Publishing Requirements for Town Ordinances and Amendments PUBLIBaING REWIREMENTS TOWN ORDINAliCES AND AMENDMENTS 1. There i* 14111 general requirement. Unless the Town Charter or the enabling at gOveSning a certain ordinance or matter presentee publishing, the ordinance or matter could be precented, discussed4 and ponied at one sitting. See Mis el Ju ence Municipal Corporations. Section 54, Paragraph 2, 2, Even though not required, publishing or notice can be given by Council for reasons of policy or where public interest demands it. 3, Zoning Ordinance Code aection 15-822—in newspaper of general circulation in Town—once only—fifteen days notice required (only ten days if initnitted previously tO Planning Commisaion for report and recommendation)* 4, Subdivision Ordinance Code Section 15-782—in newspaper of General circulation in Town--publiah for two suceessive weeks required-- final hearing not less than ten days after final publishing. 5. Building Cods Code Section 27-5,1--requires publishing but doesn't say how much—beat to give same publishing required for Subdivision Ordinance—not required to be publithed at length. Notes None. of ordinance proposing original adoption must stet* the 100ation at which and the hour or hours during which copies Of Dade may be obtained. 6. Fire PIPOVention Code Code Section 27-5,1 covers this as wail es wilding Code and same comment. OpplY. V. Plumbing Code Enabling act, Code Section 54-727, does not require publishing. GeneraL--All notices Should give the time and place of the proposed hearing for final adoption at which all persons who are interested may come and preaent their views.