AND 47-4-02-002Bl.
V\THEREAS", Robert E_ Stafford and Associates, LP.", and JDe Fairfax, Contract Purchaser, by
Jennifer Homback" Agent" submitted application NCL 2-0850003 requesting a cl"1an..ge iT1 the
zoning classification of a 5.81 acre tract of land from C-2 Retail COIT1mercial vvith.. Proffers to
C-2 Retail Commercial vvith Proffers aT1d more specifically described in the attached nLctcs
and bounds description;
VV"HEREAS,. the City Council has carefully considered the application,. the reCOn__1.1T1.CndatioB
or the Plaru"1ing Commission and starr" and the testimony received at public h..earings; and
VVHEREAS,. the City Council has determined that the proposed rezoning is proper and in
accordance V\7ith the Comprehensive Plan as V\7ell as V\7ith the pertinent provisions set Torth in
the Code of Vir2:inia and the Code of the Citv of Fairfax Vir2:in.ia;
NO"W', THEREFORE BE IT O=AINED, that the above-described property be rezoned ["ron.
C-2 Retail Commercial V\7ith Proffers to C-2 Retail Commercial v.rith ProTrers.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the above described property is subject to the follovving
reasonable co.n.dition.s auth.orized by City Code Section 110-7,. vv1""1ich are proffered by the
property OV\7ners:
1. The proposed development shall be constructed in substantial confOrrl""1anCe V\/ith tl""1e
Conceptual Development Plan/SUP Plan (the "CDP/SUP") prepared by "W'alter L.
Phillips, Inc. dated April 24, 200S as revised through June 20, 200S.
2. The applicant shall remove invasive plant material and trash debris located along tl""1e
Central Fork Accotink Creek stream bank and shall as part of the first site plan
submission for the application property include a landscape plan ror additional
plantings along the stream bank::. and floodplain area of tl""1e subject property subject to
revieV\/ and approval by City Staff.
3. As shoV\/n on Sheet 8 orthe Conceptual Development Plan/SUP,. prior to approval OT
the first site plan for the application property,. the applicant shall dedicate and convey
to the City that portion oT the Central Fork Accotink Creek stream valley located
V\7ithin the application area,. and the adj acent land,. frorn the southem boundary of tl""1e
Resource Protection Area,. except as '-Vhere it may vary to ensure that the remaining
parcel still conforms to applicable zoning requireme1""1ts such as rear yard setbacks,.
open space and tree cover,. to llorthem property line of the application property such an
area that is a minimum of 8.0 acres.
4_ The applicant shall,. prior to issuance of the first occupancy permit ror the application
property,. contribute the sum of $50,.000 to the City ror recreational purposes V\/ithil""1
the City; and,. the applicant shall contribute an additional total of $15,.000 to cover the
initial park costs ror three (3) years ($5,.000 per year for the first three (3) years).
5. The applicant shall submit a Phase I Archaeology Study prior to approval of the first
site plan for the application property and if recommended", conduct a Phase 2 study on
the area proposed to be disturbed. Iftl""1e Phase 2 study recommends allY recovery of
artifacts,. the applicant shall recover such arti-racts and donate such artifacts to the City,.
irrequested by the City.
6. Access to tl""1c site shall be provided via a rull movement,. signalized entrance located
opposite an existing median break on Fairfax BOl..1.1evard approximately 1,.075 feet
'-Vest or Plantation Park'-Vay and a right-in/right-out entrance located approximately
480 feet west of Plantation Parkway. In the event a signal is not approved by the
Director of Public Works at the westernmost full movement entrance in accordance
with Proffer 9, the westernmost entrance shall be configured to provide for left-turn
inbound and right-inJright-out movements only.
7. At the time of submission of the first site plan for the application property, the
applicant shall complete a traffic signal warrant study for the westernmost entrance of
the application property on Fairfax Boulevard based on full build out of the
application property. If deemed warranted by the City, the applicant shall design,
equip and install said traffic signal within existing rights-of-way, including
modifications to signal timings at the nearest up and downstream signals (Plantation
Parkway and Eaton Place) exclusive of modifications to existing hardware at those
locations such as replacement of mast arms, signal heads etc. In the event any off-site
rights-of-way and/or easements necessary to complete the installation of the signal at
the westernmost entrance are not made available to the applicant at no cost, then the
applicant shall escrow $250,000 towards the future installation of a signal at this
location. If a signal is not approved by the Director of Public Works for any reason at
the westernmost entrance on Fairfax Boulevard then the applicant's obligation towards
signalization of the westernmost entrance is null and void.
8. The applicant shall construct an eastbound left-turn lane on Fairfax Boulevard at the
westernmost site entrance within the existing median area of Fairfax Boulevard to
provide 250 feet of storage with a 100- foot taper prior to issuance of the first
occupancy permit for the application property. For purposes of this Proffer, the term
"construct" shall mean substantially completed and available for use by the public as
determined by the Director of Public Works but not necessarily accepted for
maintenance by the City and/or others.
9. The applicant shall extend the eastbound left-turn lane on Fairfax Boulevard at
Plantation Parkway in order to provide for a total of 400 feet ofleft-turn storage and a
50 to 100-foot taper as may be approved by City staff within the existing median area
of Fairfax Boulevard and provided any off-site rights-of-way and/or easements are
provided at no-cost to the applicant. Such improvement shall be completed prior to
Surety bond release for the application property. In the event, such off-site rights-of-
way and/or easements are not available then the applicant shall escrow the cost to
complete said extension in the future by others as determined by the Director of Public
10. The applicant shall provide for interparcel access with the adjacent properties to the
east in a location to be determined in consultation with the adjacent property
owners/assigns and City staff at such time as either the adjacent properties redevelop
and/or the City Council determines such access is necessary.
11. Upon demonstration by the applicant that, despite diligent efforts by the applicant,
provision of an improvement has been unreasonably delayed by others or by
circumstances beyond the control of the Applicant, the Director of Public Works may
agree to a later date for the completion of each improvement.
12. The applicant/owner shall grant any necessary easements to the City for future
construction, use, access and maintenance for a future trail along the stream from
Plantation Parkway to the western boundary of the application property.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the above rezoning, proffered conditions, application
package and Conceptual Development Plan, be approved.
The Zoning Administrator of the City is hereby directed to modify the Zoning Map to show
the changes in the zoning of these premises, including the existence of the proffered
conditions, and the Clerk of the Council is directed to transmit duly certified copies of this
ordinance to the applicant, Zoning Administrator, and to the Planning Commission of this
City as soon as possible.
This ordinance shall be effective as provided by law.
Planning Commission hearing: June 23, 2008
City Council hearing: June 24, 2008
Adopted: June 24, 2008
I / Date
City Clerk
The motion to adopt the ordinance was approved June 24,2008
Councilmember Cross
Councilman Greenfield
Councilmember Lyon
Councilman Rasmussen
Councilman Silverthorne
Councilmember Winter
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PAGE 02/134
Proposed Proffers
10120 Fairfax BoulevardIBoulevard Marketplace
June 2, 2008
Revised June 17, 2008
Revised June 20, 2008
Revised June 24, 2008
Revised July 24, 2008
Pursuant to Section 15.2-2303 (A). Code of Virginia. 1950, as amended,
JOe Fairfax. LLC (the "Applicant'') for themselves. their successors and assigns
in Z-OB050003, (the "Application"), filed for property identified as Tax Maps 47-4-
2-281 and 47-4-02-04 (the "Application' Property") hereby agrees to the following
proffers, provided that the City Council approves the Application rezoning a .
portion of the Application Property currently zoned C-2WP District to the C-2WP
I)istrlct as requested in the Application. In the event the Application is approved
by the City Council, any previous proffers applicable to the Application Property
or portions. thereof, shall be deemed null and void and shall have no further force
or effect. .
1. The proposed development shall be constructed in substantial conformance with
the Conceptual Developmep.t PlanlSUP Plan (the "CDP/SUP'') prepared by
Walter L. Phillips, Inc. dated April 24, 2008 as revised through June 20, 2008.
2. The applicant shall remove invasive plant material and crash debris located along
the Central Fork Accotink Creek stream bank and shall as part of the first site plan
submiJii~ion for the application property include a landscape plan for additional
plantings along the stream bank: and floodplain area of the subject property
subject to review and approval by City Staff.
3. As ~hown on Sheet 8 of the Conceptual Development Plan/SUP, prior to approval
of.the first site plan for the application property, the applicant shall dedicate and
convey to the City that portion of the Central Fork Acc.otink. Creek stream valley
located within the application area. and the adjacent land. from the southern
boundary of the Resource Protection Area, except as where it may vary to ensure
that the remaining parcel still conforms to applicable zoning requirements such as
rear yard setbacks, open space and tree cover, to northern property line. of the
application propelty such an area that is a minimum of 8.0 acres. .
4. The applicant shall. prior to issuance of the first oc~upancy pennit for the
application property, contribute the sum of $50,000 to the City for recreational
purposes within the City; and, the applicant shall contribute an additional total t;Jf
$l5,(.)OO' to cover the initial park costs tor three (3) years ($5,000 per year for the
tirst "three (3) years). .
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PAGE 03/04
5. The applicant shall submit a Phase I Archaeology Study prior to approval of the
first site plan for the application property and if recommended, condu(ft a Phase 2
study on the area proposed to be disturbed. If the Pha.c;e 2 study recommends any
recovery of artifacts, the applicant shall recover such artifacts and donate such
artifacts to the City, if requ~sted by the City.
6. Access to the site shall be provided via a full movement, signalized entrance
located opposite an existing .~edian break on Fairfax Boulevard approximately
1,075 feet west ofPl~tation Parkway and a right-in/right-out entrance located
approximately 480 feet west of Plantation Parkway. In the event a signal is not
approved by the Director ofPubIic Works at the westernmost full movement'
entrance in accordance with Proffer 9, the westernmost entrance shall be
configured to provide for left-turn inbound and right-Wright-put mo:vements only.
7. At the time of submission, of the first site plan for the application property, the
applicant shall complete a traffic signal warrant study for the weste:nunost
entrance of the application property on Fairfax Boulevard based on full ~ttild out
of the application property. If deemed warranted by the City, the applicant shall
design, equip and install said traffic signal within existing rights-of-way,
including modifications to signal timings at the nearest up and downstream
signms (plantation Parkway and Eaton Place) exclusive of modifications too
existing hardWBre at those locations such as replacement of mast arms, signal
heads etc. In the event any off-site rights-of-way and/or easements necessary to
complete the installation of the signal at the westernmost enqance are not ~ade
available to the applicant at no cost, then the applicant shall escrow $250,000
towards the future installation of a signal at this location. If a signal is not
approved by the Director of Public Works for any reason at the westernmost
entrance on FaiIfax Boulevard then the applicant's obligation towards
signalization of the westernmost entrance,is null and void.
8. The applicant shall construct an eastbound left-turn lane on Fairfax Boulevard at
the westernmost site entrance within 'Jhe existing median area of-Fairfax
Boulevard 10 provide 250 feet of storage with a. 1 DO-foot taper prior 10 i~su.ance of
the first occupancy permit for the application property. For purposes of Proffer
lO~the term "C01'\$tnJ.ct" shall mean substantially completed and avallable for use
by the public as determined by the Director of Public Works but not necessarily
accepted for maintenance by the City and/or others.
9. The applicant shall extend the eastbound left-turn lane on Fairfax Boulevard at
Plantation Parkway in 9rdcr to provide for a total of 400 feet ofleft-turn storage
and a 50 to IOO-foot taper as may be approved by City staff within the existing
median area of Fairfax Boul~vard and provided any off~site rig~ts-of-way andlor
easements are provided at no-cost to the applicant. Such improvement shall be
completed prior to Surety bonq. release for the application property. In the event,
such off-site rights-of-way andlor easements are not available then the applicant
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PAGE 04/04
shall escrow the cost to complete said extension in the future by others as
determined by the Director of Public Works
10. The applicant shall provide for,intexparcel acce~s with the adjacent properties to
the east in a location to be detennined in consultation with the adjacent property
owners/assigns and City staff at such time as either the adjacent properties
redevelop and/or the City Council detennines stich access is necessary.
11. Upon- demonstration by the applicant that, despite diligent efforts by the applicant,
provision of an improvement has been unreasonably delayed by others or by
circumstances beyond the conttol of the Applic;an.t, the Director of Public Works
may agree to a later da~e for the completion of each improvement.
12. The applicant shall gran.t any necessary easements to the City for future
constructiop., use, ac,cess and maintenance for a future trail along the stream from
Plantation Parkway 10 the liu~ject property.
Name: .