Tax Assessment and Collection Ordinance 1
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Stifel.Nicolaus & Company
TELETYPE: CG 697 Investment Securities TELEPHONE: GARFIELD 1-1980
105 West Adams Street Chicago 3, Illinois TELETYPE: 8L 392
Water Revenue Bonds
Dated June 1, 1956 Due Serially June 1, 1962-1972, inclusive
Principal and semi-annual interest (June and December 1) payable at First and
Merchants National Bank of Richmond, Virginia, or at the Chase Manhattan Bank of
. ,a,,, York, N. Y.
Coupon bonds in $1,000 denominations. Registrable principal only.
e as to p P
REDEMPTION PROVISIONS: All bonds of the authorized issue will be redeemable in part
'.n inverse order of their maturities (less than all of a single maturity obe
,_cted by lot) in amounts of not less than $5,000 for the purpose of permitting the
application of available excess revenues from the operation of the municipal water-
V'orks on any interest payment date on or after June 1, 1961 at the redemption prices
shown below. The $180,000 bonds due 1967/1972 shall also be redeemable as a whole
at any time on or after June 1, 1966 at the redemption prices set forth below:
104% on June 1, 1961 to and including June 1, 1971
103% on December 1, 1971 to and including June 1, 1976
102% on December 1, 1976 to and including June 1, 1981
101% thereafter prior to maturity
LEGAL OPINION of Chapman and Cutler, Chicago, Illinois, will state, in substance,
:.hat said bonds, part of an authorized issue of $4,500,000, have been authorizerd accordance with the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Virginia,
graph (b) of Section 127 of the Constitution of Virginia and Section 15-594 et seq.
of the Code of Virginia) , and constitute validity and legal obligations of said Town,
payable solely from net revenues to be derived from the operation of the Water System;
that the Town of Fairfax has validly convenanted and isflegally obligatedwtonfixrandc-
cc'lect such rates and charges, and to revise the m to
essary, for the facilities of said Water System as will always providetrevenuesssuffi-
cient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds after pay'
expenses of operating and maintaining said Water System and all other obligations
and indebtedness payable from such purposesshall
nct be reduced so as to be i nsufficient to
DUE (1)
$10,000 1962 3.207 $101.89
1963 3.30% 101.93
15,000 1964
10,000 3,35% 102.05
20,000 102.00,000 3.407 102.07
25,000 1966 101.85
25,,000 1967
30,000 1968 3x557. 101.62
3 3.60% 101.32
30,000 1970 3.65%
r 1971 3.70% 100.50
35,030 3.75% 100.00
35,J;�O 19:�2
(1) Approximate as of October 1, 1958
All statements herein are official, or are based on information which we regard as reliable,and while
we do not guarantee them, they are the data upon which we have acted in the purchase of this security.
- Z
'aanaTasul oTugoaafioa
4TuTT1TA 3o aaenpui2 e pus aaauiSua paT;Tazao o sT '.if saapunsg 911-''tuea
'.aa"eusw umoy •uamiTOUnoO xis ale aiaga pus 1ofew sT pooM •0 utlaf aiquaouoj
•Tua:uuaano2 3o mao; 1a8susy4-itouno0 am Japan salsaado xe;iTs3 ;o umoy agy
'fTnf uT sagouT II .17 pus f.zsnuef uT sagouT
s02t,l0ne ITe;uTsg •(,08'LL - oSuiane f tusp) finf uT asamaum am pus (r05'9£ - a8saans
ATTeP ) Aaenusf aaej uT san000 fiiemiou ,aagasaM asapioo aqy •umnane pus 2uTids aga
uT siTsnaad iagasaM aueseaid `•p/Tm saaauTM pus pTmng pus maum ais saaeruns 'saaodaa lagasaM salsas paaiun of 2uTpl000v 'Aug avadssag0 3o asaM saiTm OS pup
suTelanoW a2pTg anig am 3o assa saiTm S£ Paasnats sT xs;iTs3 3o umoy aqy
'L561 `T£ iagmaaaq 3o
cu ZZI`5+7+7`It$ Jo saoinosaa gaTM uoTasToossv Imo.' pus s2uTnsg xe;aTs3-uoa2uTT1V
aga 30 Tpue.zq s prs `LS6T `I£ iagmaoaq 30 ss 000`860`8$ 3o sao1nosaa ie'+oa
gaTM xe3.zTua ;o xueg isuoTaeN am fq pagsTuan3 31V saTaTIToe; 2uTNuu8
•u0Tasxauus 1o; panoidds pats am uT papnlouT lie eioas Tc1luo0 ageaanag oTTogooly
aaeas e pus as oas Snap ITsaa.a a2asl a 'saaoas poo; a21el oMa 2uTuTsauoo aaluao
`?uTddogs Mau v •saTmTT umoy am uTgaTM paasaot aas fusdmo0 auogdatay osmoloa
axeadusag0 am 3o aoT3;o ssauTsnq alp pus 'saoueTTdds pus sattgomoane to;
soTusgoam pue uam aoTnaas smell goTqM 'ioogog 2uTuTpay sioloyl Tsiaua0
'hS6I uT 00Z`17$ of palunoms salsas paaTun
am uT amoauT firms; a2saanv •00519$ Jo xe31Ts3 3o umoy am TAT amoouT saTdso lad
paMogs Uoa2uTgssM ;o saasToossv af°g 1amog f:q 17561 uT paiedaad fanins v
•saTun Sgi goim sTaaom ulnas a.ze a.zaga uoTaexauue
103 panoadds sans am uT papniouT pus saTmTT aria oda oo auasaid am uTgaTM Paasooi
ale sawn 179 UaTM sTaaom ano1 •apsaa lsTanoa ;o amnion a2asi a ssq umoy am 'iea
-TdsO s,uoTaeN am oa asojo uoTasoo1 sai 3o asnsoag •saanoa asaga !Alois sauamgsligs
-asa Tstoaau oo fuum aaagl pus - 9£Z Pus `TIZ '£ZI `05 `6Z saanO1 'f1amsu 'umoy
am g2noigl ssed sAsmgTTq 1ofsm TeIanag •zT4011100 Jo aoTaasTq am 103 sans isTauap
-Tsaa usgangns auslaodinT fi2uTssaaouT us gUTmooaq si xslaTs3 3o uMOj aqy
•paauu1`,•? uaan ssq uoTsspm1ad uoTaexauus
goTqM 1o3 'umoy ;o saTmTT aria odaoo oa auaosfps peasnaTs
sazos 47ZZ'Z 3o ea.zs us uT uoTaeindod 000`£ anogs sapnioul (I)
9'L6 000`561 LS6T 6•£117 (I) 000`01 - 8561 (aaumTasg)
7.0'1+71 L55'86 - 0561 7.8'L6
6/76'1 - 0561 (snstt00 •S'(i)
6Z6'017 - 01761 6L6 - 0176T (snsu00 •g•n)
snsna0 uTpaoaaa Aluno0 snsuaD u paaza xs;1Tu3
aan0 assaaoul xs;1Te3 1)AO assa13UI 3o umoy
:map lad auao .aaa
2uTMOiio; am uwogs anug fltunop pus umoy aqa 3o uoTasTndod aga 'I 1j4 piaoM aOUTs
suoiloun; auamuaano0 Is1apaa ;o uoTsuedxa snopuama1a am 2uTtaTIulud
aoT33o aga uT feidsTp uo 33e uol2uigsam a •�sTIT f/suit am qy
egoism pus a2.zoa0 ;o siTTM TstzT2T:.o aqy
•sfsp XTIea 51T gaTM P0)IuT1 Tae S3MVU usoT.aamv snoms; iagao pus (sTuTSaTA 3o .10111ano2
fT1ea pus Te1au02 usoTaamf) aa' Aauag '(sag2Tg 3o 1ITg alp ;o 1ogans) uossyl a2ioa0
'uol2uTgsum a2aoa0 •uoTaert ano ss pio se sT AlTunmcioo xs;1Ts3 ;o umoy aqy
*salsas paaTun aqa uT seats 3uTmoaS rills?;
am ;o auo faun00 xpJais3 pup umoy am atom set TsaTdso s,uoTasN aqa oa fapmpxozd
oTgds12oa2 sal -66LT UT fauno3 xs3o.Ts3 3o Teas fauno0 am ams3aq ' •0•q 'uoa2uTgs?M
;o asaM saiTm St Paasooi pus 11L8t UT Paasaodooau1 'xs31Ts3 ;o umoy agy
uoTaisoa oTmouoos Tsaaua0
Building Permits.
A record of permits issued over the five-year period 1953-1957 and for
the first six months of 1958, follows:
Number of
Year Permits Valuation
1953 202 2,268,688
1954 314 3,201,400
1955 477 6,556,105
1956 163 2,035,140
1957 163 1,773,894
1958 (1) 59 532,550
(1) Six months
The State Water Control Board in January 1956 imposed restrictions prohib-
iting new sewer connections pending improvements to the sewage treatment plant. In
July 1957 the County Board of Supervisors imposed restrictions on the number of new
building permits which could be issued pending completion of a new sewer treatment
plant. These restrictions were removed in March 1958 when the first phase oftthe
new sewage treatment plant was placed in operation. The complete operation of the
plant began on August 1, 1958.
New Airport
A second public airport for the District of Columbia, to be known as
Washington International Airport, will be located at Chantilly, Virginia. The 9,400
acre Chantilly site, located 27 miles west of Washington and 12 miles west of Fairfax,
has been designated by the Civil Aeronautics Authority. Washington's only airport
for years has been directly across the Potomac River from the Capital. Congress has
appropriated $62z million to start the new airport and the site should be ready to
handle air traffic early in 1961.
The new airport is located adjacent to the Town proposed water supply line
and negotiations between the Town and Civil Aeronautics Authority for use of water
from the new supply are now in progress. Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company,
representing the Civil Aeronautics Authority, estimate the Airport's average day
usage demands at 500,000 gallons, with a maximum day demand of 1,000,000 gallons for
initial operations, beginning about January 1, 1961.
Fairfax County
Fairfax County is located in northeastern Virginia bordering the Potomac
River, Arlington County and Alexandria. Approximately 408 square miles in area, the
County is a growing part of the Washington Metropolitan area. Located within the
County are the incorporated towns of Fairfax, Vienna, Herndon and Clifton.
Although the County is becoming increasingly suburban in character, a
substantial part is devoted to dairy and general farms. According to the U. S.
Census of Agriculture, 1954, Fairfax County has an area of 264,960 acres of which
33.6% is in farms. The County had 1,153 farms in 1954 compared with 1,656 in 1950.
The 1,153 farms had a valuation per acre of $633 in 1954 compared diwit vegetables average of $106 per acre. Livestock, dairy farming, nursery, grains, g et
apples produce most important sources of revenue.
Wholesale and Retail Trade
According to the U.S. Census of Business,1954, wholesale trade in Fairfax
County amounted to $10,198,000 and retail trade amounted to $54,458,000. The impress-
ive increase in retail sales in the County over the past 10 years, resulting from
the development of huge shopping areas, is shown by the following figures:
Retail Trade
U. S. Census of Business - 1948 $ 27,143,000
U. S. Census of Business - 1954 54,458,000
Sales Management - 1957 136 ,733,000
- 3 -
•ATddns aaaet TudiaTunm aqa su '3ueas3P
saTtm ZZ '51,aaa0 05000 ;o uoTauzTIian aqa 2u3Pau2aa uodn paaoft /Ciquaonu; such mnpuaaa
-Jai ottgnd u `9561 `5 tiady uo puu 'uaNea aq pinogs utoy aqa ;o Xiddns 0anan; alp
gaigt moil aaanos aga su '/C3uno3 unopnoj uT )10000 asoo0 paaoaias 'sa3a31tjgissod
6iddns aOaut aqa it ;o /Caftans afttasnugxa ue ;o ainsaa u su 'uMO1 au
P ' q q0 siTu3 30 is a a moa aa3um Ou segoandauaaq suq�uMO aaamdoianap
aqa °ut t,ad oan t0 q 3 i q g q S qS '1561
PUe 9561 3o sgauom aaumins aqa %Tamp aa3vm ;o asn aqa aotaasaa oa faussaaau seM aI
•anaasaa aqa paaaidap asomiv pug aagayat coq uagt amta a ay 'iCap auaM iiaM 2uianpoad
asa2auT aga 956T aunt uI •aaTg ;o auana aga uT snoalsusip aq pinoo pus asTmun
sT andano iiaM uTulaaoun aqa uodn aouetiaa panuTauoo auga pauimaaaap seq 1Touno0
umoI au •2u3noadmi ;o puaasut asaoM am0oaq -rum uOtaenats sign paaoadxa st aI
•gutgstupmip uaaq seq siiaM s,uMOJ aga ;o andano aqa puu 2uTaaMoi uaaq ATTunpua2
peg xe;a3u3 ;o A3TuToTA mil uT aiqu3 aaauM au •uMoy aga Aq pauMO siiaM aniaml
;o andano aqa ;o sastsuoo xe;aTud ;o uMOj aga ;o /Ciddns aaauM auasaad NI
maas/TS s3laoMaa1 uf Tyd3oTunw
•70£'58$ anoqu oa aunomu spuoq aamOs 2uipueasano
000'L9£'T$ aqa uo sauamaatnbaa aseaaau3 puu Tud-ouiad Iunnuu a2u/arty
£iS'LS $ Z647'6L $ £85`99 $ anuanag lam
—£- 0£9`5Z 9Z£`17£ asuadxg 2u3luaad0
5801101$ ZZ1'501$ 606'0Z1$ anuanag Te)ry
8561 L561 9561
1£ asnOny papug saeax
:sMoiuo; su paaaodaa aau maasICS aaMag aga ;o sainsel 2uTayaado agy
•saaua aaaut ;o %09 /CTaaemixoaddu oa Tunba a2augo aoiftaa5 aaMas u sassassu UMOS
aqa 'saxea maaoren pp pa33mijun moa; aigy/Cyd ale spuoq aaMas aga aT3gM
•Naaa0 ){uta000y aqa oaut sa2augos3P PuV 'saasuM a29Mas ;0 auemaeaaa d3u9i033;a g23q s3PTA
-oad amid 5Tgy '000'oz 3o uotauindod u anaas oa aaunbapu maisAs puu auuid Mau u
gufaonaasuoo ;o asodand aqa 3o3 Z9/8561 `1 Aienaga3 ATIuTaas anp spuog uotay9tig0
Teaauan aaMag 000`000'1$ panssi uIOL aqa L56T Aaunagad uI •auamayaaa a2e3s aT2t.s
Pue 000`5 30 uofaeindod u ao; X:Toedeo u23sap to 1433M £561 uT paaaidmoo sum maasiis
Mau V •5£61 uT PaTTulsut sum male/Cs 33M3S /Caeatuus tuu3P3ao s,uMOy aqy
maasAt aaMas au
2'561 `1 Aaunaga3 - AAaI .(MtI aaup auanbu31aU :aaot
£' E 47
47.5 S,Ts'i c:)r/':7 F 777bIS.7 , , ; --.a-2,Pi. &I'
90 . 9 .X478-8t6 £6Z'+75 , £81'£9 8561 salty/ LS L-
-z. r 'L.t V 6'96 *Ott Z9S`8S Z91'64 L561 saxuy 95,
,A-r ,,s b x10-•96 -i c c,rz s 909'Z5 9L9`£S 9561 saxey cc
g{•L.I ACT'L-6 Fss(3-4768£`8+7 818`647 SS6T saxuz +7S
...57.66-18L•86 A4/r+969`047$ T047'17$ +7561 saxuy cc
Pe309IIOO , :8551 'i�-9 1 rn'aTXeS I£ asn
auao lad "oa Pa3oaTlo0 Tu3oy papug saeax
suot3oaiio0 xuy
69Z (2utddDTaano 2uTpniout) 3qaa ulTdu0 aai
5+71 $ agaU uZTdu0 cad
%£•6 uoTaunTyp passassy oa agaQ papuog ;o otaug
%8•Z uo33uniuti lunacy oa agaQ papuog ;o oTaug
000'947Z'1 $ 5£Z'SZ£'££$ AaunoO xu3atug
aduauaoaaa DMO1 agaQ 1uaoy agaQ 2u3dduiaan0
000'09Z $ (ansst stga) spuog anuanag aaauM
spuog anuanag
000`01- 8561 - aaem3asg
9176`1 - 0561 'uotauindod
000'Z547't 8561 `1 ATnf `agaa"papuog
000.009`5T • • • ` Paaemiasa `8561 `uofaenTun passassy
Z096070`171 L561 'uOtaunjup passassy
000`051`87 $ paaumTasa'uotaunief iunaoy
The headwaters of Goose Creek are near Linden in Warren Co my it
flows from there through Fauquier County into Loudoun
an edes pads innto t a
Potomac River. The proposed dam will flood approxima
reservoir about 2A miles long and relatively pnarrow. Theenecessarydland for con-
struction of the dam and its related filter
Goose Creek has a drainage area of 338 flowseiato which is
to be located four miles from the mouth wooded and the creek
should The GuestoCbeefreetofstpollutionoand suitable atoethe development of an
should continue t
impounded water supply for public use.
There is a continuous record of the flow of Goose Creek starting in U1930,
which was the driest year, varying from a minimum of .4 to a maximum of 45,00cubic
feet per second. The flow is usually
thatwell asdauasufficienmtato impou� 300,000,000
Method Computation of Yield indicate
per day will yield 3.6 MGD during the driest period.
The project includes construction of an impounding dam,
raw water pumping
gallon daily filter plant, 24 inch transmission main and booster
pumping t 6 tiolion b Y
pumping station at a total estimated cost
referendum,by0a t�en$to�ot►e00otbond issue
for the project was approved at the 1956
Following the favorable referendum and selection fh
of Goose Creek as the h
cheapest and most dependable solution to its water per to const aruct the
applied to the Circuit Court of Loudoun County for permission
Goose Creek Dam. Several parties intervened was ren-
concluded concluded on January 20, 1958 when stating an essential public convenience
dered an opinion favorable to the Town,proposed dam across Goose Creek.
would be served by the erection of the prop
�re�ared by Alvord,
All plans and specifications for this project will be prepared
nationally known and highly respected
Burdick & Howson of Chicago, Illinois, Burdick & Howson reviewed the figures
waterworks engineers. In June 1958 Alvord,
on the Fairfax project to reflect -
(a) the cost and financial feasibility of a development to serve
Fairfax alone, and
(b) the cost and financial practicability of serving Fairfax, the
airport and Herndon.
For the Fairfax System alone (estimated cost - $3,500,000) the report
includes a table showing estimated revenue, expense and bond service, and indicates
that coverage of principal and interest requirements would range from 1.21 times
it. 1961 to 1.66 times in 1990.
For the project including Fairfax, the Airport and Herndon, (estimated
cost - $4,500,000) the report shows a coverage for bond service ranging from 1.33
times in 1961 to 1.66 times in 1990.
In order to reimburse the Town of Fairfax for certain actual expenditures,
including other now known expenses which will be incurred connectim with dthis
project g 1958, adopted an Ordinance
the Town on September 3,
for the purpose of ac-
quiring for the issuance of $4,500,000 Water Revenue Bonds,
tiring a supply of water and constructing works and improvements for the96unicipal
q $1,050,000 principal amount due June 1,
waterworks, dated June 1, 1956, rincipal amount due
000 p
1975 bearing interest at the rate of
beari3-3/4%interest4a0t,the rate of 3-7/8%.
June 1, 1976 through June 1, 1991, g
Of the $4,500,000 bonds authorized,
bonds in the amount of $260,000 are
being issued at this time for the following purpose:
Town of Fairfax, General Fund
Alvord, Burdick & Howson - (to prepare
plans and specifications ready for the
taking of bids) 63 60,000
Legal, Financing and Contingencies 3 661
- 5 -
78 l ZZ6T8Q ` I. L9 -`
960 tq, anuanag laN
1_56`_L $ S£t'95 $ 901'91 $ 56+7`£5$
ITT 9375--- EZZ`IT 'Ploy
165`9 s 8R+J'6T 8080—�1T •uTei�i 'Butdmna 'sltaM
80L. 6I : 519 0£ 915'ZZ sdn-xoog aotnaas
56£'5Z $ 66I'5Z $ £00'9Z $ 698'6!$ anTaealsTUTmpy
sa.zi Ttpua3'xa
559'95T$ L50'5+7T$ £C£'£+7I$ !65'1/6$
S8L`ZI L'7T`OZ £56 SSSS Teaoy
OLO`+7+7i$ of ' 050 sdey .'alum
+7Zt$ OZ+7 L8 $ I5*7 65$ sates aaaeM
856t 2561 956T 556I
1£ asn2ny Papud saeaA
:auama.'edau aaleM aqa
;o aouatxadxa BuTaeaado Tenaoe a
ga sauasa.'dal uoTleTngea 2uTMOTtog aqy
Te Tdeo sauasa.zda.z pue maasXs aqa 2uTnoadwT pue 2utpuaaxa ao •sadsmsauna=
loads sauna= (T)
Z58`Z 478L'Z L£S`Z 688'1
(!£'2ny) s.'amoasnp
go.'ng0 sITsd =II aalum go assgo.'nd sapnToul*
aToT;ap (P)
Z8-89 fi 6i (PT69 Std
Z£b'RR $ +;£i`C:P $ Z17t'ITZ$ 006`RL$
S Is(1)50 9 — (T)666-19Z (I)9££`S£I (i)—O TZ suotsuaaxd mats Cs*IIO`0*7 8ZIT 88+7'61
801'!! 'uieyi '2utdmnd 'sITaM
165`9 90L`6T 519`0£ 8T5'ZZ sdn-joog aotnaas
56£'SZ $ 66I'5Z $ £00`9Z $ 699`61$ anTaealsTutmpd
s a.' Tn dt �x
558'95I$ £co'c t £C£`£*7t$ T6S'+76$
581'Zi L*7TTOZ E56'55 Tel`m
OSOTSE sdey xaaerl
OL0'+7i7I$ OT6`$7ZT$ OZ$`L9 $ Ti'S'65$ sales xalem
9561 L561 9561 5561
T£ asnny PaPud saeaA
:sp.'ooax auamlaedaQ iaaeM moag pue Xuedmop 39 sBuTTMeg an •y go
slaodax atpne aria moag pazTaemmns sT 'T£ asn2ny Papua saeai( a
s 'uo oga aog g aq/ s8utuaga
pue saamoasno go xaamnu aqa Bu-MO
g T:�etngga antagasdmo� ouTMOOqy
pxooag slutue'g
•saasegoxnd luanbasgns TIe of aotaou saanatasuoo axnop aTno.'t0 aga
oa uMoy mil Aq sa8aggo aaaet pTed-an go uOTaeoT;Taxao amp pue 'saxsl aaage
-ans uT axau Aa.zadoxd tear aqa uo uaJT a amooaq �CTTeotaemoane saBaego aaaeMUpTedun
aega sapTnoad papuame se `056T 'eTUTB.'tA ;O apop '(£) £09 - ST uotaoas
•umoy aqa Aq pau'eaaa sT atsodap aqa 'TiTq aaaeM
alp 2uTAed anogaTM sanom xamoasno e ;i •Laxadoad sTq oa papuaaxa aotn.'as 8utnsq ox
aotad uMoy aga gpTM atsodap ST$ v ahem lsnm iaaadoxd 8uTauaa aamoasno Auy
•panuTauoostp sT ootA.'as aqa awn got4M xaa;e aotaou
anoq-+7Z u uanT2 sT aamoasno alp 'situp p£ ItuotpTPPe aqa ut aTM
aga ;I •s�iep 0£ uTglp Ttn3 uT Ptsd a g Pnod loo sT eS.aella
aotaou uaaatxM e uanT2 sT aamolsno a a `S�ESnm pus auanbuTTap sT aun000P alp �RuTle:js
S alp q P 0£ uTgaTM PTed aou axe sa8aeg3 aaleM 3I
•aael, a Aq peleTndaa aou axe saTaTtTln TedToTunm eTuTBaTA ;o sale.' .'alert
raTuua`T W5 ufTau
•saseaaouT aalam go azts uT ATaaeuoTaaodoad aseaxouT saB.'egp
.'alam nc/5 Paepueas 103 gZT$ - �P SanO
aalam „p/S p.'epugas ao; 00!$ - umby uI
gRa-Ug5-U1715 .'aaaM
•suoTTeB 000'61 /PAO Tie suoTTed 000`! lad Oq•
suoTTs2 000`0i axau aalxenb lad suoTTeB 000`1 .'ad SL•
suoflg2 000'6 is/T; .'o; alga 'Txaaaenb mnmTuTw 05't
uMOy`;o an0
•suoTIPR 000`T£ .'ano TIP suoTieg 000`i lad p+7•
suoTTee 000`ZZ ;pxau aaaxenb lad suoTTe° 000`1 lad 09•
suoTTeB 000'6 as1Tg ao; alai ATaaaaenb mnmtutm 00.9$
uMOy uI
956I `Aaen.'dad antloa a - sgluom £ Axana loop sT BuTITTR
33 `PagsTigeasa uaaq aneq salea 2uTMotto3 aqy
aoTnaaS"aalem ao; slaps
Debt Service_Covere year ended
In the following table, the net revenue of $38,922 for the y
August 31, 1957 is used for computing coverage of debt service on the $260,000
bonds offered herewith:
Bond Years Net Times
Through Estin.ate Covered
Dee�r 1 Prin____cipal_ Interest 1 Tot�75 $ 84,858
1958 $ 4,875 $ 4,
9,750 9,750 34,856
1960 9,750 9,750 84,358
1961 9,750 9,750 34,853
1962 $ 10,000 9,562 ,
1961 19,562 84,858 4.33
84,853 4.41
10,000 9,187 19,137 3.55 1
1963 8,719 23,719 34,858 1964 15,000 23,062 84,858 3.01
1965 20,000 8,062 25,000 7,219 32,219 84,358 2.61
31,231 84,858
25, 2.70
1966 6,2
1967 25,000 35,250 84,853 2.39
1968 30,000 5,250 46
6 2.
30,000 4,125 34,125 84,853 2.46
1969 3,000 33,000 84,858
1970 .55
97 30,000 1,875 31,875 84,858 2.66
1971 1 30,000 64,85& 2.36
1972 35,000
656 35,656
(1) Interest Payable from construction fund through December 1, 1960.
Estimated Results of Operation
For the six year period 1952 through 1957 custo use of have water increased dfat an
average rate of 400 annually and during the same period The Fairfax s
gallons to 203,342,000 gallons annually.
increased from 43,172,000 �ga expenses and net revenue, assuming service to
estimate of revenues operating exp prepared by Alward, Burdick & Howson:
^�:irfax, the Airport and Herndon, has been p re p
Transfer From Operation and
Water Net
Water Connection Investment Reserve Total Maintenance
Charges_ Income Fund_ Revenue �__._6a5 $ evenu5
1959 Sales 500 $196,940 $ 155,855
1959 $19 ,810 $ 29,000 $ 247,850 91,930 271,795
1960 195,810 51,040 1,000 34.6 240 74,445
39,440 1,300 360,925 78,755 271,195
1961 330,125 29,000 1,800 84,040 202, 70
1962 330,125 2,700 391,400 319,260
1°f�3 359,700 29,000 406,750 87,490
i'-�+ 379,550 23,200 4,000 422,300 90,840 331,460
19 20,300 5,000 453,100 95,840 357,375
1,, 6 420,000 26,100 7,000 362,975
1966 7 432, 500 461,800 98,825
20,300 9,000 487,100 102,725 384,375
1967 432,500 384,375
1963 450,000 26,100 11,000 506,250 109,050
23,200 11,000 511,880 111,450 397 ,400
1970 472,250 404,730
1970 480,000 20,880 11,000 518,000 113,270
18,000 11,000 525,000 113,113,270 409,910
1972 489,000 416,090
1972 498,000 17,000 11,000 533,000 116,910
15,000 11,000 540,000 118,730 421,270
1973 51 ,000 427,450
1974 516,000 13,000 11,000 548,000 120,550
12,000 11,000 555,000 122,370 432,630
1976 525,000 438,230
1x16 534,000 10,000 11,000 562,420 124,190
8,420 11,000 570,000 126,010 443,990
1978 543,000 450,170
1978 551,000 8,000 11,000 578,000 127,830
1979 560,000 7,000 11,000 586,250 129,600 456,650
1980 568,250 7,000 11,000 591,100 130,660 460,440
1981 573,100 7,000 11,000 595,100 131,720 463,380
1982 577,100 7,000 11,000 470,754
7,000 11,000 $ 3,234 603,534 132,780 754
1984 582,300 3,429 608,329 133,840 474,
1984 586,900 7,000 11,000
7,000 11,000 1,521 611,021 134,900 478,150
1986 591,500 614,100 135,950 4 8,150
1986 596,100 7,000 11,000 618,700 137,000
1987 600,700 7,000 11,000 623,300 138,050 432,250
1988 605,300 7,000 11,000 492,878
7,000 10,500 4,978 631,978 139,100
609,500 6141 ,506 7,000 10,500 5,172 637,172 140.100 497,072
1991 619,500
7,000 10,000 5,366 641,866 141,100
- 7 -
Ale zoo zo °puns uotsuaax 'asodind Tn3MUt aagao
3 g pup auamaopldag TpMauag aga `puns unTadmapag puog aqa
o -uotaoun3 aagao Aup csuoTsualxo sdn-)looq aoTAIas ao3 posn aq oy Z)
'0961 `T aagmaoaa gpnoiga puns uoTaon1asuop moi; ptpd asaaaaul (I)
Z3'1 9L9`£61 6Sf?`t£ T£Z`SLZ '£Z`S
1L'T 9L0`17f'I 66S`t£ 96S`OPZ 965`ST 000`5092 ZLO`1617 0661
ZL'T 1776`SLI 591`1£ f?9L`SPZ P9L`cZ 000'09Z 8L£'`Z6*7 6f?6I
L9'1 P9S`£91 S£6`0£ 917L`062 917L`S£ 000`SSZ OSZ`Sf'+7 PP6T
99'T 195`091 SOLO£ 17£17`06Z 17£11`S17 000`S17Z 001`1911 Lf?6T
S9'I S93`1ST ISS`O£ 17£1`6eZ +7£L`17S 000'5E2 OST`3L17 9P6I
S9'1 PSO`LST 9117`0£ 9179`PCZ 9179`£9 000`SZZ IZT
Z9'1 £17O'ZSI LLT`O£ 09Z`Z6Z f 9Z`ZL 000`0ZZ 6917`17117 17061
65'1 ZO£`S+7T SSL`6Z 969`5.6Z 969`Of
SS'i +76R`*7£T SSS`6Z 1£6`362 t£6`pp 000'OIZ 03£`£917 Z06I
SS'! ZSZ`*7£t ZT£`6Z
SLf 962 SLP<96 000`00Z 017+7'0917 1061
SS't 6T£`££T 006`1Z 1£17`1762 1£/7`170t 000`0
475'1 OLO`0£T OOS`f3Z 009`1EZ 009`TIT n 6t OLT'OS17 096I
bS'i f'917`LZI TZI`f?Z n `� . � 00`091 011`0517 6161
17S't SOL`SZt U `n T._£ r PZ to£ 0TT 000`OLT 066`£1717 0161
bS't SOL'1721 OSL'LZ SLL'17PZ SLL`17Zt 000`091 O£Z`f3£17 LL6I
SS'T P£I`17Zt 000`12 101 OrZ T0L`O£1 000`OSt 0£9`Z£17 9L6I
SS 'T S17Z`£ZI 000'Lz ZI£`9LZ ZT£`9£I 000`0171 OS*7`LZ17 SL61
9S'T LLL`£ZT 0SZ`9Z SL£`TLZ SL£`117T 000`0£1 OLZ`IZ17 *7161
9S'I S£9`£ZT OSZZ Z90`99Z Z90`9171 000`0ZT 060`9117 £161
SL£`O9Z SL£`OST 000`0IT 016`6017 ZLET
6S 'T £Zc`17ZT 1765`SZ ZI£`*7SZ Z1£`17ST 000'001 0£1`17017 116T
Z9'T £17Z`LZI ZI£`SZ co'LL17Z SLo`LSI 000`06
0£17`00+7 0161
S9'T ZPL`T£T 55£`172
Z90'147Z Z90`19T 000`09 00Z`16£ 696T
479'T 017£`ZTt 060`£2 OLO`St SLf'`££Z SWOT 000`01 SWIPE 0961
09'T 1717L`09 SS9`ZZ £9Z`S17 ZT£`9ZZ ZI£`99T 000`09 SWZ9£ 1961
179'I OIT`17L SIT`IZ SLL`£17 SL£`f3TZ SL£`091 000`05 SL£`LS£ 9961
PS'T 9170`6S P££`OZ £IO`Z17 Z90'OTZ Z90'0L1 000`017 0917'1£r 596T
6S 'T 0+70`PS OLS`6i SLZ`Ob SLC IOZ SL£ TLT 000`0£ 09Z`6I£ 17961
09'1 p£S`pS 9170`f'T £917`0£
17S'i P017`S17 ZI£`LI SLS`9£ SL£3`Zot SLo`ZL1 000`01 $ OL1`ZpZ Z961
LS'I ZP£`OS f3£L`£T £19`17£ Z90`£LT Z90`£LT
LIL`PZ1 6179`6 178P'Z ZZ17`17T ZZ17`*7I 56L`TLZ 1961
SOT'901� OS1`6 OL9`SST 0961
pauzag sntci9n1 un$ $ $ $ SSZ`STi$ 6561
P a puns asaaaaul Pup asoaaaui TadToliTaa anuaK zpa,�
samtj (Z)TpnuuV uotsuaaxg anaosax IpdTouTaa
asazaaul S, 9 auaviaopldag o aaN
TadTouTia 01 (T)ipaos
aotnzae agap paaeasa pup satiamaztnbaa :smoTto3 a3p1anoo
asoaaaut pup IpdTout1d 1pnaoy
41fPD4zS uot�pzta.zomy
approved September 3, 1958,oautho,the i issuance
lyfa these
In the Ordinance app among bonds, the Town of Fairfax covenants, following disposed
1. All revenues as received shall be deposited in priaritya
of on the first day of each month in thy. operated on an
a and_ Maintenance Fund. The Water System shall be op
( ) Operation commencing as of January 1 and on the first day of each
annual budget y
month there shall be paid into the .Operation and Mainteance Fund
1/6th an ,
which together with any balane�uesere��1xrent g�penses shall mean the
annual.. budget for Current Exp expenses of maintenance, P
Town's reasonable and necessary current
and operation of the Water System.)
and ,Interest Fund. There shall be transferred to the Principal
(b) Principal--- P commencing the first month after the completion of the
project,Interest nunu, whichever date is earlier, an amount not less
project, or on June 1, 1960,
than 1/6th of the interest due on the next interest p a tint date, and an
than 1/12th of the principal due on the next annual prin-
cipal not less t
cipal maturity date.
is Reserve Fund. Commencing on the first of t earlier, there shall be trans-
ferred month after completion of the
project, or June 1, 1960, whichever date a tints required to be. P
ferred an amount equal to 20% of the monthly p ym
into the Principal and Interest Fund, until there is
cumulatedbandamount then
equal to the maximum principal and interest requirements
aid into this
There shall be P prior calendar
(d) Fundwan�__ounac____ qua to 1/12th % of n s of the
Fund an amount equal to 1%12th of S% of the Revenues of the p
year until the amount in said Fund shall aggregate other
extensions A any
(e) Excess Revenues. To be used for service hook-ups,
function of the Bond Redemption Fund (created pursuant to Section 6,
the Renewal, Replacement and Extension
Sub-section (e) Excess Revenue), s in the Bond Redemption Fund,
when other lawful purposes. Money u
Fund or for any $5,000, shall be used for the purpose
when there is a balance in excess of $5,
of purchasing or redeeming bonds. the Water
2. The Town covenants and agrees that rates
otations services shall be
reasonable bl said Town, and citizens, further A le and just, and the Town further con andtto agrees rates
condition operate said System
and ctarg and continuously nP sufficient
and to
for services rendered s° that the Reveandsmaintenancefexpient at all
and charges of the operation
times to provide for the payment
make all payments provided for in the Bond Ordinance.
3. No free services shall be rendered to any customer, public or private; the
Town shall pay for service rendered.
proper books of record and account, separate from all other
4. The Town w ill keep showing all transactions relating to the Water System,
municipal books and and accounts,i,
by an independent certified
and said books and accounts will be audited annually y
public accountant. dispose of the Water
S, The Town
unt until all not bonds have lease,
mortgage or in any manner disp the
ro erty of
or otherwise dispose of any P Pat and
System, until all bonds have been paid in full. Notwithstanding said covenant,Sy ' right to sell, yea
the Water have the rhg the Town Council to be no longer necessary the Water System which is found by
stem. The proceeds received from the sale shall
useful in the operation of the Sy
be paid into the Renewal, Replacement and Extension Fund.
- 9 -
nT - t
1 _t
•sa2augo put saa3
sons aoalToo puu ao203tza oa faussaoau sFT1Tpaaooad pus suoTZou 'sdaas tie axua IT:M
pup 'maasAs aaauM alp dq paaapuaa saTaTTTau3 Puu saaTA1as 103 sa2augo pue Si o3
IT 30aTI00 dTaua2TITP 02 paatzuuanoo yeti ut0y agy •panaas sastmaad aga uo u-i..Z
amooaq saLauqu pTudun amp apTnoad sanauas uTVT2aTA :SaDEVHD ulvad 1.103 N 'I
'oauT paaaaua aau sauamanoadmT pue sauamaaaa. q
'suoTsualxa alp 3o uotatstnbou ao uotaonaasuoo aauTpammT aga ao3 saosaauoo 30aao41
o usnsst aqa oa aoTad ssaTun panssT aq spuoq TuuoTatpps due Tugs auana ou
•maasds aaauM aqa g
panaas uaau aqa uT gasoa2 uoTleTndod paaoaroad due 3o uosuaa dq puu sauamanoadtuT
pup sauamaaaaaq 'uoTsuaaxa aria 3o uosuaa dq 'pasodraT PuTaq sa2augo pue salsa 3o
alnpagos aqa uT uotsTnaa cue 3o uosuaa dq sasuaaouT due aoai3aa oa sauamasnCpa
gaps maasds aaaum aqa 3o sanuanaa paonaTaadxa asud aua uoTauaappsuoo oauT axe:
TTugs saaaut2ua dutaTnsuoa at;a 'uotae2ndu1oo 2uTo2aao3 aqa ?utxuu uI '2uTpueas
-ano aq oa spuoq TTu ao3 asad aupuaTuo 2uTpu0dsaaaou aqa ao3 sauamaaTnbaa IudTo
-utad puu asaaaaut pautgmoo aga saran 06.1 auga ssaT aq a0u rum sauad aupuaTuo
2utpaauons aqa 3o goua uT maasds aaatM aqa 3o saunanag aau paaumTasa at,a aega
uoTnTdo alp 2uTaToaa 'saaauT2ua 2uTaTnsuoo aga dg auamaauas u uMoy pies ;o xaalp
aqa 41TM PaTT3 aq dugs aaaga 2utptnoad 'sat.:amanoadttT an sauamaaaaaq 'suoTsuaa
-xa aanan; 3o asoo aqa dud oa panssT aq osTs Aura suoTau2TTgo uaTi Iunba Tut_oTa1Pov
•2uTpuuasano aq oa spuoq TTe ao3 sauad aepuaTuo 2uTpuodsaaaoo aqa 10;
sauama1Tnbaa asaao3uT put? Tudj3ttTad pauTquao aqa uug4 scat aqa aq trim auod aanan;
goua uT sanuanag aaN Tunuae auga uoTT_V do aqa 2ullTaaa aagaan; ptte 'sasoo guns
dud oa spun; 3o dauaToz;ap aqa 3o aunociu paaumTasa aga play 'uotaaldmoo guns ;o
asoo paaumTasa atr;a 'paaaldmoo aq oa x.1014 ;o auno:.1e Teaoa of*a 2upsogs aauoTJT;aau
u ansst Tugs saaauT2ua 2vt2lnsuoo aqa. 'spuoq TvuCTaTppu guns due 3o aouurs:;p
aqa 02 aoTad anq 'STOUTTII 'o2s33g0 'fostoH xoTpanq 'paonpJ' 3o aaodaa ate;; dq
usogs su 'maasds aaauM ava ao3 sauar1anoadr]T pee sxaos ;o uoTaanaasuou pate alas y o
dlddns sae e 3o uoTaTstnbou aqa 2uT3aTduoo 3o asodand aga ao3 panssT aq uuo suoTau2
-TTgo uaTi Iunba TuuoTaTppy •panssT aq uuo spuoq uaTi aoTad oN :?CI HOg ZyaIyIQI;
'puns anaasall aqa 02 paaaa;sueaa aq Itugs auaload alp 3o uoTaaTdriou aaa3s puns
uotaonaasuo0 aqa UT aonuTuq papuadxaun AuH •sasoo daussauau aagao pup 2upaaaulSaa
'Tu2aT 'uoTaunaasuoo 2uTanp asaaaauT 2uTpfTuuT 'taaasds /alum oqa ao3 sauamanoAdmT
lone sxaoM 2uTaonalsuoa pup aaaus 3o dlddns sae u &itaTnbou 3o asoo aqa 2utdod
3o asodand aga ao3 dlaTos pasn aq 'Tugs dauom aqy •umoy aqa 3o spun; :agao
TTe moa; aaeaudas ado% aq 'Tugs sdauom puns uotaunaasuo0 :SuNn,I NolIon2lysmuo
pmpS o uo 'uTuT21TA
uT sataaadoad au
T. 3 Tauaado aqa uT pa2u2ua saTUUdmou aasnTad dq pataauo
ATTauuTpao spup aga 3o puu saunortu aga uT aoUuansuT daauo ITTM uMOy aqy '9
43 IT r}RDAIidFD by the Town Council of the Town of Fairfax,
Virginia: that the following procedures for the assessment and col-
lection of property taxes within the Town of Fairfax are hereby
A pp s pp}}��
.) 5seSMente
The Town Council shall annually
assess and levy u =on all
,� - within the Town all necessary s axes for general corporate
props y
d taxes purpo€ es, subject to charter or statutory limitations: an
C T1" service.
unlira'..ted in amount to the extent necessary
for debt
for of property shall be the s�-:crto
The asseesmen.t for taxation o.r I P
the last county assessment or valuation, provided that the Town
asurer shall notify the Ccmn-.iesioner of the Revenue of Fairfax
Tx r l+
County o f any personal property or any real eeta ve not assessed. by
Coun real
the County, and all improvements made ac.din;
value to any
estate since the last County assessment, and thereupon the same
shall be assessed as provided by gene -'al. law. Ti e: notices shall
mac.o u and sent out by the Town Treasurer, and all collections
be P
received bj hire
All taxes shall be due and payable on the first day of
December in the year assessed, and a penalty of five per cent shall
add ed to all tax bills not paid on or before the first day of
the next succeeding February.
II. Liens.
There shall be a lien, dating fran January 1 of the year
assessed : upon all real estate within the Town of Fairfax:
lien, along with those for County taxes: shall be prior to any
other lien or encumbrance thereon. Thera shall be a further l g en
u on the rents of such real estate for Town taxes for the ourren'
year: whether the said rents be in money or in kind
III. Delinquent Taxes.
1. All Town property taxes which, have not been paid by
September 1 of the year following the year in which assessed shall
as delinquent taxes, added to the said taxes
and interest at the rate of si
be considered paid shall be
per centum per annum until P
as of that date. the Town Treasurer shall
starting ear,
2. By October 1 of each Y
submit the following lowing lists to the Town Council _ taxes for the
a. A list of delinquent real prop erty
previous taxable year.
ersonal property taxes for the
b. A list of delinquent p
previous taxable years taxes for all
A list of delinquent real property
previous taxable year.year.rd taxes for all
years prior to the" p personal property
d. A list of delinquent P
previous taxable year.
years prior to the p rovide the Clerk of the
3. The Town Treasurer shall also p of recently existing
Court of Fairfax County with a list P
Circuit and by
estate taxes within the Town of Fairfax, of the
r delirquent real a said Clark a list
to the
October 1 of each year shall give for the previous taxable year, the
delinquent real estate Clerk in a book kept In lists to-be entered of record by the via notice to pur-
chasers Clerk' s Office, for the purpose of providing
chasers of the property concerned.
4. a. Notices will be mailed out by March 15 to those pe
whose personal property taxes have not been paid for the pre`
vious taxable year. Ii` the tax has not been paid by August 1 of
the same year, a second and last notice will be sent. If the tax
has not been paid within 30 days thereafter, the delinquent tax
account shall be turned over to the Town Attorney for collection.
b. Notices will be mail-ec. cut by April 1 to those per.
1 sons whose real property taxes have notbeen paid for the previous
taxable year. If the tax has not been paid within two years from
the said notice, a second and last notice will be sent. If the
tax has not been paid within 30 days thereafter, the delinquent
tax account shall be turned over to the Town Attorney for collect;
,e, j�►
5. The Town Attorney and the Towa Treasurer shall pro-
ceed to affect the collection of delinquent or unpaid taxes by any
one or more of the actions, procedures, and remedies authorized by
law, including the sale of delinquent real estate. In such col-
lection, the Town AttOrA0y may use the assistance of other attor-
neys where needed for this purpose
6. No legal action shall be taken to collect personal
property taxes delinquent for more than five years or real estate
taxes delinquent for more than twenty years.
7. No vehicle taxable within the Town of Fairfax shall
be locally licensed -unloss and until the applicant for such license
shall have produced satisfactory evidence that all personal prop-
erty taxes upon the vehl.cle to be licensed , which personal proper-
ty taxes have been assessed or are assessable against such appli-
cant, have been paid.
IV. Validity
It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Town
Council of the Town of Fairfax that the paragraphs, sentences,
clauses and phrases of this ordinance are severable, and if any
phrase, clause, sentence or para3raph of this ordinance shall be
declared unconstitutional or invalid by the valid judgment or
decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitution-
ality or invalidity shall not affect any of the remaining phrase alaeses, sentences and paragraph of this ordinance.
V. Effective Date.
This ordinance shall take effect on April 8, 1957,