R-06-39 RESOLLJ"TION NO. R-06-39 PERFORJVLANCE REVIEVVS OF CITY COL.JNCIL APPOINTEES BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Fairfax hereby adopts the follovving guidelines for the performance revievvs of the City Attomey and the City :M:anager,. and for providing the City Councirs input into the annual evaluation of the City Clerk by the City :M:anager: 1. The City Council shall annually revievv the job performance of the City Attomey and the City :M:anager vvithin sixty (60) days prior to the adoption oftl1e budget. 2. The City Council shall provide input into the annual evaluation of the City Clerk by the City lVIanager. The City lVIanager shall provide thirty (30) days' notice to the City Council prior to the City Clerk"s evaluation. The City J'\I1:ar1ager shall incorporate the City Council"s comments into the City Clerk"s evaluation. Adopted this 25th day of July 2006. ~~~~ :M:ayor ATTEST: ~~~4'~ The vote on the motion to approve vvas recorded as follo,-,,"s: VOTE: Council,-,,"omar1 Cross Councilmar1 Greenfield Cormcil,-,,"omar1 Lyon Councilman Rasmussen Councilman Silverthome Cou.:ncilmember '7Vinter Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye