R-08-20 RESOLUTION NO.R-OS-20 A RESOLUTION REQUESTINGO' TIIE VII~GO'INIA GO'ENERAL ASSElVIBLY TO ADDRESS VIRGO'INIA'S TRANSPORTATION FUNDINGO' CRISIS. "VVI-IE:R.EAS" Northem Virginia - as part oIthe :rv1:etropolitan V\Tashington region - is ranked the second most congested metropolitan area in the Nation; and '\I\1HEREAS, vvhile population, vehicles miles traveled, and registered vehicles continue to grovv, the buying pOV\7cr of transportation construction dollars has declined 40 percent since 1986 V\Then the last gas tax increase occurred; and "VVHEREAS, the counties and cities of North em Virginia have agreed on TransAct"ion2030, a corridor-focused long range transportation plan for Northem Virginia vvith identified unfunded needs in the range of $700 million annually; and "VVHEREAS, the 2007 General Assembly recognized these needs in its establishment of a dedicated funding program for the Northem Virginia Transportation Authority; and "VVIIEREAS~ the Supreme Court of Virginia declared the 2007 approach to dedicated taxes and fees unconstitutional; and 'VVHEREAS~ the shortfall in Virginia Department of Transportation construction Iuuding - dOV\l'"ll $1.1 billion in the last year -- exacerbates the absence oT dedicated Tunding Tor Northem Virginia; and "VVIIER..EAS~ the forecast decrease of$97 IT1illion in the Department of Rail and Public Transportation Tunding over the next five years adversely affects Northern Virginia~s transit netV\l'"ork; and "VVHER-EAS~ it is critical that dedicated funding for the regional 1\I1:etro systen. be identified in order to assist in the passage oT congressional legislation providing dedicated funding to the J\...1.:etro system; and NOVY, TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIIE CITY OF FAIRFAX THAT: The Cij:y of Fairfax appreciaj:es t:he need for a st:at:e"VVide increase in t:ransport:at:ion Cunding beginning in FY2009 t:o prevent: t:he collapse oC Virginia~s high"VVay const-ruct:ion and maint:enance programs, and The Cit:y of FairCax urges t:he General Assembly t:o adopt: a dedicat:ed Cunding program Cor Nort:hern Virginia t:hat: is simple and sust:ainable~ ~it:h assurance of at: least: $300 million per year for t:he region beginning in FY2009, and Funding for Northern Virginia should maint:ain an allocat:ion formula t:hat: is support:ive oC regional priorit:ies~ especially $50 million Cor t:he "V\1l\1J:A T A (lVIet:ro) and $25 million Cor VRE; and The General Assembly must: ensure t:hat: any regional revenues can be leveraged "VVit:h bonds. AI>OPTED this 10 day of June, 2008. C~~~ l\I1."ayor Attest: ~J The vote on the motion to approve was recorded as follows: Votes Councilmember Cross Councilman Greenfield Councilmember Lyon Councilman Rasmussen Councilman Silverthorne Councilmember Winter Aye Aye Aye Aye Absent Aye