2014-31 ORDINANCE NO. 2014-31
BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Fairfax, Virginia, that Article
II, Division 7, Section 110-180 of the Code of the City of Fairfax, is hereby amended as
Sec. 110-180. Signs permitted.
(a) Signs located in the city shall conform to the applicable requirements contained in
Table I, Table II, Table III and subsection (b) of this section (special regulations), unless
expressly exempted or modified elsewhere in this division.
(b) Special regulations.
(1) Window signs. Permanent and temporary signs may be displayed on or adjacent to the
interior windows of establishments in the C and I districts and commercial uses located in
planned development districts, provided that all window signs shall be located within a
contiguous area composing no more than 25 percent of the area of each window. The total
area of window signs shall not exceed 50 percent of the maximum permitted building
mounted sign area for that business.
(2) Multitenant commercial buildings not located within an historic district.
a. Shopping centers.
1. Shopping center identification signs. On parcels having a minimum street frontage of
150 feet, one ground-mounted or building-mounted sign shall be permitted not to exceed one-
half square foot for each linear foot of building frontage to a maximum of 50 square feet in
area for the purpose of identifying the name of the center. Such sign shall not be used to
identify any of the individual businesses located in such center.
2. Building-mounted signs. Except as provided in subsection (b)(2)a.1. of this section
(shopping center identification signs) and subsection (b)(2)d. of this section (design approval
bonus), the total area of building mounted signage shall not exceed 1.5 square feet for each
linear foot of building frontage on which the sign is to be attached for any shopping center.
Where feasible, signs for such establishments shall be grouped to form a single sign.
Individual tenants within such building shall be allocated building-mounted signage as
i. Retail sales and personal service establishments shall be permitted building-mounted
signage not to exceed 1.5 square feet for each linear foot of building frontage on which the
sign is to be attached and which is occupied by each such tenant to a maximum of 150 square
feet per tenant.
ii. Each other establishment shall be permitted building-mounted signage not to exceed
one square foot for each linear foot of building frontage on which the sign is to be attached
and which is occupied by each such tenant to a maximum of 100 square feet per tenant.
iii. Where a tenant has no building frontage, building-mounted signage shall be
apportioned by the building owner or his agent, but in no case exceed the requirements
established above with respect to sign areas for individual tenants or building total.
3. Signs for individual establishments located in detached buildings within a shopping
center. Same as for individual or multiple businesses as appropriate (subsection (b)(1) and
(b)(2)a. and b. of this section). No ground mounted sign shall be permitted for individual
businesses situated within a shopping center.
4. Sign approval. In accordance with the provisions of article XIX of this chapter, signs
appurtenant to new and renovated shopping centers shall be subject to approval of the board
of architectural review or the city council. In its review, the board of architectural review or
the city council may establish guidelines for future tenant signage at such shopping center
including locations, sizes, colors and other design features.
b. Office or industrial centers.
1. Center identification signs. On parcels having a minimum street frontage of 150 feet,
one ground-mounted center identification sign shall be permitted identifying the name of the
center only. No such sign shall exceed 40 square feet in area.
2. Building identification signs. One ground-mounted sign shall be permitted for each
detached principal building within an office or industrial center of two or more acres. Such
sign shall identify only the name of the building or enterprise located therein, the address,
company logo, or any combination thereof and shall be placed along the building frontage. If
the principal buildings are arranged on the lot in such a manner as to face a parking area, then
the perimeter wall facing such parking area may be considered the building frontage. No such
sign shall exceed 20 square feet in area.
3. Building directory sign. Detached multitenant office or industrial buildings located
within an office or industrial center shall be permitted one building-mounted directory sign
not to exceed 20 square feet in area for the purpose of identifying the names and locations of
uses within the building. Ground-mounted directory signs, not to exceed 20 square feet in
area, shall be permitted for detached multitenant office or industrial buildings within an office
or industrial center of two or more acres; however, the use of a ground-mounted directory
sign shall preclude the use of any other ground-mounted sign on that same building or street
frontage. All attached multitenant office or industrial buildings shall be permitted one
building-mounted directory sign not to exceed four square feet in area for the purpose of
identifying the names and locations of uses within the building.
4. Tenant signs. Buildings within office or industrial centers shall be permitted building-
mounted signs identifying individual tenants.
i. Each building shall be permitted, as a matter of right, a maximum cumulative total of
such signs not exceeding one-quarter square foot for each linear foot of building frontage. The
maximum cumulative total of tenant signage for each building may be increased to not greater
than 1.50 square feet for each linear foot of building frontage, provided that a conceptual
master plan for all tenant, directory, building identification and center identification signs has
been reviewed and approved by the board of architectural review or the city council, in
accordance with the provisions of article XIX of this chapter. Such master plan shall include
colors and materials of all such signs, and the locations, shapes, maximum dimensions,
methods of illumination and other design-related features requested by the board of
architectural review or the city council. Only one such master plan shall be required to
increase the amount of signage as specified above. Individual tenant signs shall not be subject
to subsequent board of architectural review or the city council review, provided that all signs
erected are consistent with the approved master plan. The maximum area permitted for any
one tenant sign shall be 50 square feet.
ii. On multistory buildings, no tenant sign shall be permitted at a height greater than 31/2
feet above the finished floor level of the second story.
c. Individual multitenant commercial or industrial building on a single lot.
1. Building identification signs. Individual multitenant commercial buildings on a single
lot shall be permitted one ground-mounted or building-mounted sign not to exceed one-half
square foot for each linear foot of building frontage to a maximum of 50 square feet in area
for the purpose of identifying the name of the building within which such commercial uses are
located. Such sign shall identify only the name of the building or the principal occupant
2. Building directory sign. Individual multitenant office or industrial buildings on a
single lot shall be permitted one building-mounted or ground-mounted directory sign not to
exceed 20 square feet in area for the purpose of identifying the names and locations of uses
within the building; however, the use of a ground-mounted directory sign shall preclude the
use of any other ground-mounted sign on that same building or street frontage.
3. Tenant signs. Individual multitenant commercial or industrial buildings shall be
permitted building-mounted signs identifying individual tenants.
i. Each building shall be permitted, as a matter of right, a maximum cumulative total of
such signs not exceeding one-half square foot for each linear foot of building frontage. The
maximum cumulative total of tenant signage for each building may be increased to not greater
than 1.50 square feet for each linear foot of building frontage, provided that a conceptual
master plan for all tenant, directory, building identification and center identification signs has
been reviewed and approved by the board of architectural review or the city council, in
accordance with the provisions of article XIX of this chapter. Such master plan shall include
the information specified in subsection (b)(2)b. of this section. Only one such master plan
shall be required to increase the amount of signage as specified in this subsection i. Individual
tenant signs shall not be subject to subsequent review by the board of architectural review or
the city council, provided that all signs erected are consistent with the approved master plan.
The maximum area permitted for any one tenant sign shall be 50 square feet.
ii. On multi-story buildings, no tenant sign shall be permitted at a height greater than 3'/2
feet above the finished floor level of the second story.
d. Design approval bonus. The permitted sign area for multitenant commercial buildings
not located in the Old and Historic District shall be increased by ten percent if the sign design
and location are reviewed and approved by the board of architectural review or the city
council, in accordance with the provisions of article XIX of this chapter. In its deliberations,
the board of architectural review or the city council shall consider the visual appropriateness
and uniformity of signs with respect to design, color and location, and their integration with
the architectural form of the building. The board of architectural review or the city council
may impose conditions for approval relative to such considerations.
(3) Service stations. Service stations shall be permitted the following signs in addition to
the total sign area permitted in Table I, Table II, and Table III of this division.
a. Two square feet per pump to identify the contents, price, and related information,to be
placed on each pump.
b. Four square feet per pump island identifying it as either "self-service" or "full-
service," to be placed on the island.
c. One state inspection sign, not to exceed four square feet.
d. One emission control inspection sign, not to exceed four square feet.
(4) Old Town Fairfax Historic Overlay District. The design and display of signs in the
Old Town Fairfax Historic Overlay District are subject to the provisions of article XVIII of
this chapter (historic overlay districts), including applicable design criteria, except as
specifically qualified in this chapter.
a. Bulk regulations. Total cumulative signage for each building frontage shall not exceed
one square foot for each linear foot of building frontage. Signs shall also be permitted on
building faces which are not included within the definition of building frontages provided that
such building face is visible from a public street, and further provided that such signage does
not exceed one-half square foot for each linear foot of building face. Building identification,
building directory and individual tenant signs shall be permitted. Canopy signs located on the
first floor of a building indicating only the name of a building or tenant shall not be counted
toward the maximum permitted signage. Signs located within the Old Town Fairfax Historic
Overlay District shall comply with the bulk regulations contained in Table III.
b. Materials. Materials used in the construction and ornamentation of signs located in
this district shall be compatible with the architecture of the building with which they are
associated and consistent with the character of the district. Appropriately designed wood,
canopy and painted window signs are preferred in the district. High gloss plastic, neon, and
plastic-faced sign boxes shall not be permitted.
c. Lettering size. Lettering on signs shall not exceed twelve inches in height, unless
otherwise approved by the Board of Architectural Review, at which time the maximum height
considered would be fourteen inches.
d. Color. Sign color shall be compatible with the color scheme of the building with
which the sign is associated and consistent with the character of the district.
e. Illumination. Signs may be illuminated by white light only. Lighting shall be
unobtrusive and illuminate the sign face only. Back-lit signs are prohibited.
f. Content. The content of signs shall be limited to advertising the basic nature of
businesses and identifying the names and either the addresses or telephone numbers of
businesses; provided, however that service stations located in the district shall be permitted
the signs in subsection (b)(3) of this section (special regulations for service stations).
g. Context. Building-mounted signs shall be designed and constructed as an integral part
of the building facade in terms of design and placement. Signs shall be compatible with and
relate to the design elements of a building including proportion, scale, materials, color and
details. Signs shall not obscure, depreciate, or compete with a building's significant
architectural features.
h. Sign approval. Signs erected or altered in the district are subject to approval by the
board of architectural review or the city council, in accordance with the provisions of article
XIX of this chapter as specified in article XX of this chapter (historic overlay districts) in
addition to administrative procedures contained in section 110-184 (administration and
enforcement). In rendering its decision, the board of architectural review or the city council
shall consider the criteria contained in section 110-958 (design criteria, section 110-978
(special design requirements) and this section, and shall ensure consistency with the purpose
and intent of the district as set forth in article XX of this chapter. If necessary, the board of
architectural review or the city council shall impose conditions to ensure compliance with the
above stated criteria, including limitation, as appropriate, of the types, styles, sizes and
numbers of signs on any building in the district. An applicant may appeal any decision
rendered by the board of architectural review to the city council as specified in article XXIII
of this chapter.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Fairfax, Virginia, that
Article II, Division 7, Section 110-181, Subsection c of the Code of the City of Fairfax, is
hereby amended as follows:
(c) Table III. Old Town Fairfax Historic Overlay District Sign Regulations.
Sign Type 'Areal Setback Maximum Height Other
Wall ;1.00 sq. ',N/A 3'/2 feet above the
ft./linear ft. finished floor level of
building the second story
frontage; 0.50
sq. ft./lineal ft.
of building face
is not
defined as a
bldg. frontage
Projecting 8 sq. ft. May project 4 No higher than
ft. or 1/3 ,window sill of second
width of story unless such sign
sidewalk, is adjacent to a second
whichever is story exterior entrance;
less 8 ft. min. ground
clearance required
Window 125 percent of N/A N/A One permanent sign
(area of window'[ 'permitted per window{
l in which it is ; i 1
displayed I I
Freestanding, 18 sq. ft. Minimum 12 ft.
Hanging2 ; 'building
Ground- ,8 sq. ft. Minimum 6 ft.
mounted building
Sandwich 6 sq. ft. 'N/A 'N/A [Must be located on
Board private property and
must not impede
pedestrian flow
Canopy N/A N/A N/A1 May only indicate the
name of the building I
or tenant
l- e_ _.__ part o- above flag ii Content
to a graphic,Flag i24 sq. ft. each The No art of the fla Content shall be
(commercial) building; I anchoring ;shall extend a g p ,
counted as part'device shall roofline or 20 ft. above emblem and/or three
of building- not project grade, whichever is words or less.'
mounted more than 5 less. Each flag shall:Commercial flags
signage for ft. from the !maintain an 8 ft. min. 'may be used in
purpose of!surface of the clearance above grade, addition to flags
'calculating wall. and each supporting I specified in'
permitted area j pole shall be located in I subsection 110-
such a manner as not to 186(4) and shall be',
impede the free flow of permitted on
pedestrian traffic. freestanding poles.
1 Total cumulative sign area may not exceed one square foot for each linear foot of building
frontage and 0.50 square feet for each linear foot of building face not defined as building
frontage and meeting the qualifications contained in subsection 110-180(b)(4); provided,
however, that each detached building shall be permitted at least 15 square feet of building-
mounted signage. (Canopy signs located on the first floor of a building indicating only the
name of a building or tenant shall not be counted toward the maximum permitted coverage.)
2 All other types of pylon signs are prohibited.
3 Within the Old Town Fairfax Historic Overlay District, parking structures may be counted
towards total cumulative sign area. Signage on such parking structures must be approved as
part of a conceptual master plan for all tenant, directory, building identification and center
identification signs for the building or center that the parking structure serves. Such master
plan shall be reviewed and approved by the board of architectural review or the city council,
in accordance with the provisions of article XIX of this chapter. Such master plan shall
include colors and materials of all such signs, and the locations, shapes, maximum
dimensions, methods of illumination and other design-related features requested by the board
of architectural review or the city council. Individual tenant signs shall not be subject to
subsequent board of architectural review or the city council review, provided that all signs
erected are consistent with the approved master plan.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Fairfax, Virginia,
that Article II, Division 7, Section 110-182 of the Code of the City of Fairfax, is hereby
amended as follows:
Sec. 110-182. Temporary signs.
The following nonilluminated temporary signs are permitted in any district provided that a
permit has been approved by the zoning administrator and applicable fees and deposits (as
established by city council in the schedule of rates and levies) to guarantee removal of such
signs have been submitted. If temporary signs are not removed on or prior to the permit
expiration date, then the zoning administrator shall cause the signs to be removed, and the
deposit shall be forfeited.
(1) Construction signs. Signs shall be permitted identifying contractors, architects and
developers connected with developments under construction. There shall be a maximum total
of two such signs per development, with a maximum of 32 square feet per sign; provided,
however, that in the case of isolated individual residential units that are not part of a larger
development, one such sign shall be permitted, not to exceed ten square feet in area. The
permit for such temporary signs shall expire 30 days after the issuance of the final certificate
of occupancy.
(2) Real estate signs for commercial property. Real estate signs advertising the sale or
lease of a commercial or industrial establishment or property shall be permitted, provided
such signs shall not exceed 32 square feet in area. One such sign shall be permitted per
establishment except that there may be two such signs on a corner lot having total lot frontage
of at least 200 feet. The permit for such signs shall expire after 90 days but may be reissued
for additional 90-day increments. Such signs shall be removed within seven days of
settlement or upon leasing 90 percent of gross leasable area of the establishment.
(3) Political signs. Signs of political candidates, parties or groups supporting the
candidacy of any individual for office, or urging public support of or opposition to any public
issues to be voted upon, provided such permits shall be limited to 30 days' duration. Such
signs shall be placed no closer than eight feet from the street curb or edge of the street
pavement in the absence of a curb. Such signs shall be removed within three days following
the election or primary date to which they pertain.
(4) Business promotional signs. Signs, including banners, not to exceed 32 square feet for
business establishments advertising products, services, or special sales events; provided such
permits shall be limited to ten consecutive days' duration and six events per year for any one
business establishment.
(5) Business opening and coming soon signs. Signs, including banners, not to exceed 32
square feet for business establishments; provided such permits shall be limited to three
months' duration per opening event. A permit for a business opening event shall allow a
business opening sign and a coming soon sign within the three-month period, provided that
neither sign exceeds 32 square feet and that both signs are not displayed concurrently. No
moving signs or devices as described in subsection 110-183(3) shall be permitted.
(6) Going out of business or store closing signs. Signs, including banners, not to exceed
32 square feet for business establishments; provided such permits shall be limited to one
month's duration. No moving signs or devices as described in subsection 110-183(3) shall be
(7) Residential directional signs. Directional signs placed on private property with
permission of the owner and not exceeding four square feet in area, directing the public to a
residential development. Such signs may be placed no closer than eight feet from the curb or
the edge of the street pavement in the absence of a curb, and shall not exceed three feet in
height. Permits for such signs shall be limited to 90 days' duration.
(8) Signs advertising temporary and seasonal product stands. Signs advertising temporary
and seasonal product stands of produce, fireworks, Christmas trees, plants and similar items;
provided that the permit for such signs shall be of the same duration as the temporary
occupancy permit issued for the stand. Only one such sign shall be permitted for each stand;
and such sign shall not exceed 20 square feet in area.
This ordinance shall become effective as provided by law.
Introduced: June 10, 2014
City Council hearing: July 8, 2014
Adopted: July 8, 2014
7/t 7 /l
raierr4P ,,
City Clerk
Councilman DeMarco Aye
Councilman Greenfield Aye
Councilmember Loftus Aye
Councilman Meyer Aye
Councilmember Miller Aye
Councilmember Schmidt Aye