19680507 r-68-2RESOLUS?iO~'~ ESTAEI.,IS~ING ~iOUSING A_DVISOAi.i -~'~, .~ ......
WHER~S, the people of the City of Fairfax have, since the
and harmony;
WL~REAS, the government of the City of Pairfax has been and
:tinues t° be conduct, ed in such a manner as to afford equal
portunity and equal protection to its citizens without regard
to their creed or color;
~RF~S, t1]e Congress of the United States has recently
en~cte~ the 1968 Civil Rights Bill which, among other objects,
regulates the rental and sale of residential property;
~azrfax deems the City govern-
WHER~S, theCity Council of
ment capable of maintaining public order and protecting the rights
of its 'citizens without the necessity of the intervention of the
Federal Government and %o that end wishes to collect information
and the advice of citizens who are directly involved in all aspects
of the ownership, construction, ren'gal and sale of residential and
real property as to whether additional housing or additional ordi-
nances are required in the City' of Fairfax at this time;
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that there shall be, and
hereby is,. created the Housing Advisory Board consisting of seven
(7) members appointed by the City Council %o serve at the pleasure
of the City Council who shall be charged with the responsibility
and duty of advising the City Council and the government of the
City of Fairfax upon the following matters:
1. ~nether there is a need for any type of housing in
the City of Fairfnx which is not presently available, and, if so,
the extent of the need, the type of the requirement, and the time
within which such housing is required.
2. ~'lether the requirements for additional housing, J.f
any, can be met by private developers or whether public assis-
tance is required.
3. ~ether any changes in subdivision and zoning ordi-
nances and building codes are required in ordez to permit con-
struction of such housing, if any types of housing are required.
4. ~ether a minimum housing ordinance or any other addi-
tional ordinances are required in the City of Fairfax to insure
that necessary and desirable types of housing are made available
to all citizens without regard to their economic circumstances,
creed or color.
5. If additional legislation is required to provide ade-
quate and equal housing for the citizens of Fairfax, the types
of ordinances which should be adopted and how the same should be
enforced by the government of the City of Fairfax.
Adopted: May 7, 1968.