19710202 r-71-5RESOLUTION
the City of Fairfax, as a member of the
Northern Virginia Planning District Commis-
sion, has a continuing commitment to regional
planning in the field of law enforcement and
criminal justice; and
the City of Fairfax has a continuing commit-
ment to the advancement of professionalism
in police training and forensic law enforce-
ment needs in these fields; and
the City of Fairfax looks to the Northern
Virginia Police Academy and Northern Virginia
Forensic Laboratory to satisfy its law enforce-
ment needs in these fields;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Fairfax (1) en-
dorses the development of a regional police
academy and forensic laboratory; and (2) sub-
scribes to the charter creating these two in-
stitutions in which the City of Fairfax will
participate as an advisory member with full
benefits under such charter.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution is passed
subject to the following addition to section
2.b.8 of such charter, "In determining fees to
be charged non-participating jurisdictions,
principal costs for capital expenditures and
any Federal or State aid received or receivable
shall not b~ included. Such costs or aid shall
be deducted from the fee basis determination
so that the charge per service rendered is a
net figure. Non-participating jurisdictions
within the geographical area encompassed by
this agreement shall be guaranteed minimum
services hereunder in proportion to the ratio
of their population to the area as a whole."
Adopted: February 2, 1971.