"VVHEREAS" the elec"tion of a l\I1:ayor and City Council creates an opportu.nity for re-
examination of the direction for the community; and
V\THEREAS, voters in the City of Fairfax elect a .rvlayor and City Council every tVr.TO
years; and
V\THEREAS, the lV1ayor and City Council for 2006-2008 vvish to set forth the direction
of the City for the next tV\TO years;
NOV\T, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council for the City of Fairfax
establishes as its goals for its 2006-2008 t:erm of office:
I. Preserve and protect the City ofFairfax"s "'small tovvn. atmosphere"'''' by:
a. Expanding opportu.nities for citizen involveme:nt in commu.nity decision-
b. Enhancing quality of life measu.res and amenities "'\."Vith continued emphasis on
recommendations of the Livability Task Force.
c. Providing unsurpassed user-friendly, cu.stomer-focused bu.siness practices for
all city operations.
d. Examining and amending, as appropriate, the regulations pertaining to
construction in the City's mature residential areas to ensure that the balance
betvveen neighborhood improvement a.n.d neighborhood character is achieved.
2. Finalize and implement current redevelopment and transportation projects:
a. Implementing the Do~ntovvn Redevelopment Project to strengthen the City's
economy and the creation of a revitalized do~ntovv-n core.
b. Lee High-vvay Corridor l\.Ilaster Plan under the leadership of the BID Directors.
c. Expanded Northfax Gatevvay.
d. K.amp VVashington.
e. Implement a more accelerated schedule for critical tra.n.sportation projects
involving State and Federal funding.
3. Continue to pursue the implementation of infrastructure projects throughout the City
-vvith specific emphasis on:
a. .Adoption and implementation of the "VV"ater Treatment Plant l.'Vtaster Plan
b. Continued emphasis on the reduction of the impact of increasing traffic
through the City.
c. ITI- conjunction ~ith the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board", conduct an
analysis of the suitability of the former Green .Acres School as a cityvv-ide
community center.
d. Continue emphasis on the revie~ a.r1d evaluatio:r1 of the stream restoration
e. Formalize an..d implement a development plan for all existing open space
parcels and establish a City Council policy on the parameters Tor the
acquisition of nevv open space parcels.
Adopted this 2S'h day of July 2006.
The vote on the motion to approve was recorded as follows:
Councilwoman Cross Aye
Councilman Greenfield Aye
Councilwoman Lyon Aye
Councilman Rasmussen Aye
Councilman Silverthorne Aye
Councilmember Winter Aye