19800205 r-80-6Resolution No. R-80-6
Resolution Supporting Continuance of
General Revenue Sharing
WHEREAS, the Federal Government initiated the General
Revenue Sharing Program in 1972 to:
reduce the regressive burden of state and local taxes
by substituting revenues from progressive Federal income
give people at the state and local levels the resources
and the flexibility to develop solutions suited to
their unique problems,
c. relieve the fiscal problems of hard pressed local govern-
ments with inadequate or inflexible tax bases, and
WHEREAS, the City of Fairfax, Virginia has used General
Revenue Sharing Funds for the last eight years for significant
capital improvement projects in the educational, health, recrea-
tional, transportation and general government areas, and
WHEREAS, the aforementioned capital projects have benefited
the citizens of Fairfax City generally, and
WHEREAS, the City's budget for the forthcoming year will
include necessary high priority capital projects funded with
more than $500,000 in General Revenue Sharing monies, and
WHEREAS, if the Federal General Revenue Sharing funds were
not provided for FY 80-81, either the real property tax rate wo~
have to be raised by 6¢ per $100 of assessed value (or other
local tax raised an equivalent amount) or the capital projects
would not be carried out,
NO~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that since General Revenue
Sharing funds have benefited this City and all local governments
greatly that the Fairfax City Council call on its elected official
in the Congress of the United States to take all necessary action~
to insure that this vital and flexible funding source for local
and state governments be continued.
Adopted: February 5, 1980.
City Clerk