19850827 1985-24ORDINANCE NO. 1985-24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REORDAINING CHAPTER 26 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA, PERTAINING TO OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND THE DESIGN OF OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING AREAS "DIVISION 6. OFF STREET PARKING AND LOADING" 26-39 APPLICABILITY In each district, exceDt P-D Planned Development and C-P-D Commercial Planned Develovment, with every land use hereafter established or enlarged sufficient space shall be provided and maintained for the off-street movement, loading, disvlav and parking of motor vehicles in accordance with the require ments estahlished here in. 26-39.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS All required off-street motor vehicle movement, loading and parking areas (hereafter referred to as parking areas) shall be maintained for said use for as long as the principal use for which such spaces have been established shall remain. The requirements set forth in this Division shall aDlvlv to all parking areas provided, regardless of whether said area is required Darkin~ or additional parking above the minimum required, but shall not include storage lots appurtenant to motor vehicle sales, rental and leasing establishments. Off-street parking shall be provided on the same parcel of land with the use to which it is aDDurtenant except as provided for in Sections ~_6-39.3 and 26-39.7. Except for parking areas required for single-family detached and semi- detached dwellings, sufficient access and maneuvering sDace shall be provided to Detroit the parking and removal of the required number of vehicles without moving other parked vehicles. Parking areas shall be used for the oarkin~, disolav and maneuverinff of motor vehicles. Parking areas shall not be used for repair of vehicles exceDt for emergency re,airs. No off-street loading area shall be used to satisfy the space required for any off-street oarking facilities. Ge The Council or Board of Zonin~ Appeals may impose Darkin~ and loading requirements in excess of those established in this Division as a condition to the grant of a special use permit, special exception, or variance under th is Chad ter. H. Nonconforming uses, structures and sites: Any land use, structure or site which does not comDl¥ with all applicable requirements of this Division shall become nonconforming UDOn the effective date of this Division. No individual use which is nonconforming with resDect to this Division shall be chan~ed in any manner which would increase off- street Darking requirements unless and until the requirements of this Division are satisfied With respect to the number of parking spaces required for the or. Dosed increase in use. If the number of sr~aces 1985-24 -~- required for the proposed use exceeds the number of spaces required for the existing use under the provisions of this Division bv more than thirW percent (30%~, then the entire site shall comply with all applicable provisions of this Division. No structure or site which is nonconforming with respect to this Division shall be altered in any manner which would enable the structure or site to accommodate any increase in business capacity unless and until the requirements of this Division are satisfied with respect to such alteration and increase in capacity. However, if the aggregate increase in the ~ross floor area of the structure should exceed thirty percent (30%) of the existing ~ross floor area, or if the business capacity should otherwise be increased by more than thirty percent (30%~, then the entire site shall comply with all applicable provisions of this Division. 26-39.2 REOUIRED IMPROVEMENTS Each parcel of land hereafter used as a private or public parking area other than required parking for single-family detached and semi-detached dwellings, shall be designed so as not to detract from the surroundin~ area, shall be provided with safe and convenient access to a street, shall incorporate a functionally efficient circulation scheme, and shall be improved in accordance with the followin~ requirements: PAVING: Each such parking area shall be paved with durable, hard- surfaced treatment meeting the approval of the Director of Public Works; Df.vid,d, however, that alternative surfacin~ treatment may be used if the Director of Public Works determines that such surfacin~ will adequately serve the proposed use and enhance aesthetic and functional characteristics of the site. CURBS AND DELINEATION: Fixed and permanent concrete curbs at least six (6~ inches in height, or other permanent protective barrier approved by the Director of Public Works, shall be installed within each parkin~ area to delineate the entrances, perimeters, and landscaped areas located therein. In addition to such curbs, wheel stops shall be provided, where necessary, to prevent vehicles from hitting fences, walls or plant materials. Each parkin~ and loadin~ space shall be delineated with curb or pavement marking. Ce SEPARATION FROM STRUCTURES: Driving lanes located immediately adjacent to structures shall be separated from such structure by a sidewalk, landscaned strip, or combination thereof not less than four (~ feet in width, provided that there need he no separation between a driving lane and a drive-in window. XVhere parking spaces are contiguous to a structure, such landscaped strip or sidewalk shall be not less than six (6) feet in width. ENTRANCE DESIGN: Parking area entrancewavs shall not exceed thirty (30~ feet in width measured at the street line unless excepted by the Director of Public Works to facilitate improved access to the site. All other requirements established by the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation relative to entrance design, construction, and location shall apply unless excepted by the Director of Public Works. E. LANDSCAPING: 1. Perimeter requirements where parking is adjacent to right-of-way: Each off-street parking area which is adjacent to a public rizht-of-way shall be separated from such right-of-way by a landscaped strip of not less than the width of the required building restriction area for the zoning district within which said parking area is located. Such strip shall be provided with a 1985-24 suitable ground cover and an earten berm or compact everKreen hedKe not less than thirty (30) inches hiKh, and mulched with an approved mulch to a del)th of at least four (8) inches; provided, however, that an alternate vlantinK scheme alii)roved by the Director of Public Works may be used in lieu of an ever,.reen hedge. Each off-street parkin~ area for twenty (20) or more vehicles which is adjacent to a public right-of-way shall be provided with, in addition to those requirements established in Section 26-39.2 E (la), one (1) deciduous tree not less than ten (10) feet in height and not less than two and one-half (2 1/2) inches in caliper measured six (6) inches above the ground level, for every five hundred (500) square feet of required landscaped strio. Perimeter requirements where parking is not adjacent to public right-of-way: Off-street parking areas not adjacent to public rights-of-way shall be separated from the property line by a landscaped strio of not less than the width of the required setback for the zoning district within which such oarking area is located, or twelve (12) feet in width, whichever is less, provided that a minimum of five (5) feet in width shall be provided. Structured parking which is above finish grade shall comply with minimum building setback requirements. Such strip shall be planted with at least one (1) deciduous tree for every two hundred (200) square feet of required landscaped strip meeting the dimensional requirements established in section 26-39.2 E (lb). Where this requirement conflicts with the orovisions of Section 26- 28(h) applicable to screenin~ between residential and commercial vrooertv, Section 26-2~(h) shall prevail and additional landsca.~ing shall not be required at that location. The above provisions notwithstanding, no more than one (1) deciduous tree for every thirty (30) linear feet of landscaoed strip shall be required. Interior landscaoin~ requirements: Parking areas containing twenty (20) or more oarkin~ spaces shall include: For every twelve (12) parking spaces l)rovided, one (II planting island of not less than nine (9) feet by eighteen fig) feet shall be provided. Where the calculation of planting island requirements results in a fraction of an island, the number of planting islands required shall be construed to be the next highest integer. Not more than twelve (12) parking spaces shall be located consecutively without an intermittent plantin~ island. Within residential townhouse developments, these requirements are superseded by Section 26-39.8 B (lb). be Each planting island shall be landscar)ed with a deciduous tree which meets the dimensional requirements established in Section 26-39.2 E (lb). The type and location of landscavin¢ shall be approved by the Director of Public Works. Ce Shrubs and ~round cover shall be planted in each olantinK island in such a manner as to Rive full coverage to the area without crowding, and shall be placed to complement tree landscapinR. Landscapin~ material shall be located within plantin~ islands in a manner which will protect the vlants from automobile bumpers and allow for the mature size of the species. 1985-24 _~_ Ge 26-39.3 5. Encroachment upon landscaped strip: Such landscaped strip shall not be encroached upon bv parkin)z and driving surfaces except that driving lanes may traverse such strip in a perpendicular manner to provide the necessary in~ress and e~ress to the parking area. In addition, no part of any motor vehicle shall overhang over any required landscaped strip. Existing trees: Develo0ers are encouraged to retain existing mature trees which exist on-site prior to develooment, pursuant to Article II, Division 10 of this Chapter entitled "Trees". Existing trees preserved in a healthy state and meeting dimensional requirements established herein shall be credited toward landscapin~ requirements. Where other provisions of this Chapter dictate landscaoing or soatial requirements different from those contained above, the more stringent requirements shall prevail unless otherwise noted. LIGHTING: Lighting within parkin~ areas shall be directed in such a manner as not to produce glare on adiacent property, or streets. No lightin~ fixture shall exceed fifteen (15~ feet in height within or immediately adiacent to any residential district, nor shall any li,~htin[ fixture exceed thirty (30~ feet in height elsewhere. No lightinff fixture shall be located within any required plantin[ island. MAINTENANCE= Parking area improvements including landscaped areas and pavement shall be continually maintained to ensure adequate safety, as well as functional and aesthetic characteristics. Landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy, thrivin~ and attactive condition. Landscaoin~ materials shall be re~laced, where necessary, and kept free of refuse and debris. The property, owner shall be resoonsible for the maintenance of parkin~ areas. OFF-STREET PARKING IN THE OLD AND HISTORIC DISTRICT With the Old and Historic District (as described in Section 26-19g) off-street oarking may be provided in a permitted commercial parking facility or facilities located on other off-street prooerty as follows: Both the princioal use and the commercial oarking facility must be located within the Old and Historic District. Be The owner of the princioal use shall have the right to reserve a certain number of oarking spaces within the commercial parkin~ facility, and such reservation shall be for a term of not less than twenW-five years at the time of aoolication for credit to the Zonin~ Adminstrator. The owner of the principal use shall execute and acknowledge a certificate setting forth the number of oarking spaces subject to such reservation, the number of maces previously dedicated to other uses with the addresses of such uses, the number of soaces which the owner dedicates to the ~rincipal use in question, and the address of the principal use, which certificate shall be filed in the office of the Zoning Administrator to~ether with a certificate executed and acknowledged by the owner of the commercial parkinz facility settin~ forth the address of the commercial Darking facility, total number of parking spaces in such faciliw, the number allocated to public use, and the number subject to reservations as aforesaid, and to whom, for what term, and in what number such reservations are allocated. 1985-24 -5- Ee Fo ~7-39 Upon the proper filin~ of such certificates, if the commercial oarkin~ facility otherwise complies with the applicable provisions of the Code, the Zonin~ Administrator shall credit the number of parkin~ spaces dedicated to the pricipal use toward the off-street parkin~ requirements of the orincipal use and shall annotate the certificate of occupancy to reflect such credit. Any certificate of occupancy issued pursuant to such a credit shall be conditional upon the continued reservation of such oarkin~ spaces dedicated to the principal use. If the reservation lapses, expires, or for qanv other reason terminates, the certificate of occupancy issued Dursuant thereto shall be subject to suspension by the Zonin~ Adminstrator if the required off-street Darkin~ is not otherwise orovided on site, pursuant to this section, or pursuant to Secion 26-39.7. NothinR in this section shall be deemed to prohibit the owner of the commercial parkin¢ facility from imposinR a fee upon the users of parkin~ spaces in the facility, in such amounts and upon such terms as the owner and the users may aRree, whether or not such spaces are subiect to a reservation as aforesaid; nor shall this section be deemed to require that a particular parkin¢ soace be assigned to any reservation, provided that the total number of reservations does not exceed the number of ~arkin~ spaces which are not otherwise set aside for use exclusively by the ~eneral public. Acceptance of any reservation for credit as off-street Darkin~ shall not obligate the City to enforce the provisions of such reservation, nor shall it render the City liable for any damages, iniurv or loss resultin~ from the imr>lementation of the various provisions of such reservation. REOUIRED OFF-STREET PARKING AREA COMPUTATION OF REOUIRED AREA: Gross floor area shall be used to compute that required off-street Darkin~ area which is based upon floor area. Parkin~ spaces required on an employee basis shall be based on the anticipated maximum number of employees on the premises at any one time. Parkin~ spaces based on seatin~ capacity where fixed seats are not used shall be determined by computin~ the maximum number of temporary seats which can be accommodated in the assembly area. A seatin~ svace on bleacher or bench seatin~ shall be construed to he two (2~ feet in width. Where the calculation of Darkin~ area requirements results in a fraction of a s~ace, the number of Darkin~ s~aces required shall be construed to be the next highest integer. Where the required number of oarkin~ spaces is not set forth for a specific use, and where no applicable ~eneral type of use is listed, the Zonin~ Administrator shall determine the number of parkin~ spaces required based on a specified use with the most similar parking, character istics. The minimum varkin~ required for multiple uses situated within the same structure or otherwise located on the same lot shall be the sum of the spaces required for each individual use, except as provided for in Section 26-39.7. The minimum dimensions of spaces and aisles within oarkin~ areas shall be in accordance with the followin~ minimum standards: 1985-24 -6- DRIVE-IN ESTABLISHMENT DRIVE-IN WINDOW STACKING SPACE (10'x 20' min.) STACKING LANE a b c d e Parking Stall Curb Stall Depth Stall Depth Angle Width* Length to Curb to Interlock f Aisle Width 1-Way/2-Way 45° 9' 12.7' 19.0' 16.0' 60° 9' 10.4' 20.0' 17.5' 90° 9' 9.0' 18.0' 18.0' 12'/18' 16'/20' 23'/23' * 8.5' min. where parking space is adjacent and parallel to a landscaped island. ** This dimension may be reduced by as much as 1.5' where the Director of Public Works determines that additional overhang has been provided. REOUIRED PARKING SPACES: Off-street st)aces shall be provided tn accordance with the followin~ minimum standards: 1. Residential/Related Uses Dwelling, single-family detached and semi-detached (duplex): Two (2/ spaces Der unit, provided that one (D space Der unit shall have convenient access to a street. Dwelling, single-family attached (Townhouse/: Two (21 soaces Der unit, olus one ill additional space for each three (31 units. Required parking shall be located in parking areas adjacent to the unit for which it is required, or located entirely within a separate common parking lot. No more than thirty (30t oarking soaces shall be located in such lot; orovided, however, that one (D oarkin~ area for uo to fifty i50t Darkin~ soaces may be Drovided for each five (5! acres of gross area in the townbouse develoDment. No common oarking area shall be located closer than twenty-five (251 feet from another such parking area. No more than ten (101 oarkin~ soaces shall be located consecutively without a landscaoed island at least ten (101 feet in width sevaratin~ such svaces. c. Dwelling, multi-family: Two (2/ spaces Der unit. 1985-24 -7- d. Rooming, Boarding and Lodging House: One (1) space for each sleeping room. Community Facilities and Places of Assembly a. Auditorium, theater, gymnasium, arena, convention hall: Ce dt fe ge he One (D space for each three (3) seats. Church, temple, synagogue or similar olace of worship: One (D space for each four (4-) seats in the Drincioal place of worshio; provided that the number of sl~aces required on-site may be reduced by the Director of Public Works by as much as fifty percent (50%) to the extent that parking sDaces have been made available on a long-term basis by oermission of the owner on a public or commercial oarking lot located within 500 feet of the place of worshir~. Commercial Swimming Pool: One (D space for every four (4) persons lawfully permitted in the Pool at one time, olus one (D space per employee. Community Swimming Pool: One (D sl~ace for every seven (7) oersons lawfully permitted in the ~ool at one time, Dlus one (D space Der employee. Golf Course: Five (5) sDaces for each hole of the main course. Community tennis, handball or racquet court: Four (¢) soaces for each court. Private club, lodge and similar facility: One (1) space for every three (3) members; or one (II sl~ace for every four hundred (t~00) square feet of floor area in meeting rooms; or five (5) sDaces for each golf hole, whichever is greater. Day care center, nursery school: One (D space for each employee, plus one (II drop-off space for each five (5) children the facility is designed to accommodate, Dlus loading and stacking sl>aces for each bus used, Dlus one parking space for each vehicle to be retained on the site; provided, however that any such use operated within a residence in a residential district and accommodating five or fewer children shall only be required to provide one (D space for each staff person, in which case .parking for the residence may be counted toward required parking. Elementary and Intermediate School: Based on a review by the Zoning Administrator of each oroDosal including such factors as the occupancy load of all classroom facilities, auditoriums, athletic fields and stadiums, the number of buses, proposed SDecial education programs, student/teacher ratios, and the availability of areas On the site 1985-24 -8- which can be used for auxiliary parking in times of peak demand; but in no instance shall less than one (1) space for each faculty and staff member and other full-time employee plus four (~) visitor spaces be provided. High School: Based on a review by the Zonin~ Administrator of each proposal including such factors as the occupancy load of all classroom facilities, auditoriums, athletic fields and stadiums, proposed special education programs, student-teacher ratios, and the availability of areas on the site which can he used for auxiliary parking in times of peak demand; but in no instance shall be less than one (B space for each eight (8) students based on design caDaciW; plus one (1) space Der faculty and staff member and other full-time employee, plus one (1) space for (.10) seats of auditorium or public assembly facility be provided. College, university and similar facility: Based on a review by the Zoninz Administrator of each proposal including such factors as the occupancy load of all classroom facilities, auditoriums, athletic fields and stadiums, and the availability of parking in times of peak demand. Hospital, nursing home, convalescent home, emergency medical clinic, and similar facility: One (1) space for every two (2) beds, plus one and one-half (1 1/2) spaces for each emergency room examination table or bed, plus one (1) space for each doctor and staff person. m. Library, museum and similar cultural facility: One (1) space for every two hundred fifty (250) square feet of gross floor area, but in no case shall less than ten (10) spaces be required. COMMERCIAL AND RELATED USES ae be ce de Automobile service station/gasoline sales: Two (2) spaces for each service bay, rack or similar facility, plus one (1) space for each employee, plus additional spaces as required herein for auxiliary uses; but in no case shall less than ten (10) spaces be provided. Automobile repair service: One (B space for every two hundred fifty (250) square feet of gross floor area, plus two (2) spaces for each service bay, DIps one (B space for each employee. Automobile laundry/car wash: Automatic: Twenty (20) standing spaces per wash bay, plus one (B space for each employee. ii. Self-serve: Five (5~ standing spaces Der wash bay, plus one (1) t~arking soace for each bay for the purpose of drying, plus one (B sDace for each employee. Bowling alley: Four (A~) sDaces for each alley, plus additional required spaces for each ancillary snack bar. 1985-24 -9- me Convenience store: One (1) space for every one hundred twenty-five (125) square feet of gross floor area. Financial institution: One (1) space for every two hundred fifty (250) square feet of gross floor area, plus sufficient area for eight (8) stacking spaces for the first of any drive-in windows plus three (3) stacking spaces for each additional window. Furniture, carpet or appliance store: One (1) space for every four hundred (t+00) square feet of gross floor area, plus one (1) space for each employee. Funeral home or mortuary: One (1) space for every four (~) seats in the main chapel or parlor, plus one (1) space for every two {2) employees, but in no instance shall less than twenty (20) spaces be provided. Hotel, motel, motor lodge: One (0 space for each sleeping room, plus one (1) space for every three hundred fifty (350) square feet of floor area used for meetings, plus additional space for ancillary uses as required. Medical or dental office or clinic: One (1) space for every one hundred fifty (150) square feet of gross floor area, or four (~) spaces for each examination or treatment room plus one (1) additional space for each individual working at the facility, whichever is greater. Motor vehicle sales, lease and rental: One (1) space for every vehicle displayed for sales, lease or rental, plus one (1) space for every five hundred (500) square feet of enclosed display floor area, plus one (1) space for every 2500 square feet of open sales/rental display lot area, plus two (2) spaces for each service bay, plus one (1) space for every two hundred fifty (250) square feet of gross floor area for office or garage. Office or office building: One (1) space for every two hundred fifty (250) square feet of gross floor area. Photography studio, dry cleaner, beauty parlor, other personal service establishment: One (1) space for every two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area, provided that no less than three (3) spaces shall be provided. Restaurant: i. Restaurant: One (1) space for every four (#) seats, plus one (1) space for each employee, provided that in no case shall less than one space for every one hundred (100) square feet of gross floor area be provided. 1985-24 ii. Restaurant with dancing or entertainment: One (11 space for every four f4) seats, plus one fl) space for each employee. Additional parking spaces shall be Drovided based on the following formula: total number of seats subtracted from the occupancy load, then multiplied by 0.5. In no case, however, shall less than one fl) space for every seventy-five (751 square feet of floor area be provided. iii. Fast food restaurant: One fl) space for every three f31 seats, plus one ill space for each employee, provided that in no case shall less than one space for every seventh-five (75) square feet of .ross floor area be provided. In addition, fifteen f151 stackin~ spaces shall be provided for the drive-in window. iv. Refreshment area or restaurant as a subordinate use: One (Il space for every eight (gl seats, plus one (11 space for each restaurant worker or employee, provided that in no case shall less than one fl) space for every two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area be provided. o. Retail sales establishment other than those listed heretofore: One (1) sDace for every two hundred (?00/ square feet of gross floor area. p. Veterinary clinic/animal hospital: Two (21 spaces for every treatment room Drovided that in no case shall less than five ¢5) spaces be provided. INDUSTRIAL AND RELATED USES: a. Mini-storaRe warehouse: One (1) space for every seven (7) storage units, plus two (2) spaces for the manager's office. be Wholesale, warehousine, distribution and other industrial and related use: One (1) space for every five hundred (500/ square feet of gross floor area, or two f2) spaces for every three (3) employees, whichever is ~reater, plus one fl) space for every three hundred (300) square feet of office and sales space, plus one fll space for each vehicle to be retained on the premises. 26-39J OFF-STREET LOADING A. GENERAL PROVISIONS for off-street loading. All required off-street loading areas shall be located on the same lot as the use served. Loading areas shall be designed and constructed in a manner which will facilitate efficient traffic flow and not impede the circulation of vehicles in any off-street parkin~ or drivin¢ area. All off-street loading areas shall be provided with safe and convenient access to a street. 1985-24 -Il- All off-street loadin~ areas shall be designed and constructed to accommodate the larRest vehicles likely to service the use on a frequent and regular basis, but in no case shall loadin.R spaces be less than twelve (12) feet in width and twenty-five (~5) feet in lenRth. Such desiRn shall be approved by the Director of Public Works. B. REQUIRED LOADING SPACES Off-street loadin~ st>aces shall be provided for each use in not less than the amounts set forth below for every buildin¢, or buildin~ ~rouv where more than one buildin~ is developed as part of a unified project, or addition thereto, and for each use of land hereafter established: Personal service establishment, repair service establishment. One (Il space for the first 10,000 square feet of floor area, plus one (B space for each additional '~0,000 square feet or major fraction thereof. 2. Retail, restaurant: One (B space for the first 10,000 square feet of floor area, plus one (Il space for each additional 15,000 square feet or maior fraction thereof. 3. Hotel, motel, commercial recreation facility: One (1) space for the first 10,000 square feet of floor area plus one (1) space for each additional 100,000 square feet or major fraction thereof. Office: One (Il space for the first 10,000 square feet of floor area, Dlus one (Il space for each additional ~0,000 square feet or maior fraction thereof. Warehousing, manufacturing, heavy equipment and motor vehicle sales, rental and service establishment: One (B space for the first 5,000 square feet of floor area, vlus one (B space for each additional 30,000 square feet or major fraction thereof. 6. Wholesale establishment: One (Il space for the first 10,000 square feet of floor area, plus one (B sl~ace for each additional 30,000 square feet or major fraction thereof. 26-39.6 PARKING STRUCTURES Landsca~inq shall be provided in all yards pursuant to l~erimeter landscapinu[ requirements. Provided, however, that where the location of such structure with respect to the pror>ertv boundary and adjacent structures will substantially inhibit the Rrowth of deciduous trees required by Section 26-39.2 E (2), such trees shall be located alon~ another perimeter of the site in a manner apr>roved by the Director of Public Works. Internal landscaping requirements shall not avon where covered structured r>arking is proposed. Where uncovered structured r>arking is Droops.d, if the varkin~ surface is at ~rade or ur> to five (5! feet above grade measured from -12- 1985-24 the highest level of grade adjacent to the structure, then internal landscaping requirements shall apply; provided, however, that the develoDer may substitute olant materials such as smaller trees or shrubs for the trees required in planting islands by Section 26-39P_ E (4))) upon the approval of the type and size of olant material by the Director of Public Works. Internal landscaping requirements shall not avon where uncovered structured parking surface is proposed greater than five (5) feet above ~rade. ADproDriate screening in the form of a wall or landscaoin~ shall be established to provide a complete, year-round buffer of exposed motor vehicles from adjacent property and rights-of-way. Anv such landscaped buffer shall be a minimum of five (5~ feet in width. All Darkin~ structures shall have such desi~n and character as not to detract from the value and general harmony of design of buildings existing in the surrounding ares. Parking structures shall not be designed and located in such a manner as to produce undue noise, friar,, smoke or odor which may affect any residential district. 26-39.7 SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS The City Council may, by special exception, modify the oarking area requirements contained in this Division in accordance with the limitations set forth below. Such special exception shall be issued subject to such conditions deemed necessary by City Council to insure compatibility with surroundin~ land uses and conditions. Special exceptions shall be granted pursuant to the procedures and limitations established for special use permits set forth in Section 26-103. At the time of application for a special exception, the applicant shall submit a preliminary development Dian providing all information pertinent to the application. A. Shopping center and mixed use development: Off-street Darking spaces in such development may be reduced by UD to twenty (?_0) oercent of the sum of the total off-street parking requirements of the various uses comouted seoaratelv. The City Council shall first make the finding, however, that the development meets the following requisites: The uses within such development shall be of such a nature that major parking demands occur on different days of the week or during different hours and, because of alternative parking demands, parking spaces will be ~enerallv available for each use in accordance with the normally applicable standards. Any reduction in required parking will not imoair the adequate supply of liRht or air to adjacent property or unreasonably increase the congestion on public streets, endanger the oublic safety, diminish or impair established Droperty values in the surrounding area, or in any other respect impair the health, safety, comfort and welfare of the inhabitants of the City. Requests for reduction in required Darking may be granted in whole, in Dart, or denied bv the Council after considering the aforementioned requisites. Any reduction of required parkin~ granted under the provisions of this Section shall not reduce the landscaoinff requirements applicable to parking lots, which shall be based on the total parking area requirement prior to any parking reduction granted by sDecial exception. 1985-24 -13- Ce Any reduction of required parking granted under the provisions of this Division shall remain effective only so long as the total parking requirements apl~licable to all uses within the development do not exceed those planned at the time of ~ranting the reduction. Any increase in total off-street parking required by this Division whether by virtue of change of use or increase in building capacity shall invalidate the special exception. Parkin~ on Separate Lot: Where practical difficulties would unreasonably restrict the provision of any or all required parking on the same lot as the principal use, or if the public safety or public convenience would be better served by the placement of the parking area on another lot, then the City Council may grant a special exception authorizing off-site parking provided that: Such parking area shall be located on property upon which the right to said use is established by ownership, easement or similar recorded covenant or agreement, the form and content of which shall be approved by the City Attorney to ensure the availability of such spaces for so lon~ as the use shall exist. Such parking area shall be located on property possessing the same or greater intensity zoning district designation as the principal use. Such parking area shall be located no farther than five hundred (500) feet from the principal building entrance and shall be accessible by a public sidewalk or other improved pedestrian accesswa¥. The right of said use of such accesswav, if not a public sidewalk, shall be as established above. Such parking area shall be conveniently usable without causin~ unreasonable: a. hazard to pedestrian and vehicular traffic; b. traffic congestion; or c. interference with safe and convenient access to other parking. Signa~e shall be provided at such parking location identifying the facility which it serves. No parking space thus provided shall be counted toward the required parking for any other business or use. This subsection (26-39.7 (B)) shall not apply to parkin~ facilities provided in the Old and Historic District under the provisions of Section 26-39.3. Modifications or waivers in general: Modifications or waiver from the other terms of this Division may be granted by Council by special exception in accordance with the procedures and standards established above. Such modification or waiver shall be not granted, however, until the applicant has clearly demonstrated that the request: Will not result in increased traffic congestion or otherwise negatively impact existing traffic flow or oedestrian and vehicular safety; and Will not be contrary to the objectives specified in the Comprehensive Plan; and 3. Will permit the reasonable use of the subject l~ropertv; and 1985-24 Will not adversely impact adjacent property or the surrounding area. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that Article II, Division 9, Sec. 26-58 pertaining to off-street parking requirements for schools be and hereby is deleted in its entirety. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that Section 26-~ be and it hereby is amended by deleting the existing definition of "off-street parking space" and substitutin~ the following: "Off-Street Parking Space: A delineated area for the Darking of a motor vehicle havin~ the minimum dimensions of nine (,9) feet by eighteen (,18) feet and directly accessible to an aisle from which motor vehicles enter and leave; provided, however, that parking for single-family detached and semi-detached residences need not be directly accessible to an aisle." BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that Section ?.6-4 be and it herebv is amended by incoroorating the following definitions of "loading area" and "parking structure": "Loading Area: Off-street space which includes loading spaces and appurtenant maneuvering aisles, designed in accordance with the ~rovisions of Section 26-39.5, for the loading or unloading of ~oods." "Parkin~ Structure: A combination of materials utilizing walls or columns for support to form a construction to be used for the parking or loadin~ of motor vehicles either above or below ~rade." This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its bein~ signed by the M ay or. Planning Commission Hearing: August ~6~ 1985 City Council Hearing: August 27~ 1985 Adopted: August 27~ 1985 ATTEST: C~l} Cl~./tk