1981 indexRI[SOLUTIONS ADOPTED IN 1981 NUMBER R-gl-I ADOPTED 02/10/81 R-gl-2 o3/17/81 R-gl-5 05/19/81 R-gl-6 0 /19/81 R-gl-7 05/19/81 R-gl-g 0 /19/8I R-gl-9 0a/09/81 R-gl-10 07/07/81 R-gl-il 07/07/81 R-gl-12 10/27/gl 1o/27/81 10/27/81 TITLE Resolution supporting the elimination of binding arbitration from the WMATA compact. -' Resolution pertaining to federal pavement markinl~ demonstration program. Resolution providing for an exchange of land between the City of Fairfax, Va., and City Square ~artnershiD. Resolution pertaining to utilization of state aid for locally funded public transportation capital prOjects. Resolution authorizing .approl~riations to the General Fund for the 12-month period 3uly 1~ 1981 - 3une 30~ 1982. Resolution authorizing apl)rol~riations to the General Fund for the 12-month period 3uly 1, 1981 - 3une 30, 1982. Resolution authorizing al)oropriations to the Water Fund for the 12-month period 3uly 1~ 1981 - 3une 30~ 1982. Resolution authorizing appropriations to the Sewer Fund for the 12-month period 3uly 1, 1981 - 3une 30, 1982. Resolution authorizing condemnation of Hi~ginbotham Tract for temporary construction easement for PaRe Avenue Connector. Resolution for street improvements on a portion of School Street from Route 123 to the west end of School Street. Final resolution for public improvements on a portion of School Street from Route 123 to the wes't end of School Street. - Resolution approving payment of $27,q92.~7 to Miller & Smith as settlement of Chancery No. 56129. Resolution expanding the membership on the Commission on th.e Arts. Supplemental appropriation resolution for improvements to Route 123. 11/o3/81 Resolution concerning federal pavement markinl~ demonstration program. Resolution for relocation and adjustment of utilities for Pickett Road reconstruction. R-gl-17 12/1~5/81 Resolution regarding .bank depositories.