Traffic Code Amendment Ailaiman TO T1A2FIO CODE O TOWN 0? FAIRFAX W. IT ORDAIIED by the Town Council of the Tom of !..1'nirfax, Virginia, that the Traffics Code of the Town of Fairfax bo amended to delete paragraph desir,nated as (b) (5) of :;ection 9 6t3 now written, and to substitute therefore the following: -„ection 9, (b) ( 5) Those apod limits set by the ,itate Tlighway Department for those portions of highways maintained by the :Alit° Highway Department which lie within the corporate Units of the town; said epeed lialts being lacorporated by reference into the Town Traffic Code speed limits of the town, and specifically including the existing speed limit of 40 mlles per hour on the highway deslgnated as U. S. Routes 29, 211, 50; end those of 25 miles per hour and 35 miles per hour as posted on the highways desiGnated es U. L . Routes 123 and 236; an those of 35 ;Ales per hour and 55 miles per hour as posted on the highway designated as U. route 237. , 32; rr ?URTITO ORDAIIM that this ordinanee be, and the same hereby is, made effective on and after Ilay 11, 1955.