R-11-10 RESOLUTION NO. R -11 -10
WHEREAS, the City of Fairfax Water and Wastewater services are a fundamental
governmental function of benefit to city residents and certain non city residents, and
WHEREAS, the water and wastewater system enterprise funds are accounted for
separately and independently of other city programs; and
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Council that water and wastewater services
and their related enterprise Funds are operated to industry- standard levels, employing the
highest professional methods in the operation of same; and
WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Virginia does not establish statuary methods for
public water or sewer ratemaking and the Virginia Courts have held that localities
demonstrate a plausible basis supporting fees and charges, and
WHEREAS, the Consumer Protection Commission (Commission) was requested by
the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors in 2008 to investigate water rate disparities charged
to the Fairfax County consumers, and
WHEREAS, on April 20, 2010, the Commission published a report comparing the
five water purveyors in Fairfax County, to include the City of Fairfax, and providing seven
ratemaking recommendations,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council desires to assure
the water and wastewater customers that ratemaking will be accomplished to industry
standards as follows:
1. Water and wastewater rates and fees shall be established by City Council in a
transparent manner consistent with all similar city activities. To that end,
customers and residents (the rate payers) shall be given notice of all meetings of
the City Council when such discussions and rate settings occur. In the
establishment of annual water and wastewater rates, the city shall adequately
disclose future growth plans and their expected impact on future rates.
2. The city shall annually prepare and include in the proposed budget a three- year
future estimated rate schedule.
3. All ratepayers shall be charged uniform rates within their rate class. The
determination of rates for the enterprise funds shall conform to standard municipal
utility practices.
4. Rates for the enterprise funds, including the timing of rate adjustments, shall be
designed to recover fixed and variable costs in such a manner as to ensure cost
recovery and rate stability.
5. Rates of the enterprise funds shall be established to 1)ensure efficient and effective
operation of the utilities, 2)fully recover actual operating and maintenance
expenses incurred during the fiscal year, 3)repay annual debt payments for capital
expenses of the enterprise fund 4) ensure surplus revenues are reserved to facilitate
rate stability for ratepayers.
1. The water and wastewater utilities shall reimburse services received from other
city departments, including but not limited to, personnel, administrative expenses,
equipment and facilities. These services shall be prorated to reflect actual costs
and designated as the "management fee ". The water and wastewater enterprise
fund shall pay the city for, or reimburse the city for materials and services
purchased during the fiscal year when consumed.
2. The procedures used to allocate each fund's share of the management fee shall be
reviewed by the city's auditor not less frequently than every five years. The
results of such a review shall be included as part of the documentation for
subsequent rate proceedings. Unless otherwise justified by the auditor's review,
the total amount included in the water and wastewater enterprise funds for
payment to the city, or other entities, for management fee expenses may each be
increased at a rate no greater than the growth rate of the city's total budget.
1. Utility physical plant investments in excess of normal and customary repair and
replacement will be capitalized and amortized for rate setting over their useful
lives, either through depreciation/amortization or sinking fund amortization of
borrowings. Normal and customary repair and replacement will be expensed when
incurred during the fiscal year. Depreciation and amortization shall conform to
standard municipal utility practices.
1. Surplus revenues, also known as Undesignated Funds, will be used in lieu of
customer revenues, if possible, when those surplus funds reach a level equal to
100% of the prior year's fund expenses, unless such funds are to be held for pay as
you go capital expenses.
2. Surplus revenues shall be invested through the city and the interest earned shall be
credited to the respective water and sewer funds. Surplus revenues shall not be
transferred from their respective water and sewer accounts to be used for non -
utility purposes.
ADOPTED this 8 day of February, 2011.
City Clerk
The vote on the motion to approve was recorded as follows:
Councilwoman Cross Aye
Councilman Drummond Aye
Councilman Greenfield Aye
Councilman Meyer Aye
Councilwoman Schmidt Aye
Councilman Stombres Aye