19731120 r-73-32RESOLUTION NO. R-73-32 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA RELATING TO THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT'S GUARANTEE OF TRANSIT REVENUE BONDS ISSUED BY THE WASHINGTON METROPOLITAN AREA TRANSIT AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the Secretary of the United States Department of Transportation is authorized, pursuant to Public Law 92-349 to guarantee, on behalf of the United States Government, transit revenue bonds issued by the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, and WHEREAS, the Secretary, as a condition of the sale of these bonds pursuant to the provisions of Public Law 92-349, must determine that their sale represents an acceptable risk to the United States; and WHEREAS, in order to provide the Secretary with further evidence of its ability to meet service requirements on Authority bonds, the Board of Directors of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority passed a resolution on June 21, 1973, attached hereto and made a part hereof, in which it agreed to assure that necessary revenues will be made available through subsidies, fare adjustments, or a combination thereof, sufficient to pay the principal and interest on its obligations in fulfillment of its contract with the Secretary and further agreed to continue to pursue a course of action designed to assure the continued validity of its financial plan; and WHEREAS, in order to permit the Secretary to c~ntinue guaranteeing on behalf of the United States, bonds issued by the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, this body wishes to furnish additional assurances to the Secretary. BE IT RESOLVED, that this Council concurs in and sup- ports the aforesaid Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority on June 21, 1973, and pledges that it will take all action necessary to make sufficient financial assistance available to enable the Authority to meet its obligations to the United States under agreements between the Authority and the Secretary of Transportation entered into pursuant to the revenue bond guarantee provisions of the R-73-.32 National Capital Transportation Act of 1972, such assistance to be provided jointly by the parties to the Capital Contribu- tions Agreement of January 9, 1970, entered into by the Authority and the Washington Suburban Transit District, the District of Columbia, the Counties of Arlington and Fairfax and the Cities of Alexandria, Falls Church and Fairfax, and in the same pro- portions as are determined for the contributions of the respective signatories in accordance with Schedule "B" attached to and made a part of said agreement. Adopted: November 20, 1973 Attest: City ~C l&rk - 2 - £~ q,..\ .,,~OOR~_ .IR J~HN A N~VIU~ O~t~cC Of C~tum~li WILLt~A W. GULLETT ST~RL~NG TUCKER IDAMAE G~ROTT FRANCIS W. wHITE Of~=ePI JACKSO~ GRAHAM SCHUYLER LOWE E~ufive Oftice~ ~nC COmptroller OELMER ISON JOVAN R ~ENNEDY General CounSe~ ROY T. DODGE WASHINGTON METROPOLITAN ARF_.~, TRANSIT AUTHORITY 950 South L'Enfant Plaza, 6.W., Washington, D.C. 20024 Janu=ry 15, 197~ Thomas P. Dugan, Esq. Clty Attorney City of Fei rfax 101 Armstrong Street Fairfax, Vkrginia 22030 i sm pleased to enclose . Pursuant to your request hsrewith copy of ~ettor to ~r. r~nnec~y frc~a Hut[ge Rosa Guthrle & Alexander~ our l'nt~rpretlng th~ Resolution enacted by Falls Che~ c~csr~i~ Nstro ~qd~. ~a ~5olution adopted by th~ City of Falrfax Resolution a~op:ed by Fa~ts Church, ~arefore opi~ti~ applies ~q~el.~y [o ~he Falrfax City Resolution. ~e Authority Is m3s: appreciative of ~e ~ntlnu- ous support: it ls rer~lv~g fr~ y~r City ss ~ ~n- tlnae construction of the Metro system. R-73-3~. .'~"'t,,~,?, ',,,..~ :~.'I,%~,. Gen~.ral Counoel W~_shirij~ton Metropolitan Area T~,ansit Authority 950 South L'Enfant Plaza, S.T;. Washington, D. C. 2002h Decenber 1~, 1973 Dear ~.M. Kennedy: You have furnished us witl% a coty o~-a resolution adopted by the City Council of Falls Church, Virginia on ~,;ovember 13, 197~, relating to the United States 8overv. ment's guarantee of Transit Revenue Bond~ issued by the Waskington MetroDolits~ Area Transit Authority, and h~ve lnq. ui~.d as to whether the Orovislons of such resolution create a debt or liability of the City in violation of the statutes and Constitution of Virginia. In the resolution, the City-Council (1) states its concurrence and support of the re~olutio~ ~dooted by'the ^~,.,..o~i~ on June 21, '1 designed '~o assure th~ ~cretary o. the Un'~ted States Depbr~m~n~ of T~ansDortation that necessary revenues will b~ availsble to pay the prin- cipal of ~nd in~erest on oblir~tions of the Authority, (2) Dledges to t~ke all action necessary to make available its DroDoPtionate sha~e of financial assistance so as to enable the Authority to meet i~s obligations to the United States under its Guarantee ^~.e,_~.ut w~th the £ecretsr~ TransDor~atton~ The resolution of t City of Falls Church not~,,,,~_~,,:.~~"~ in our opinion, a lu~.l±y~'~ "enforceable R-73-32 o ~ :"~" .... *~-~ h,~.t ~.~ ~"~" the ~r~solutlon doeg nog creage~ nc~ %S it · R-73-32 IV~ U DG E Decembez' i~, 1973 John R. Kennedy, Esq., General Counsel Washington Mebropoli~an Area Transit Au~.ho~y 950 South Washln$~on, D. C, 2002~ Dear Jack: Enclosed is ~a opinion letter quested that Z send along ~o 2ou. ~haC Ison. re- regards. Please call ne I~ you have any quea~iOUmo '- Slncexnely yours P~EP: OP Eno losure ce. w/eric, to: Mr. De[met Xson