R-09-01RESOLUTION R-09-O7 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE REQUEST OF RESIDENCE INN BY MARRIOTT LLC BY DAVID LASSO, AGENT, FOR A SPECIAL EXCEPTION PURSUANT TO CITY CODE SEC. 110-783(6) FOR AN INCREASE I1V THE FLOOR AREA RATIO AFAR) FROM O.S TO 0.97; FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS PURSUANT TO CITY CODE SEC. 110-158 FOR A REDUCTION 1N THE MINIMUM REQUIRED NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES FROM 155 PARKING SPACES TO 150 PARKING SPACES AND A REDUCTION 1N THE MINIMUM REQUIRED NUMBER OF LOADING SPACES FROM 2 LOADING SPACES TO ONE LOADING SPACE; FOR A SPECIAL EXCEPTION PURSUANT TO CITY CODE SEC. 110-185 TO ALLOW ABUILDING-MOUNTED SIGN ON THE NORTHERNMOST WALL; AND FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS PURSUANT TO CITY CODE SEC. 1 10-263 TO MODIFY THE PARKING LOT PERIMETER LANDSCAPE STRLP WIDTH FROM 25 FEET TO 12 FEET 1N THE FRONT AND FROM 7 FEET TO 5 FEET ALONG THE NORTHERLY SIDE ALONG WITH A REDUCTION 1N PLANTING IN THE NORTHERLY LANDSCAPE STRLP ON THE FORMER VDOT PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3565 CHAIN BRIDGE ROAD, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS TAX MAP 57-2-02-0025. WHEREAS, Residence Inn by Marriott LLC, has submitted Application No. SE- 08050012 requesting the Special Exceptions to the City Codes listed below: Section 110-'783(5) The maximum floor area ratio on any lot shall be O.5 O. Section 1 10-155~b~~3 Jr Required parking spaces. Off-street spaces shall be provided in accordance with the following minimum standards: Hotel, extended-stay: one space per guest room. Restaurants and similar ancillary uses within such facilities that are open to the general public shall provide additional parking appurtenant to such uses at one parking space for every 200 square feet of gross floor area. Section 7 l O-1 56(b~(3~ Required Zouding spaces. Off-street loading spaces shall be provided for each use in not less than the amounts set forth below for every building ... Hotel, motel, extended-stay hotel, commercial recreation facility: One space for the First ] 0,000 square feet of floor area plus one space for each additional 100,000 square feet or major fraction thereof. Section 110-181 Signage Permitted, Business, Building-mounted: AZZ other comm./Indus: 1/linear foot of building frontage to 100 square feet except as specified in subsection 110-180(b). Section 110-259(a)(l~a Each off-street parking area whicl'i is adjacent to a public right-of--way shall be separated from such right-of--way by a landscaped strip of not less than the width of the required building restriction area for the zoning district within which such parking area is located.. Section 110-259(a~(l~b Each off-street parking area not adjacent to a public right-of--way shall be separated from the property line by a landscaped strip of not less than the width of the required setback for the zoning district within which such parking area is located, or 12 feet in width, whichever is less, provided that a minimum of seven feet in width shall be provided. Such landscaped strip shall be planted with at least one deciduous tree meeting the dimensional requirements contained in subsection (a)(1) of this section for every 200 square feet of required landscaped strip. WHEREAS, City Council has carefully considered the application, the recommendation of the staff and testimony received at the public hearing; and WHEREAS, City Council has determined that the proposed Special Exception is appropriate because the proposal meets the requisites established by City of Fairfax Code Sections 110-783(6)b, 110-158, 110-185, and 110-263 for the following reasons: 1) The increase in floor area ratio will not result in a development which is disproportionate to surrounding land uses in size, bulk, or scale; 2) The increase in floor area ratio will not adversely affect any nearby residential areas; 3) The increase in floor area ratio will not overburden the community facilities existing or available or result in the obstruction of light and air, danger and congestion in transportation, or increased danger from fire, flood, or other hazards; 4) The increase in floor area ratio will not be contrary to the objectives specified in the comprehensive plan; 5) The reduction in the minimum required number of parking and loading spaces will not result in increased traffic congestion or otherwise negatively impact existing traffic flow or pedestrian and vehicular safety; 6) The reduction in the minimum required number of parking and loading spaces will not be contrary to the objectives specified in the comprehensive plan; 7) The reduction in the minimum required number of parking and loading spaces is necessary to permit the reasonable use of the subject property; 8) The reduction in the minimum required number of parking and loading spaces will not adversely impact adjacent property or the surrounding area; 9) The sign requirements present a unique burden due to unusual building design and lot shape; 10) Allowance of abuilding-mounted sign on the northernmost wall will not be inconsistent with the comprehensive plan or the purpose of the signs division as stated in section 110-176; 11) Relative to the width of the parking lot landscape strips and the planting requirements for the northerly parking lot landscape strip, the triangular lot shape combined with the future road network and "urban village" design concept set forth in the comprehensive plan in addition to the ultimate planting height restrictions of the power company associated with the nearby overhead power lines create an extraordinary circumstance; 12) The reduction in the minimum required width of the parking lot landscape strips and the reduction in the planting requirements in the side parking lot landscape strip will not be inconsistent with the comprehensive plan, the community appearance plan and the purpose of the landscaping division; and 13) The reduction in the minimum required width of the parking lot landscape strips and the reduction in the planting requirements in the side parking lot landscape strip will not result in inadequate on-site amenity or any condition which will adversely affect nearby property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fairfax on this 13th day of January, 2009, that Application No. 5E-08050012 be and hereby is APPROVED, as requested with the following conditions: 1. All improvements shall be in substantial conformance with the Conceptual Site Plan, prepared by Christopher Consultants, revised and sealed through January 5, 2009, as revised to accommodate conditions 2, 5, 8 and 10. 2. The applicant shall construct a continuous sidewalk along Chain Bridge Road from the southern property line to the existing sidewalk along Eaton Place. At the time of site plan approval, the applicant shall contribute $15,000 towards a bus shelter for a CUE andlor WMATA bus stop on Chain Bridge Road. The owner shall have the option to construct the shelter (using the design standards for such shelters) at the location designated by the City. The owner shall select an option at terms agreeable with the City no later than the date of the site plan approval 4. Concurrent with or prior to first submission of the site plan, the applicant shall submit a Phase IA archaeological survey of the site. 5. The applicant shall provide six acorn-style lights along the Chain Bridge Road frontage in conformance with the Community Appearance Plan. 6. The applicant shall provide a public access easement for the public sidewalk along Chain Bridge Road. 7. Prior to final approval of the site plan, the applicant shall record among the land records an agreement to provide a public access easement across the front of the property to accommodate reconfiguration and usage of the drive aisle, also called a "slow lane", as part of the future road network which includes an Orchard Street extension and for a connection to be made from the rear parking lot to a future road to the south of the site (the Orchard Street extension)that would connect with Chain Bridge Road. This agreement shall also provide that any deficit in parking resulting from such site reconfiguration shall be accommodated by reserving on-street parking spaces on the future road to the south for exclusive use by the hotel. The slow lane shall be no closer than twenty five (25) feet from the facade of the building. In the event a slow lane is added, the "right in and right out" access shall remain and the replacement parking shall be in use before the loss of any on-site parking for the hotel. Such improvements shall be done without cost to the applicant. This agreement shall be submitted to the City for review and approval along with the first submission of the site plan. 8. The drive aisle located west of the building shall be designed with a pavement section designed to handle emergency equipment loads. 9. Prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the rooms of the hotel, the applicant shall contribute $50,000 towards construction of roadway improvements within or adjacent to the triangle formed by Chain Bridge Road, Eaton Place, and Fairfax Boulevard. 10. The applicant shall provide landscaping in as close accordance with Section 110-259 as Dominion Virginia Power will allow near the power lines. The applicant shall coordinate with Dominion Virginia Power prior to submittal of the site plan and Board of Architectural Review applications. 11. Prior to submitting to submitting to the Board of Architectural Review the applicant shall revise the architectural design for the proposed building submitted with the subject application to achieve an exceptionally appealing new building of the highest possible quality. In revising the design, the applicant and the BAR should consider the following approaches to the extent that they can help achieve a better design. a. Increase the total amount of wall surface devoted to brick or stone; b. Provide an additional color of Terraneo finish to match the brick color and use it as the primary Terraneo color; c. Emphasize the horizontal lines of the building by adding such elements as continuous heavy fascia, three-dimensional brick banding, and contrasting colors; d. Provide substantial variety of fenestration using 1)light-colored three-dimensional lintels and arches over windows, 2) light-colored three-dimensional window sills, and 3) balconies, metal railings and/or canopies; and e. Provide similar quality materials and design on all exterior walls. The motion to adopt the resolution was approved January 13, 2009. Mayor Attest: ~// /' ., ,~~~/~ /.i/ City Clerk Votes Councilmember Cross Aye Councilman Drummond Aye Councilman Greenfield Aye Councilman Meyer Aye Councilman Rasmussen Aye Councilman Stombres Aye