Resolut:ion No. R-OS-34
'lVHEREAS, the City of Fairfax currently enjoys an excellent AA+ general fund credit rating;
'VVHEREAS, both the residences ar1d businesses of the City of Fairfax benefit from the lovvest
overall tax burden in the ~orthern Virginia Region:
R.eal Est:at:e Tax Rat:e
Personal Propert:y Tax
Cit:y of Fairfax - _79
Alexandria - .845
Arlington - .848
County of Fairfax - .92
Prince '-V"illiam Cnty- 1.021
Falls Church - 1.030
lV'lar1assas City - 1.1 15
Loudoun County - 1 .14
1'\.I1:anassas City - 3.25
Prince ~illiam Cnty - 3.70
Cit:y oC FairCax - 4.13
Loudoun County - 4.20
Arlington - 4.40
Fairfax County - 4.57
Falls Church - 4.71
Alexandria - 4.75
"V\THEREAS, the citizens of the City of Fairfax have decided through a variety orvoter
referendums to move the City forvv-ard through an aggressive renevval program-
ne"VV police department, expanded city hall, renovated schools (Fairfax High
school", Sidney Lanier,. Providence Elementary,. Da11iels Run School) and
purchase of over 42 acres of open space; and
"'VVHEREAS, the cost or this citizen directed rene'VVal progran""1 is over $140,000,000.
NOVV THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED. that the Establislnnent ofa Budget Con..mittee
Task Force "VVill be formed as an advisor to the City Council for the 2008/2009
fiscal year.
BE IT FU=TFlER RESOLVED. that the Committee ""ill be made up of the follovving
members: City Councilmember Jeff Greenfield,. - Chair; City Councilrnember
David l'v1:eyer; Citizen at Large,. Bill Foster; School Board Chair Janice l'.\Ililler;
Commissioner of the Revenue ~illiam "Page" Job.r1son, III; Treasurer, Steve
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,. The Committee "VVill focus on the follo"VVing issL1-es:
I. l\I1onitor the fiscal year 2008/2009 actual budget performarlce throughout
the year and provide City Council guidance to any adjustments needed to
ensure a balanced budget.
2. To investigate a "VVay to better coordinate the timing of the approval of the
City budget "VVith the approval of t:he Fairfax County budget.
3. To revie"VV and recommend a better budget rev-ie"VV and approval process for
the adoption of the fiscal year 2009/2010 budget including timirlg of "VVork
sessions,. more effective staff reports, number ofvvork sessions, pL1-blic
meetings etc.
4. To vvork closely "VVith staff to revieVI.T the development of the fiscal year
2009/2010 draft budget prior to it being submitted to the City Council in
an effort to streamline our government and make it more efficien..t and
effective to meet the changing needs of the community.
5. The taskforce should make periodic updates on any and all progress to the
City Council "VVhen appropriate but no less than quarterly.
Adopted this 1 s< day of July 2008.
City Clerk
The vote on the motion to approve was recorded as follows:
Councilwoman Cross Aye
Councilman Drummond Aye
Councilman Greenfield Aye
Councilman Meyer Aye
Councilman Rasmussen Aye
Councilman Stombres Aye