R-07-31 RESOLUTION R-07-31 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE REQUEST OF SAUL HOLDINGS L TD, BY DAVID HOUSTON. ATTORNEY/AGENT. FOR A SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO CHAPTER 110 OF THE CITY CODE TO ALLOVV A lVIODIFICA TION OF. THE REQUIRED TRANSITIONAL SCREEN~G; A lVIODIFICATION ~. PERIlVIETER PARl'C~G LOT LANDSCAP~G AND ~TERIOR LANDSCAPE REQUIRElVIENTS; TO ALLOVV REDUCTION OF THE REQUIRED BUILD~G AND PARKING SETBACKS; TO ALLOVV A REDUCTION OF OPEN SPACE; ON THE PRElVIISES DESCRIBED AS TAX lVIAP PARCELS 57-1-002-62, 63, and 64-. VVHEREAS. Saul Holdings, Ltd, has submitted Application No. SE-825-06-1 requesting a Special Exception to the City Code listed helo",,": Section 110-153 To modify or elimiT1ate the required six foot separation bet"""cen building and drive aisle and four foot separation betvveen the drive lane and drive-in vvindovvs; Section 110-156 V\Th.ere loading space 1 is needed for every lO~OOO square feet; Section 1 10 259 (a) (1) (a) V\There parking area is adjacent to right-or-vvay. Each orf-street parking area vvhich is adj acent to a public right-of-vvay shall be separated from such right-of-vvay by a landscaped strip of not less than the Vitl"idth orthe required building restriction area for the zoning district vvrithin vvhich such parking area is located; Section 1 10-259-2 At least one pla.n..ting island VV"ith minimum dimensions of nine feet by 18 feet shall be provided for every 12 parking or loading spaces proposed; Not more than 12 parking spaces shall be located consecutively VV"ithout an intermittent planting island; provided; VVithin parking areas containing more than 25 spaces, planting islands shall be provided at each end of each parking bay to direct the movement of traffic; Section 110-783(3) (a) a. PronE. The minimum angle of bu.lk plane shall be 30 degrees and the front yard shall not be less than 25 feet; except that on a street 1:hat has a right-of-VV"ay less tha.I1 50 feet, the angle or bulk pla.r1e and front yard shall be measured from a line established 25 reet from the established centerline or the road; Section 110-783(4-) To provide 25% open space; VVHEREAS, City Council has carefully considered the application.. the recommendation or the staff and testimony received at: the public hearing; and WHEREAS, City Council has determined that the proposed Special Exception is appropriate because the proposal meets the requisites established by City of Fairfax Code Sections 110-263 and 110-158 for the following reasons: (1) Will not result in increased traffic congestion or otherwise negatively impact existing traffic flow or pedestrian and vehicular safety; (2) Will not be contrary to the objectives specified in the comprehensive plan; (3) Will not result in inadequate on-site amenity; (4) Is necessary to permit the reasonable use of the subject property; and (5) Will not adversely impact adjacent property or the surrounding area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fairfax on this 26th day of June 2007, that Application No. SE-825-06-1 be and hereby is APPROVED, as requested. A~~ Mayor Attest: ilf/&~ The vote on the motion to approve was recorded as follows: VOTE: Councilwoman Cross Aye Councilman Greenfield Aye Councilwoman Lyon Aye Councilman Rasmussen Aye Councilman Silverthorne Aye Councilmember Winter Absent