g2-3g 11/23/82 Resolution concerning acquisition of property of the former_Warren Construction Co. R-82-35 11/23/82 R-82-36 12/1t~/82 R.82-37 12/1t~/82 R-82-38 12/1t~/82 Resolution endorsing the Falrtax City dance. Resolution opposing Commonwealth Hospital Association move. Resolution requesting state legislation to control the sales of dr_[9_.g paraphernalia. Resolution concerning the Potomac E mbayment Standards. R-82-39 12/It~/g2 Resolution to require bond o! City Treasure~. -2-