20041130 2004-24PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 2004-24
WHEREAS, the City Council determined exterior architectural features for all
construction projects in an architectural control district should be reviewed and approved
before construction is permitted to begin; and
WHEREAS, the City Council passed authority to review and decide applications
requesting approval for exterior architectural features on to the Board of Architectural
Review; and
WHEREAS, there are currently a large number of properties with significant potential
for development where the City might act as applicant; and
WHEREAS, significant development where the City is an applicant requires review
and approval by the City Council; and
WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to eliminate redundant reviews and approvals for
development and redevelopment projects;
BE IT ORDAINED, by the City Council that Division 1, Article II, Chapter 110 of the
Code of the City of Fairfax, Virginia is hereby amended to provide the following:
Sec. 110-31. Conformity with chapter; enumeration and purpose of districts.
lb) There are hereby established the following districts in the city for the general purposes
indicated below...
(17) Historic overlay districts. Historic overlay districts are established to promote the
general welfare, education and recreational pleasure of the public through the
establishment, preservation and protection of the character of historic districts and of
individual structures and premises of historical, architectural and cultural
significance within these districts...
b. In accordance with the provisions of article XIX of this chapter, charges the board of
architectural review and the city council with the regulation of:
1. Exterior architectural features and appearance of structures, buildings or
improvements to be moved, demolished, erected, reconstructed, substantially
altered or restored within historic districts;
2. Significant landscaping features surrounding such buildings, structures or
improvements; and
3. The appearance of exterior signs and signs attached to or hanging behind any
window that are visible from any public street or place in an historic district.
Architectural Control Overlay District. The architectural control overlay district is
established to encourage the construction of attractive buildings, to protect and
promote the general welfare and to prevent deterioration of the appearance of the
city which would tend to create hazards to public health, safety and morals, destroy
opportunity for the development of business and industry, and thereby deteriorate
taxable land values and commerce below levels necessary to finance acceptable
levels of municipal services. In furtherance of these ends, article XXII of this
Provides for the designation of architectural control overlay districts within the
In accordance with the provisions of article XIX of this chapter, charges the board
of architectural review and the city council with the regulation of exterior
architectural features and appearance of improvements, including certain signs, as
well as significant landscape features associated with such improvements to be
erected, reconstructed, altered or restored in any such district; and
Establishes criteria and references guidelines for approval of such features.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that Division 7, Article II, Chapter 110 of the Code of
the City of Fairfax, Virginia is hereby amended to provide the following:
Sec. 110-180. Signs permitted.
b) Special regulations...
(2) Multitenant commercial buildings not located within an historic district...
a. Shopping centers...
4. Sign approval. In accordance with the provisions of article XIX of this chapter,
signs appurtenant to new and renovated shopping centers shall be subject to
approval of the board of architectural review or the city council. In its review,
the board of architectural review or the city council may establish guidelines for
future tenant signage at such shopping center including locations, sizes, colors
and other design features.
Office or industrial centers...
Tenant signs. Buildings within office or industrial centers shall be permitted
building-mounted signs identifying individual tenants.
Each building shall be permitted, as a matter of right, a maximum cumulative
total of such signs not exceeding one-quarter square foot for each linear foot of
building frontage. The maximum cumulative total of tenant signage for each
building may be increased to not greater than 1.50 square feet for each linear
foot of building frontage, provided that a conceptual master plan for all tenant,
directory, building identification and center identification signs has been
reviewed and approved by the board of architectural review or the city council,
in accordance with the provisions of article XIX of this chapter. Such master
plan shall include colors and materials of all such signs, and the locations,
shapes, maximum dimensions, methods of illumination and other design-
related features requested by the board of architectural review or the city
council. Only one such master plan shall be required to increase the amount of
signage as specified above. Individual tenant signs shall not be subject to
subsequent board of architectural review or the city council review, provided
that all signs erected are consistent with the approved master plan. The
maximum area permitted for any one tenant sign shall be 50 square feet.
Individual multitenant commercial or industrial building on a single lot...
Tenant signs. Individual multi-tenant commercial or industrial buildings shall be
permitted building-mounted signs identifying individual tenants.
Each building shall be permitted, as a matter of right, a maximum cumulative
total of such signs not exceeding one-half square foot for each linear foot of
building frontage. The maximum cumulative total of tenant signage for each
building may be increased to not greater than 1.50 square feet for each linear
foot of building frontage, provided that a conceptual master plan for all tenant,
directory, building identification and center identification signs has been
reviewed and approved by the board of architectural review or the city council,
in accordance with the provisions of article XIX of this chapter. Such master
plan shall include the information specified in subsection (b)(2)b. of this
section. Only one such master plan shall be required to increase the amount of
signage as specified in this subsection i. Individual tenant signs shall not be
subject to subsequent review by the board of architectural review or the city
council, provided that all signs erected are consistent with the approved master
plan. The maximum area permitted for any one tenant sign shall be 50 square
Design approval bonus. The permitted sign area for multitenant commercial
buildings not located in the Old and Historic District shall be increased by ten
percent if the sign design and location are reviewed and approved by the board of
architectural review or the city council, in accordance with the provisions of article
XIX of this chapter. In its deliberations, the board of architectural review or the
city council shall consider the visual appropriateness and uniformity of signs with
respect to design, color and location, and their integration with the architectural
form of the building. The board of architectural review or the city council may
impose conditions for approval relative to such considerations.
Old Town Fairfax Historic Overlay District. The design and display of signs in the
Old Town Fairfax Historic Overlay District are subject to the provisions of article
XVIII of this chapter (historic overlay districts), including applicable design criteria,
except as specifically qualified in this chapter...
Sign approval. Signs erected or altered in the district are subject to approval by
the board of architectural review or the city council, in accordance with the
provisions of article XIX of this chapter as specified in article XX of this chapter
(historic overlay districts) in addition to administrative procedures contained in
section 110-184 (administration and enforcement). In rendering its decision, the
board of architectural review or the city council shall consider the criteria
contained in section 110-958 (design criteria, section 110-978 (special design
requirements) and this section, and shall ensure consistency with the purpose and
intent of the district as set forth in article XX of this chapter. If necessary, the
board of architectural review or the city council shall impose conditions to
ensure compliance with the above stated criteria, including limitation, as
appropriate, of the types, styles, sizes and numbers of signs on any building in
the district. An applicant may appeal any decision rendered by the board of
architectural review to the city council as specified in article XXIII of this
Sec. 110-185. ~ecial exceptions.
City council may, by special exception, modify the requirements contained in this
division in accordance with the following provisions:
Special exceptions for signs within the Old Town Fairfax Historic Overlay
District for development where the city is not an applicant shall be granted only
after the board of architectural review has reviewed the application and
forwarded its recommendation to city council finding that the requested
exception is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Old Town Fairfax
Historic Overlay District and design criteria contained in sections 110-958 and
Special exceptions for signs for development where the city is an applicant,
including those within the Old Town Fairfax Historic Overlay District, shall be
granted only after the city council has reviewed the application and found that
the requested exception is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Old
Town Fairfax Historic Overlay District and design criteria contained in sections
110-958 and 110-978. The city council shall render its decision after considering
review comments or suggestions forwarded by the board of architectural review.
Unless otherwise specified by City Council, such comments or suggestions shall
be considered at a joint Board of Architectural Review and City Council Work
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that Division 10, Article II, Chapter 110 of the Code
of the City of Fairfax, Virginia is hereby amended to provide the following:
Sec. 110-258. Screening required.
In all new developments and redevelopments, screening from adjacent property shall
conform to the following standards. The board of architectural review or the city
council, in accordance with the provisions of article XIX of this chapter, may
authorize deviations from these standards, provided that equal or better screening from
adjacent properties is provided and the zoning administrator has approved the
Required screening fences separating commercial and residential properties shall be eight feet
in height. All other required screening fences shall be six feet in height. All fencing shall be
constructed of wood supported by decorative masonry piers and shall provide a solid visual
screen. Final design shall be subject to the approval of the board of architectural review or the
city council in accordance with article XIX of this chapter. Variations to these standards may
be authorized by the board of architectural review or the city council upon recommendation of
the zoning administrator, provided that the quality of the proposed screening is equal to or
better than that illustrated herein.
(b) Each refuse disposal area shall be completely screened from view on all sides by a
wall or fence of board-on-board, decorative masonry or other construction of equal or
better quality as approved by the board of architectural review or the city council in
accordance with article XIX of this chapter.
Sec. 110-259. Parking area landscaping.
(e) Minor deviations. Minor deviations from the provisions of this section may be
permitted by the zoning administrator, with the concurrence of the board of
architectural review or the city council, in accordance with the provisions of article
XIX of this chapter, provided that the proposed landscaping provides coverage equal
to or greater than that required in this division.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that Article XII, Chapter 110 of the Code of the City
of Fairfax, Virginia is hereby amended to provide the following:
Sec. 110-734. Building type.
All new buildings erected under the provisions of this article shall be built to
resemble a series of townhouses, with any parking under the buildings being fully
enclosed. The front and rear facades of a townhouse style building shall be divided
vertically so as to appear to be a series of no more than seven individual townhouse
units, each being no more than 30 feet wide. The vertical sections of the front and
rear facades shall be delineated by differing the building materials, colors, or roof
lines, or any combination of these, and the front facade shall present a staggered
appearance with no more than two abutting vertical sections having the same front
yard setback, the minimum variation being two feet.
Any single-family dwelling unit, legally constructed in a residential district and
intended and used as a single-family residence, may thereafter be converted to office
use, if the property on which it is located shall have been rezoned to the C-1L
district; provided, however, that any additions or modifications to the structure
which are part of or subsequent to its conversion to commercial use shall not
increase the gross floor area of the building by more than 15 percent.
Compliance with the provisions of this section shall be determined by the zoning
administrator upon recommendation of the board of architectural review or the city
council, in accordance with the provisions of article XIX of this chapter.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that Article XIX, Chapter 110 of the Code of the City
of Fairfax, Virginia is hereby renamed ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW and amended to
provide the following:
Sec. 110-915. Powers and duties.
The board of architectural review shall have the following powers and duties:
To review and decide any application requesting approval for moving, demolition,
construction, reconstruction, alteration or restoration of any structure, improvement or
significant landscape feature within an historic district.
To review and decide any application requesting approval for exterior architectural
features of any structure, improvement or significant landscape feature associated with
such structure or improvement to be erected, reconstructed or substantially altered in
an architectural control district.
To review and decide any application for approval or request for permits for signs to
be erected, altered, reconstructed or restored in an historic district, the Old Town
Fairfax Transition Overlay District, and as provided elsewhere in the architectural
control district.
To render such other decisions and recommendations as provided elsewhere in this
For the purposes of this article and article XX of this chapter (historic overlay
districts), article XXI of this chapter (Old Town Fairfax Transition Overlay District),
and article XXII of this chapter (architectural control overlay district), the terms
"erected," "constructed," "reconstructed", "restored," "construction," "alteration,"
"exterior architectural features," "structure," "improvement," "features appurtenant to
such structure or improvement," "architectural features," "appearance of
improvements," "restoration," "reconstruction," "significant landscape feature,"
"significant landscape improvement," and "substantially altered" shall not include the
following minor actions, and similar actions which, in the opinion of the director, will
have no more effect on the character of the district than those listed, which are deemed
to result in only minor effect on the character of the architectural control or historic
Addition or modification of doorways, ramps, walkways, shutters, porches,
railings and similar features.
Addition or removal of awnings.
Landscaping involving the planting of grass, trees or shrubs, minor grading, walks,
low retaining wails, fencing, street furniture, outdoor seating areas, small
fountains, ponds and the like, which will not substantially affect the character of
the property and its surroundings.
Addition or modification of antennas, satellite dishes or other communications
devices, skylights or similar appurtenances.
Addition or modification of screening for dumpsters or mechanical equipment,
either on the ground or on the structure.
Addition or modification of exterior lighting, including poles and fixtures.
These minor actions shall be subject to administrative review and decision, upon
submittal of an appropriate application pursuant to section 110-917. The director shall
be guided in his decisions by the standards and guidelines established for review in the
comprehensive plan and the community appearance plan and shall have authority to
request modifications of a specific proposal in order that the proposal may comply with
such standards and guidelines. The director shall refer to the board of architectural
review all applications that are not specifically placed under his purview, or cannot be
reasonably implied to be within his purview from the description contained in this
section. The director shall issue a certificate of appropriateness, including any
conditions, for all approved actions. If an action is disapproved by the director, the
applicant may appeal the decision within 30 days thereof to the board of architectural
review. The director shall keep a record of decisions rendered under this section and
shall report such decisions to the board of architectural review at its next regular
For development where the city is an applicant the city coun'cil shall be responsible for
reviewing and making decisions regarding any application described in this section.
The city council shall render its decision after considering review comments or
suggestions forwarded by the board of architectural review. Unless otherwise specified
by City Council, such comments or suggestions shall be considered at a joint Board of
Architectural Review and City Council Work Session.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAiNED that Division 1, Article XX, Chapter 110 of the Code
)fthe City of Fairfax, Virginia is hereby amended to provide the following:
Sec. 110-952. Approval required for improvements.
No structure or improvement, including signs and significant landscape features
appurtenant to such structure or improvement, located on any land within an historic district
shall be erected, reconstructed, substantially altered or restored until the plans for architectural
features, signs and landscaping have been approved by the board of architectural review or the
city council in accordance with the provisions of this article and article XIX of this chapter.
The board of architectural review shall confine its review and approval to only those features
which are subject to view from a public street, way or place. The provisions of this article
shall not apply to regular maintenance of a structure, improvement or site; however, an
exterior color change of a structure, or substantial portion thereof, shall be deemed an
alteration and not regular maintenance. The term "signs" shall be deemed to include those
located within a structure which are plainly visible to motorists on adjacent streets.
Sec. 110-954. Permit required for moving or demolition of structures.
No structure existing within an historic district on the date of the adoption of this
article shall be moved or demolished except in accordance with a permit approved by
the board of architectural review or the city council, in accordance with the provisions
of article XIX of this chapter. The board of architectural review or city council shall
grant such permit unless it finds that:
The structure is of such architectural or historic significance that its removal
would be detrimental to the public interest or contrary to the purpose of this
article; and
The structure is of such old and unusual or uncommon design, texture and
material that it could not be reproduced or could be reproduced only with great
difficulty; or
Retention of the structure would help preserve and protect an historic place or
area of historic significance in the city; or
Retention of the structure would protect the general welfare by maintaining and
increasing real estate values, generating business and employment, attracting
new residents, as well as tourists, students, writers, historians, artists and
artisans, encouraging study and interest in American or Virginia history,
stimulating interest and study in architecture and design, educating citizens in
American or Virginia culture and heritage, or making the city a more attractive
and desirable place in which to live.
No request for a permit to move or demolish a structure located in an historic district,
which structure existed in the year 1900 or prior thereto shall be considered by the
board of architectural review or the city council until the city has caused to be
prepared an advertisement stating the time, date and place of the proposed hearing
before the board of architectural review or the city council, the location of the property
involved and the nature of the request; and further has caused such advertisement to be
published once a week for two successive weeks in a newspaper published or having
general circulation within the city, the last publication appearing not less than six days
nor more than 21 days before the proposed hearing. Requests for such permits shall be
made to the secretary, together with a fee of sufficient amount to cover the costs of
such advertising.
Sec. 110-957. Site plan approval procedure.
Within an historic district, each erection, reconstruction and alteration requiring site
plan approval shall comply with the procedures established in section 110-102; provided,
however, that no site plan shall be approved until it has been reviewed by the board of
architectural review or the city council, in accordance with the provisions of article XIX of
this chapter, and its comments have been considered by the agent with authority for site plan
approval. In addition to the information, standards and improvements required by sections
110-103 and 110-105, the following information shall be provided with each application for
site plan approval:
(1) The location, exterior dimensions and all setbacks of each structure on any parcel
adjacent to the subject site.
A statement certified by a professional engineer or certified land surveyor indicating
the depth of the front yard of each lot located within the historic district which is
within 100 feet on either side of the subject property.
Sec. 110-958. Design criteria.
In accordance with the provisions of article XIX of this chapter, the board of
architectural review or the city council shall review applications and requests for
permits filed under this article for consistency with the following standards and
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that Division 2, Article XX, Chapter 110 of the Code
of the City of Fairfax, Virginia is hereby amended to provide the following:
Sec. 110-978. Special design requirements.
Each structure or improvement erected, enlarged or reconstructed in the Old Town
Fairfax Historic District shall be designed and constructed in a manner which will
complement the unique character and atmosphere of the district with respect to building size,
scale, placement, design and the use of materials. Improvements with this district shall be
subject to the review and approval of the board of architectural review or the city council, in
accordance with the provisions of article XIX of this chapter, for consistency with the
aforementioned standards, the city's comprehensive plan and the community appearance plan.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that Division 3, Article XX, Chapter 110 of the Code
of the City of Fairfax, Virginia is hereby amended to provide the following:
Sec. 110-998. Bulk and lot area requirements.
Generally. Bulk and lot area requirements in the Fairfax Public School Historic
District shall be the same as those of the underlying zoning district, except as
modified by the Old Town Fairfax Transitional Overlay District.
Special exceptions. Upon the application of the owner or contract purchaser for a
special exception, the city council may modify the requirements of this section in
accordance with the procedures and limitations set forth for special use permits in
section 110-366 after consideration of the special design requirements and criteria
set forth in section 110-999; provided, however, that prior to consideration by the
council a request for a special exception shall be forwarded to the board of
architectural review for review and recommendation to the city council.
gec. 110-999. Special design requirements.
Each structure or improvement erected, enlarged or reconstructed in the Fairfax Public
School Historic District shall be designed and constructed in a manner which will
complement the unique character and atmosphere of the district with respect to building size,
scale, placement, design and the use of materials. Improvements within this district shall be
subject to the review and approval of the board of architectural review or the city council, in
accordance with the provisions of article XIX of this chapter, for consistency with the
aforementioned standards, the city's comprehensive plan and the community appearance plan.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that Division 4, Article XX, Chapter 110 of the Code
of the City of Fairfax, Virginia is hereby amended to provide the following:
Sec. 110-1018. Bulk and lot area requirements.
Requirements to be same as for underlying zoning district. Bulk and lot area
requirements in the Blenheim Historic District shall be the same as those of the
underlying zoning district.
Special exceptions. Upon the application of the owner or contract purchaser for a
special exception, the city council may modify the requirements of this section in
accordance with the procedures and limitations set forth for special use permits and
special exceptions in section 110-369 after consideration of the special development
requirements set forth in section 110-1019 and the special design requirements and
criteria set forth in section 110-1020; provided, however, that prior to consideration
by the council a request for a special exception shall be forwarded to the board of
architectural review for review and recommendation to the city council.
Sec. 110-1020. Special design requirements.
Each structure or improvement in the Blenheim Historic District erected, enlarged, or
reconstructed in the district shall be designed and constructed in a manner that wilt
complement the unique character and atmosphere of the district with respect to building size,
scale, placement, design and the use of materials. Improvements within this district shall be
subject to the review and approval of the board of architectural review or the city council, in
accordance with the provisions of article XIX of this chapter, for consistency with the
aforementioned standards, the city's comprehensive plan, and the community appearance
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that Article XXI, Chapter 110 of the Code of the City
of Fairfax, Virginia is hereby amended to provide the following:
Sec. 110-1043. Approval required for improvements.
No structure or improvement in the Old Town Fairfax Transition Overlay District,
including signs and significant landscape features appurtenant to such structure or
improvement, located on land within the district shall be erected, reconstructed, substantially
altered or restored until the plans for architectural features, signs and landscaping have been
approved by the board of architectural review or the city council in accordance with the
provisions of this article and article XIX of this chapter. The board of architectural review
shall confine its review and approval to only those features which are subject to view from a
public street, way or place. The provisions of this article shall not apply to regular
maintenance of a structure, improvement or site; however, an exterior color change of a
structure, or substantial portion thereof, shall be deemed an alteration and not regular
maintenance. Further, the provisions of this section shall not apply to single-family residences
after such residences have been initially erected. The term "signs" shall be deemed to include
those located within a structure which are plainly visible to motorists on adjacent streets.
Sec. 110-1046. Bulk and lot area requirements.
Bulk and lot area requirements in the Old Town Fairfax Transition Overlay District
shall be as follows:
Special exceptions. The city council may modify the requirements of this section in
accordance with the procedures and limitations established in section 110-958 after
consideration of the special design requirements for the district established below;
provided, however, that prior to consideration by the city council, each such request
shall be forwarded to the board of architectural review for its recommendation.
;ec. 110-1047. Special design requirements.
Each structure or improvement erected or substantially altered within the Old Town
Fairfax Transition Overlay District shall be designed and constructed in a manner which will
complement the unique character of the Old Town Fairfax Historic District with respect to
building size, scale, placement, design and use of materials. Improvements within the district
shall be subject to the review and approval of the board of architectural review or the city
council, in accordance with the provisions of article XIX of this chapter, for consistency with
the aforementioned standards, the city's comprehensive plan and community appearance plan.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that Article XXII, Chapter 110 of the Code of the City
of Fairfax, Virginia is hereby amended to provide the following:
required for improvements.
No structure or improvement located on any land within the architectural control
overlay district, including significant landscape features appurtenant to such
structure or improvement, shall be erected, reconstructed, altered or restored until
the plans for the exterior architectural features and landscaping have been approved
by the board of architectural review or the city council in accordance with the
provisions of article XIX of this chapter. Plans for signs appurtenant to new and
renovated shopping centers, and as otherwise provided for multi-tenant commercial
buildings in subsection 110-180(b) shall also be subject to board of architectural
review or the city council approval. The board of architectural review shall confine
its review and approval to only those features which are subject to view from a
public street, way or place. The provisions of this article shall not apply to regular
maintenance of a structure, improvement or site; however, an exterior color change
of a structure, or substantial portion thereof, shall be deemed an alteration and not
regular maintenance.
Special provisions applicable to the Old Town Fairfax Transition Overlay District,
which comprises a portion of the architectural control overlay district, are contained
in article XXI of this chapter. Within such article, additional regulations applicable
to that district are established, including requirements for the review of signage by
the board of architectural review.
Sec. 110-1074. Waiver of requirements.
The board of architectural review or the city council, in accordance with the
provisions of article XIX of this chapter, may, after hearing the evidence in any case properly
before it involving reconstruction or restoration, waive part or all of the requirements of this
article upon a written finding that the application involves reconstruction or restoration only
and will not materially affect the exterior appearance of the structure involved.
Sec. 110-1075. Design criteria.
In accordance with the provisions of article XIX of this chapter, the board of
architectural review or the city council shall consider the criteria and standards 'contained in
subsections 110-958(a)(1) through (8), as well as applicable standards and guidelines
contained in the city's comprehensive plan and community appearance plan in its
deliberations on applications filed under this article. The board of architectural review shall
not consider interior arrangement or features not subject to any public view and shall not
make any requirement except for the purpose of ensuring development which will be
consistent with the purpose of this article and congruous with the existing and planned
development in the city,
The ordinance shall become effective as provided by law.
Planning Commission Hearings: October 18, 2004 and October 25, 2004
City Council Hearing: November 30, 2004
ADOPTED: November 30, 2004
'(- - ' CityClerk
Councilwoman Cross
Councilman Greenfield
Councilwoman Lyon Aye
Councilman Rasmussen Absent
Councilman Silverthorne Aye
Councilwoman Winter Aye