Electrical Code Ordinance utP eti 1164.0T tl tAL I akrkW044
Service Entrance with four branch circuits $3.00
Each additional four circuits 1 .00
(3 wire branch same as 2 wire circuits)
First 100 Amps. $1 .00
101 to 200 Amps. 2.00
201 to 400 Amps. 3.00
40l to G00 Amps. 4.00
Over u00 Amps. 5.00
(Relocation or replacement of service same as new service)
Each 1U fixtures or fraction thereof $1 .00
1 K1! or over (including circuit) $1 .00
Incandescent, each $2.00
Vacuum tube type (Neon) One transformer 2.00
Each additional transformer 1 .00
(Does not include charge for circuit)
Indoor signs same as fixtures .
30 Amp. Capacity or over $1 .00
For fixed equipment or appliances 1 .00
1/4 H.P. to .i H.P. , each $1 .00
Each additional .50
5 H.P. to 30 H.P. , each 2.00
Each additional 1 .00
Over 30 H.P. , each 3.00
Each additional 1 .30
Up to 1/4 H.P. counts as fixture.
(Above does not include circuit) .
First 50 lights or sockets $2.00
Each additional ;0 or less 1 .00
Continued Pg. 2
CItV of PiIrt!ax, VIrglnla 1100 Wool Permit Fray
Temporary wiring on poles , sheds, or building $3.00
Temporary wiring for circus or carnival -
Not over 200 Amps. 10.00
Over 200 Amps. 13.00
Temporary wiring for lawn fetes, etc. , to 100 Amps . 5.00
Temporary wiring for Christmas decorations , etc. -
To 100 Lamps 4.00
Each additional 100 lamps 1 .00
Temporary wiring for indoor exhibits -
First 3,000 square feet 3.00
Each additional 1 ,000 square feet 1 .70
Radio transmitters, each $1 .00
Each additional 70
Motion picture machines, arc spot lights, rectiriers stereoptical
lamps, each 2.00
Each additional 1 .00
X-Ray Machines, each 1 .00
Each additional .50
Arc Lamps, vapor lamps, rectifiers or rheostats, welders other than
motor operated, each 1 .00
Each additional 70
Power transformers in excess of "00 volts 2.00
Transformer vault on or in private property 3.00
The minimum fee charged for any inspection not covered by the
foregoing schedule shall not be less than two dollars ($2.00) . The
above fees shall be paid to the City of Fairfax.
February 6, 1963
Department of Public Works,
Division of Inspections,
City of Fairfax,
Fairfax, Virginia
Having reviewed the ordinance to be known as the
Electrical Code of the City of Fairfax, Virginia. We of the
M'orthern Virginia Electrical Contractors Association feel
that the obligations of the Master Electrician to the community
are such that he can not successfully meet those obligations
while engaged with too many conflicting interest. We feel that
his duties are more than just the mere signing for permits and
that the proper supervision of electrical installations is a
full time job. In view of this we respectfully submit that the
following addition be made to Section 4, Paragraph 3, of the
Electrical Code of the City of Fairfax, Sri rginia.
f. Holders of a aster Electricians Certificate of Registration
shall not serve as a Taster Electrician to more than one (1)
Electrical Contractor simultaneously.
g. Molders of a •:aster Electricians Certificate of Registration
shall not engage in the business of Electrical Contracting
while working for another Electrical Contractor, Public
Utility or similar firm simultaneously.
Very truly yours
Northern Virginia
By C1
M. C. Dean- President
• City Hall
FairfaA, Virginia
0 .4.
OF Ti1C. CiT': OF tA.Rrit ,
Division of Inspections
utriO4 OF
Service Entrance with four branch circuits $3.00
Each additional four circuits
1 .00
(3 wire branch same as 2 wire circuits)
First 100 Amps. $1 .00 2.00
101 to 200 Amps. 2.00
201 to 400 Amps. ' .00
401 to 300 Amps. 4.00
Over 300 Amps. . . . .
(Relocation or replacement of service same as new service)
Each 10 fixtures or fraction thereof $1 .00
1 Kt! or over (including circuit) $1 .00
Incandescent, each $2.00
Vacuum tube type (Neon) One transformer 2.00
Each additional transformer 1 .00
(Does not include charge for circuit)
Indoor signs same as fixtures .
30 Amp. Capacity or over $1 .00
For fixed equipment or appliances 1 .00
1/4 H.P. to 3 H.P. , each $1 .00
Each additional .50
3 H.P. to 30 H.P. , each 2.00
Each additional 1 .00
Over 30 H.P. , each 3.00
Each additional 1 .30
Up to 1/4 H.P. counts as fixture.
(Above does not include circuit) .
First 50 lights or sockets $2.00
Each additional 50 or less 1 .00
Continued Pg. 2
CI114 of FoIrrom, Vlrginla k1+M$rI$I1 Permit Foos
Temporary wiring on poles , sheds, or building $3.00
Temporary wiring for circus or carnival -
Not over 200 Amps. 10.00
Over 200 Amps. 13. .00
Temporary wiring for lawn fetes, etc. , to 100 Amps . 5.00
Temporary wiring for Christmas decorations , etc. -
To 100 Lamps 4.00
Each additional 100 lamps 1 .00
Temporary wiring for indoor exhibits -
First 3,000 square feet 3.00
Each additional 1 ,000 square feet 1 . i0
Radio transmitters , each $1 .00
Each additional • 0
Motion picture machines, arc spot lights, rectifiers & stereoptical
lamps, each 2.00
Each additional 1 .00
X-Ray Machines, each 1 .00
Each additional .50
Arc Lamps, vapor lamps, rectifiers or rheostats, welders other than
motor operated, each 1 .00
Each additional �0
Power transformers in excess of . 00 volts 2.00
Transformer vault on or in private property 3.00
The minimum fee charged for any inspection not covered by the
foregoing schedule shall not be less than two dollars ($2.00) . The
above fees shall be paid to the City of Fairfax.
OF T„E CI "`r Cl
Be it Ordained and Enacted by the City Council of the City of Fairfax,
Virginia, that:
There is hereby adopted an Ordinance, known as the City of Fairfax
Electrical Code, for the purpose of safeguarding life and property by regulating
and providing for the inspection of electrical wiring, devices, appliances and
equipment; prescribing licenses, permits and fees; and providing penalties for
violations thereof in the City of Fairfax; State of Virginia.
SE;;r!c\I ON!
Unless otherwise expres, ly stated or the context clearly indicates a
different intention, the fol owir..g terms sb il , for the purpose of this Ordinance,
have the meaning respectively ascribed to them in this sec t l ors:
ELECTRICAL WORK. The work of 1::e t,l l i r,g wires, de:i ces, appliances
and equipment for carry i n;; or using eeer;;y for light, heat or power
ELECTRICAL :;JNT::A :JR. A per:;r., firm, ;ertne-sh i p or corporation, that
either in person or by the employment of master electrician end journeyman, for
a fixed price, commission, fee (Dv percentage, under takes to bid upon, or accepts,
or offers to accept, orders or contracts for performing or superintending electri-
cal work.
MASTER ELECTRICIAN. A person qualified under the provisions of this
Ordinance to perform or supervise the performance of electrical work for hire.
JOURNEYMAN ELECTRICIAN. A person doing any electrical work for hire
under the direct supervision of a master electrician.
INSPECTION. The necessary scrutiny and checking of a wiring installati'_:r,
to determine whether or not the installation has been made in conformity with
State and Local laws governing wiring installations and materials.
S .:"1:)" x',10
ADMI ISi .;. P:Jl H1F,: iY
2. 1 ADMINISTRATION. The administration and cnorcement of this Ordinance shall
be the duty of the Electrical Inspector (under the supervision of the Division
of Inspections) who is hereby authorized to take such action as may be reasonably
necessary to enforce the purpose of this Ordinance. Such person or persons may
be appointed and authorized as assistants or agents of such administrative au-
thority as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Ordinance.
2.2 INSPECTION. The Electrical Inspector shall supervise, control and inspect
the installation of wiring, devices, appliances and other equipment for carrying
Page 2
2.2 INSPECTION (Cont.)
or using electricity for light, heat or pewee pure es, within the City of
Fairfax and to see that the same strait be installed in the manner prescribed by
this Ordinance or any amendments hereto.
2.3 AUTHORITY OF ELECTRiCAL U S,'ECTOR. Upon information or belief that any
electrical equipment is d=_n;crous to hume n life or property because it is de-
fective or defectively installed, the Eleetrlcel inspector shall make a request
of the person, firm or corpora:i on responsible for the electr i c::l equipment for
the right during reasonable hours to enter any building in the discharge of his
official duties for the purpose of making any inspection, re-inspection or test
of the installation of electric wiring, devices, appliances and equipment contained
therein. In the event such r q c°t is refused, it chail be prima facie evidence
that defective or defectively i e;%e; led e l e:;tr i ce i eeu i parent is found to be
present within such building. When aey eleetr`< <i equipment :s found to be
dangerous to human life or pw'e;crty beceus e , : . . 6efeet i vo or defectively in-
stalled, the person, firm or r -�: ;... .. le for di:: electrical equipment
shall e notified in %'iri ing d ;; :Arai ] 1-cr?1k°. 1' ':h.7in�•'.s or repairs necessary in
the judgement of the inspector t•o piece :-:1^ii ..':u!pmont in safe condition. I f
such work is not completed within ten (iC) di:7: or any longer period that may
be specified in said notice, the inspector shell hove the authority to disconnect
or order the discontinuance of electric service to said electrical equipment.
In cases of emergency where necessary for safety to human life and property, or
where electrical equipment may interfere with the work of the fire department,
the Inspector shall have the authority to immedi ;irly disconnect or cause the
discontinuance of any electrical equipment. The i eetor shall have the authority
to stop any electrical work under way for -.f'ich no permit has been issued or which
is not proceeding in accordance with the terms of a permit issued therefor. The
Inspector may withhold the issua:.;e of a certificate of inspection until after
the installation has been tester i.,ith current on +wires and all electrical equip-
ment is permanently installed; cr, iF this is rct until after every
outlet has been tested by the person holcirg a permit or his representatives in
the presence of the Inspector or his agent aed approved by that Inspector or his
agent. The Inspector may delegate any of his powers or duties to any of his
3. 1 JOURNEYMAN AND MASTER ELECTRICAL LICENSE. No person shall l enter into,
Page 3
engage in or work at the business of insLailitg wires, devices, appliances and
equipment for carrying or using electricity for light, heat or power purposes , as
a Journeyman or Master Electrician, unless such person shall have received a
certificate of registration issued by the Board of Electrical Examiners in ac-
cordance with the provisions of this Ordinanoeo
3,2 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR'S LiCE. No individual , firm, partnership, or
corporation shall engage as an Electrical Contractor in the installation, mainte-
nance, repairing , servicing or altering of electrical equipment for light, heat
or power purposes , in or on any building, structure or part thereof or on premises
within the City, without first having applied for and been issued a certificate of
registration by the Board of Eiect:ical Examiners in accordance with the pro-
visions of this Ordinance.
S=C:' FC.:R
BOARD OF FC;eA ..r,:_
AfiD ( r'a'. r1 Cl+l ES OF I:'...: ,1::.lii1
4. 1 BOARD OF ELECTRI CAI E;,AM NcS, There is he:'ew created a C'oard of five (5)
members, to be desienoted and know as the K'ard of Electrical Examiners. The
Board of Electrical Examiners shall consist of the Electrical Inspector who shall
act as Chairman, two duly registered mlsf.er el: etricians in good standing, one
representative of an electric public utility operating in the City, and one layman.
The members of the Board of Electrical Examiners , except the Electrical Inspector,
shall be appointed by the City Council as follows: one for four (4) years, one
for three (3) years, one for two (2) years, and one to serve one (1) year, and
thereafter each new member or reappointee to serve for four (4) years, or until
his successor has been appointed.
a. ABSENCE OF MEMBERS. In the event that any member becomes in-
capacitated, disabled or resigns, the City Council shall appoint a qualified
substitute for the balance of the ;:arm of the member.
b. REMOVAL OF MEMBER . Members of the Beard of Electrical Examiners
may be removed for cause by the City Council .
c. COMPENSATION. The members of the Board of Electrical Examiners
shall serve without compensation.
d. DUTIES. The Board of Electrical Examiners shall establish the
standards and qualifications for persons applying to the Board for certificates
of registration, may require oral and/or written examinations, and shall determine
the qualifications and standards to be required of persons who receive certifi-
cates of registration. The Board shall meet at such intervals as may be necessary
to perform its duties, designate the time and place of such meetings, the time and
Page 4
d. DUTIES (Cont.)
place of examinations , and may adopt other procedures not inconsistent with the
provisions of this Ordinance.
e. QUORUM. Three mc:m':,ers cf the Board shall constitute a Quorum.
4.2 CERTIFICATES OF R C i STRAY!0N. Three forms of tort! f i cates shall be issued.
The first shall be known as "Mater Electrician's Certificate", and the second,
as "Journeyman Electrician' s Certificate". There shall also be a third form
which shall be known as "Electrical Contractor's Certificate".
a. Applicants for "aster Electrician's Certificate shall be at least
21 years of age. They shall be exxdr ed on their knp.w 1edoe of the trade of
electricians , their knowledge of regulations governing electrical work in the
City, and their ability to lay out and supervise electrical w:,rk. They shall
demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Bca,•d cf Electrical Fx-,miners their fit-
ness properly and inteliig°ntly to carry on tnr business of ;Master Electrician.
Applicants for Master Electricians Certificates must have had at least four (4)
years experience as a journeyman or apprentice electrician, or in lieu thereof,
shall be a graduate in Electrical Engineering of a College or University with
one year practical electrical experience. An applicant shall make a written ap-
plication for examination. In case of failure, the applicant shall be eligible
for re-examination one month after failure, but if he fails at such re-examination,
then he shall be ineligible for further examination until a further lapse of
six (6) months .
b. An applicant for Master Electrician's 'c.rtificate who can furnish
a satisfactory proof that prior to the effective date of this Ordinance, he has
worked for at least two (2) years as a Master Electrician in the City or anywhere
in the State of Virginia, shall be eligible to take a special oral examination
given by the Board of Electrical Examiners, and shall be awarded the Master
Electrician' s Certificate upon passing such oral ex;mination.
c. An applicant for Master Electrician' s certificate who has passed
the required examination shall be eligible to receive such certificate, issued by
the Division of Inspections, provided he has paid $10.00 at the time of the
examination for the first year, and upon payment of $5.00 for each renewal prior
to the expiration date of the certificate.
d. The Board of Electrical Examiners shall furnish the holders of a
Master Electrician's Certificate of registration with an identification cE.rd
which shall be carried on the person of such holders and exhibited on request.
Page 5
e. Holders of a Master Electrician' s Certificate of registration
shall not engage in the business of Electrical Contractor and work as a Master
Electrician for another Electrical Contractor at the same time.
a. Applicants for Journeyman Electrician's Certificates must have
had at least three (3) years experience as an apprentice electrician or helper.
An applicant shall make a written application for examination. In case of failure,
the applicant shall be eligible for re-examination one month after failure, but
if he fails at such re-examination then he shall be ineligible for examination
until a further lapse of six (6) months .
b. An applicant for Jo.':-ieyman Electrician' s Certificate who has
passed the required examination siaall be eligible to receive such certificate,
issued by the Chief of Inspections, provided he has paid ;2.O0, at the time of
the examination for the first year, and upon payment_ of $2.0) for each renewal
prior to the expiration date of the certificate.
c. An applicant for Journeyman E leatrician' s Certificate who can
furnish a satisfactory proof that prior to the effective date of this Ordinance,
he has worked for at least two (2) years as a Journeyman Electrician in the City
or anywhere in the State of Virginia, shall be eligible to take a special oral
examination given by the Board of Electrical Examiners, and shall be awarded the
Journeyman Electrician's Certificate upon paseina such oral examination.
d. The Board of Electrical Examiners shall furnish the holders of a
Journeyman Electrician' s Certificate of registration with an identification card
which shall be carried on the person of such holders and exhibited on request.
a. MASTER ELECTRICIAN REQUIRED. A firm, partnership or corporation
may apply for and receive an Electrical Contractor' s Certificate provided a bona
fide member, officer or authorized anent of the firri, partnership or corporation,
passes the required Master Electrician' s excmir.& cn; and further provided that
all electrical work done by such firm, partnership or corporation shall be exe-
cuted by or be under the immediate supervision of such piaster Electrician. In
the event the Master Electrician severs his association with or employment by
such firm, partnership or corporation, the Electrical Contractor's certificate
shall immediately become void, but may be reinstated without charge, within
the valid period, upon the employment of another registered Master Electrician.
REGISTRATION. Before any Electrical Contractor's certificate shall be issued the
Page 6
applicant therefor shall furnish a bond payable to the City of Fairfax in the sum
of one thousand dollars ($1 ,000.00) with surety approved by the Citj of Fairfax
and conditioned to indemnify and Bove harmless the City, as well as any other
person, from all expense and (ja:ra-re that may be neu:.ed by any negligent, defective
or inadequate work done in the CiLy under his certificate. When any electrical
work has been done by an Electrical Contractor, which shall be considered defective
or inadequate by the Electrical Inspector 3rd the Contractor shall fail to revise
or put such work in proper conch tion to the satisfaction of the Electrical In-
spector within ten ( 10) days after written notice from the Electrical Inspector
to do so, the bond shall be forfeit-?.d and the principal and surety on such bond
shall ipso facto be and become liable for, and shall pay so mneh on account of
such bond as may be necessary to perfect such work ur'.d, in addition thereto, shall
pay any and all damages which mej be occasicare to any person by reason of such
defective or inadequate work. Tyris Lond shell be der.osited with the Inspections
c. FEE. Applicants for Eleetrice l Contractor' s Certificate who have
complied with the applicable provisions of this rJrdiinance shall be eligible to
receive such certificate upon the payment of $15.00 forthe first year and $10.00
for each renewal , provided the renewal fee is paid before the expiration date of
the certificate.
Electrical Contractor's Certificate of Registration shall keep such certificate
of registration displayed in a conspicuous place in his principal office or place
of business.
e. Holders of an Electrical Contractor's Certificate contracting work
costing $20,000.00 or more shall co!,.p'sy with the recuirements of the Virginia
State Registration Board for Car,L? actors, as referred to in Charter 7 of Title 54
of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as alner,Jed.
4.6 RENEWAL OF CERTIFICATES OF REGISTRATION. Certificates of Registration shall
be issued for one year, commencing on Janu ry First of each year. Certificates of
Registration shall be renewed on or before January First of each year thereafter.
Anyone failing to renew his Master Electrician' s or Journeyman Electrician's
Certificate of Registration on or before February First of any year must be re-
examined before a new certificate of registration can be issued. Any Mater
Electricians or Journeyman Electrician's Certificate of Registration which expires
while the holder thereof is in the military or naval service of the United States
Page 7
shall be renewed without further examination, upon payments of the prescribed
fee, at any time within six (6) months after such persons discharge from the
Electrical Examiners may revoke or suspend any certificate of registration at any
time for failure of the holder to correct fau!ty work, for doing electrical work
without a permit, or for other violations of the provisions of the ordinance.
Before a certificate may be revoked or suspended, the holder thereof shall have
notice in writing, enumerating the charges aSeiast him, and be entitled to a hear-
ing by the Board in not less than i0 days from receipt of the notice. He shall be
given an opportunity to present oral or written testimony, and shall have the
right of cross-examination. All testimony shall be given under oath. The Board
shall have the power to administer oaths, is:;r'e subpocras, ard compel the at-
tendance of witnesses. A person whose certificate oF registration has been
revoked shall not be per,nittcd to apply within one (1) year from date of revocation.
It shall be unlawful for him to en._er ir.`_o, engage in or work at the business of
installing electric wires, devices, a;ipl :antes end equipment during the period for
which his certificate of registration is revoked or suspended.
4.8 TRANSFER OF CERTIFICATES OE R=L1STRAT1UN. Certificates of Registration shall
not be transferable. No person who has obtained a Certificate of Registration
shall allow his name to be used by another person either for the purpose of ob-
taining permits, or for doing business or work under the Certificate.
4.9 EMPLOYMENT OF LEARNERS OR A PRFNTICES. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be
construed to prohibit the employment of a learner or 6pprentice working with and
under the direct personal supervision of a hoider of a journeyman electrician' s
certificate or a master electrician' s certificate.
5. 1 REGUIREMENT FOR PERMIT. Unless excepted in this Section no electric wiring,
devices, appliances or equipment shall be installed within or on any building,
structure, premise, nor shall any alteration or addition be made in any such
existing wiring, devices, appliances or equipment without first having applied for
and received a permit from the electrical inspector.
5.2 EXCEPTIONS TO PERMIT REQ'JIF'EMENTS. No permit shall be required for the
a. Minor repair work which shall be deemed to include replacing snap
switches , sockets , and receptacles ; repairing non-commercial lighting fixtures and
Page 8
a, (Continued)
neon signs, if the sign is not to he altered or removed from the building; re-
pairing portable electrical equipment and appliances ; repairing heating equipment,
air conditjoning, and refrigeration equipment, unless motors are to be replaced.
b. Installation, alteration or repair of electrical wiring, devices,
appliances and equipment installed by or for an electric public service plant or
company for the use of such plant or company in the operation of signals or the
transmission of intelligence; or work of municipal or private electric plat or
company in installing, maintaining and repairing on the premises of customers,
service connections and meters and other plant or company owned equipment and
utilities appliances after installation or work in connection with the lighting
of public ways or alleys .
5.3 APPLICATION FOR PFI:MI TS. Applications for a permit required by this
Ordinance shall be on forms furnished by tha Division of Inspections and shall
contain the information as renee=ted on the forr. All applications for permits
shall be signed by the Electrical Contractor or his authorized agent except ap-
plications from bona fide owner.; of single-family dwellings.
5.4 OWNERS PERMIT EXCEPTION. Any permit required by this Ordinance may be
issued to any person to do any work regulated by this Ordinance in a single-family
dwelling used exclusively for residence purposes, including the usual accessory
buildings and quarters in connection with such building, and farm buildings and
tenant houses used in connection with farm operatk r.s, provided that the person
is the bona fide owner of such dwelling and that the same will be occupied by
such owner and that such owner shall purchase all material and perform all labor
in connection herewith and comply with this Ordinance .
5.5 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. P:o permit required by this Ordinance shall be
issued for any electrical work in or on any new coA-ercial buildings, or for
major electrical work in existing buildings, until the plans and specifications
for the proposed work have been submitted to the Division of Inspections and it
has been determined from such plans and specifications that the work conforms to
the provisions of this Ordinance. If a permit is denied because of defective plans
and specifications, the applicant may submit revised plans and specifications
without payment of additional fee.
5.6 PERMIT FEES. Fees in such amount as specified below shall be charged for
the permits and inspections required by this Ordinance. The prescribed fees shall
Pane 9
5.6 PERMIT FEES (*.o..ti..ue.J)
be paid at the time the pormiit is irs:icd : n before any !nssec~_ioi shall be
made by the Electrical Irrii.eor.
a. GENERAL WIR!NG: Service entrance with four branch c: rcc:its
or less, for lightino ar,3 con en:ence outlets or small fixed appliances,
$3.00.Each addition four circuits or fraction, $1 .00.
NOTE: Three and four-wire branch circuits not supplying a single appliance
will be considered as two or three branch circuits, respectively, and
will be charged for accordingly. three-wire branch power circuits to a
single piece of appr.ratus will 'be considered as one branch circuit. No
charge will be made f.›. feeder circuits ,d'en installed in conjunction
with branch circuits, hut when installed without branch circuit wiring
the charge will be the sac e that fJr bra>>ch circuits.
When additicnal bra:'ch cr feerer c. rc.ii' ts are installed after the
securing of a pe`n it, the fee .r a, the weri: nut covered by the original
permit shall be the sie as For an original ir:stallation.
The fee for extension to an existin' circuit shall be the same as for
a new circuit.
Each 10 fixtures or fraction thereof $1 .00.
NOTE: Lamp sockets and lamp receptacles, not an actual part of fixtures,
will for the purpose of fixing the fee, be considered as individual
1 KW or over, including ciicuit, each $1 .00.
NOTE: The above devices include ranges, dryers, hot water heaters, space
heaters, ;3s and oil l-u revs, stokers, welder's mans and furnaces.
Heating and cooki nc, devices of less :ha:, 1 KW shl l be charged as
Incandescent, each $2.00
Vacuum tube t ',)e (Neon) , one
transformer $2.00
Each additional transformer $1 .00
NOTE: The above fee does not include the charge for circuits. Electric
signs inside buildings shall be considered the same as elec` r'cal
fixtures arri shall be charged as fixtures.
Page 10
30 Ampere c afac:t/ or above, each $1 .00
For fixed equipment, each $1 .00
NOTE: Fixed equipment shall include window air conditioners, ranges, dryers,
or any other electrical equipment of any s:ze installed in a fixed
position. The above fees do not Int1Ude the charge for the circuit.
1/4 HP to 5 HP, inclusive, each $1 .00
Each Additional .50
Over 5 HP to 30 HP, inclusive,
each 2.00
Each additional 1 .00
Over 30 HP, each 3.00
Each additional 1 .50
NOTE: Up to 1/4 HP counts as a fi:ture. The above fees do not include the
First 50 lig1t i or sockets $2 .00
Each additiuhal 53 or lass $1 .00
First 100 amperes, each $1 .00
101 to 200 amperes , each $2.00
201 to 400 amperes, each $3.00
401 to 800 amperes, each $4.00
Over 800 amperes, each $5.00
The fee shall be the same as for new service.
NOTE: Hot water service shall not be charged as an additional service.
Temporary wiring on poles, sheds, or buildings, each $3.00
Temporary wirirv' for circus or ca°r.ival ,
not over 200 amporo service $10.00
Temporary wiring For circus or carol /p1 ,
ampere service over 200 $15.00
Temporary wiring for lawn fetes, firework stands,
Christmas Tree sales, not over 100 amperes service $5.00
Temporary wiring for Christmas decorations or festoon
wiring on streets, parking lots -
First 100 lamps or sockets with or without service $L1.00
Each additional 100 lamps or fraction $1 .00
Temporary wiring for indoor exhibition and the like
3,000 square feet $3• -'o
Each additional 1 ,000 square feet $1 .50
Page 11
5.6 PERMIT FEES (Continued)
Radio transmitters, each $1 .00
Each additional .50
Motion picture machines, arc spot lights,
rectifiers a; d s to reop t i ca l 1.:-;ps, each 2.00
Each aduitional 1 .00
X-Ray Machines, each 1 .00
Each additional .50
Arc Lamps, vapor lamps, rectifiers or rheostats,
welders other than motor operated, each 1 .00
Each additional .50
Power transformers in excess of 600 volts 2.00
Transformer vault on or in private property 3.00
The minimum fee charged for ary in.r'ection net covered by the foregoing
schedule shall not be less than two do': sacs, (Y2.00) . The above fees shall
be paid to the City cf Fairf ,x.
5.7 TEMPORARY P RM!TS. rec-oorary electrical permits shall be issued for
sixty days , or for the duration of 3 continuous construction on a project.
A temporary permit may Le renewed for additional thirty day periods, if
necessary. Applications for temporary permits must be filed under any of
the following conditions:
a. For connection to permanent service or for installation of
temporary power equipment or lighting not included in original permit, a
separate permit based on the permit fee schedule is required.
b. For connection to permanent service of heating equipment, a
temporary permit will be issued if a reg-aiar permit for permanent connection
of the heating equipment is issued or is or file at the time the temporary
connection is requested.
5.8 NUM3ER OF INSPECTIONS. Upon the payment of the permit fee it shall be
the duty of the Electrical Inspector to mAke not more than two inspections
of such work. Should additional is:soections be necessary, due to the
failure of the person installing such work to install the same in accordance
with the provisions of this Ordinance such person shall pay an additional fee
of one dollar for each additional inspection. Any additional inspections
made by the Electrical Inspector for causes other than the negligence of
the person installing such work, except for the inspection of temporary
service, shall be made without charge.
Page 12
5.9 RE-INSPECTIONS. It shall be unlawful for any person to install ,
alter, change or add to any electrical wires, conduits , apparatus, fixtures
or other appliances for carrying or using electricity for light, heat or
power purposes falling within the provisions of this Ordinance, after an
inspection has been mace by the Electrical Inspector, without having a re-
inspection, and if the re-inspection requires a permit the permit shall be
procured before the re-inspection is made.
5. 10 DISCONNECTION OF TE.tiPCRARY WIRING. The Division of Inspections shall
instruct the power company to disconnc ct, and the power company shall dis-
connect any service installations on poles fcr carnivals, lawn fetes or any
other type of temporary wiring upon the termination of use for which the
permit was issued. All temporary wiring shall also be removed from the site.
5. 1 1 FAILURE TO COMPLETE ": : UNDLR PE', ll T. F.efore proceeding with any
electrical installation for which a permit Has been issued but not cor-,leted
by the person granted the permit, an owner or builder shell notify the
holder of the permit by regis*ered and shnw prof of such notice to the
Division of Inspections, riving such person (i0) ten days to begin work or
complete the installation. If the holder of the permit fails to comply with
the request in said time, the owner or bui ider may obtain another Electrical
Contractor to complete the i:istallation.
5. 12 CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP. If a change of ownership occurs while an installa-
tion is in progress, and the same Electrical Contractor is not retained, no
other Electrical Contractor shall continue with the installation until the
work of the first Contractor has been inspected and a new permit secured
by the Electrical Contractor completing such work.
5. 13 TRANSFER OF OWNER'S PERMIT. An owner who has secured a permit to make
electrical installations in his residence may transfer his permit to an
electrical contractor, provided the owner notifies the Division of Inspections
in writing. The Electrical Contractor completing such installation will
assume full responsibility of the work by a.fixing his signature to the ap-
plication filed by the owner.
5. 14 PAYMENT OF ADDITIONAL FEES. After a permit has been issued no ad-
ditional work shall be included. In cases in which additional work is to he
installed, a new permit shall be secured and fee paid. Whenever the Electrical
Inspector shall render to any person obtaining any permit under the provisions
of this Ordinance any bill or statement specifying the amount of the fe's
then due and charged to such person, payment in full of such fees small be
made within fifteen days thereafter. Any such bill or statement shall be
Page 13
deemed to have been duly rendered when deposited in the U. S. mail , postage pre-
paid, directed to the person for whom intended at the address registered by him
with the Electrical Inspector. If the fees included in any such bill or statement
are not paid in full within the said period of fifteen days, no further permit shall
thereafter be issued to such person until payment in full of such fees shall have
been made.
5. 15 REFUND OF PERMIT FEES. A twenty-five per cent (25%) service charge shall be
retained on all permits on which the holder is entitled to a refund provided re-
quests for refunds shall be made within six months of the date of issue of the
permit. Refunds shall be granted only on permits on which no inspection has been
6. 1 ADOPTED BY REFERENCE. The National Electrical Code, 1962 Edition, is hereby
adopted and made a part of this Ordinance for the purpose of establishing regu-
lations, except as supplemented by the provisions of this Ordinance, definitions,
specifications, and standards for the installation, alteration, maintenance,
servicing and repair of electrical wiring and equipment for light, heat and power
purposes. From the date on which this Ordinance shall take effect, all Ordinances
enacted prior hereto regulating electrical. .wor.k_shal-1 be and -hereby are repealed.
notice is hereby given that complete copies of the National Electrical Code, 1962
Edition, are available for public use and examination at the office of the
Division of Inspections during the hours between 8:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. on their
regular business days.
6.2 STANDARDS FOR SAFETY TO LIFE AND PROPERTY. Except as otherwise provided in
this Ordinance, conformity of installations of electric wiring, devices , appliances,
and equipment with the regulations set forth in the National Electrical Code, 1562
Edition, or such later editions or amendments thereof as may be made or published
and adopted by the City Council from time to time, together with use of electrical
materials, appliances, devices and other equipment listed in the publications of
inspected electrical equipment of the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. , and other
accredited authoritative agencies and testing organizations, shall be prima facie
evidence of conformity with approved standards for safety to persons and property.
Page 14
Any person, fir: , partnership or corporation who shall violate any of
the provisions of this Ordinance, or who shall fail to correct any defects within
a reasonable specified time after having Leen notified in writing by the Electrical
Inspector, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor 'r,d upon conviction thereof shall be
punished by a fine of not more than $300.00 or by imprisonment for not more than
30 days, or both such fine and imprison for not more than 30 days, or both such
fine and imprisonment for each provision of the Ordinance thus violated.
L: 4C! L!TY FOi; D1i'A ES
Nothing in this Ordinance or in the Code hereby adopted shall be con-
strued to relieve from or lessen the responsibility or liability of any party
owning, operating, controlling or installing any electric wiring, devices , ap-
pliances or equipment for damages to per---on or prbparty c<<rsed by any defect
therein, or to hold the City of Fairfax as assuv ng eny such r:ponsibility or
liability by reason of the insi.ection autke :zd herein or the certificate of
approval issued as herein provided .
SFC1101 Nit f;
If any part or parts, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase
of this Ordinance or of the Code hereby adopted is, for any reason, held to be
unconstitutional , such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining
portions of this Ordini,nce or of the Code hereby adopted. The City Council of
the City of Fairfax hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and
would have adopted said Code if such unconstitutionl parts or parts, section,
subsection, sentence, clause or phrase had not been included herein.
This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after